No More Men in Women’s Sports

I’m happy that Trump put an end to the “trans” nonsense in women’s sports. However, here he is signing the executive order:

What a beautiful and wholesome photo! Not a Diversity in sight!!

Would it have bothered me if there were black and brown faces in the crowd? Not really, but the fact that nobody felt it necessary to FORCE Diversity into this photoshoot says a lot – and it’s all positive.

Yes, there does seem to be one Asian woman lurking in the shadows, but it doesn’t look like she was put there to virtue signal; it looks natural. Also, Asians don’t count much for Diversity.

It just occurred to me that, in all the years that I’ve been blogging (since 2011 I think), not once have I had the opportunity to write something positive about government and Whites. This is a first. Perhaps I might have to create a new category: “Government positivity toward Whites.”

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Confronting School Indoctrination First Hand

I just got back from a visit back to the US, where I was taking care of one of my child-relatives; he was convalescing from surgery.

The state (or county) paid for a teacher to visit his home several times a week for a two-hour session. I would be nearby, and could hear some of what went on. He’s in high school.

From the start, the teacher (an older woman who mentioned that she’s also Jewish) instructed my relative to draw an “Identity Tree.” Ostensibly, it would illustrate my relative’s past, his present and his future dreams and aspirations.

Here’s an example of what it was supposed to look like:

The clouds at the top indicate hopes for the world as a whole. As you can see, “teacher pay,” “LGBTQ rights” and “racial equality” are displayed. At the sides, we can see that “cisgender” and “white” are included. The term “ally” also appears, and it’s a loaded one. Clearly, the groundwork for intense indoctrination is being laid – and he’s already had several years of similar propaganda aimed at him.

His mom is a leftist, so I had to be careful with any responses I might have; she would not be on my side. I decided to try to give him some general information. For example, how to recognize propaganda, bias and ideology as opposed to actual facts.

He suffers from severe ADHD, and it was extremely difficult to speak to him about such things. He was not receptive at all, and he even told me he only wanted to finish his homework and then get on with his video games. The teacher had the authority to teach him. I did not. He was very defensive when I tried to help him with his homework. He thought it was bizarre that I was even interested.

It took him 4 days to finish the Identity Tree, and it did not include “teacher pay” or “racial equality.”

In “history,” the teacher was very keen on “Out of Africa.” For science, they had him watch videos from Neil Degrasse Tyson, with an emphasis on ignorant people (IE. Climate-Change deniers, vaccine-deniers and evolution-deniers) sometimes get into positions of power.

The videos consistently showed Republicans as the ignorant ones and Democrats as the enlightened, educated, ones. I explained to him that there are extremists on both sides of the isle.

It was obvious that this was indoctrination under a thin veneer of “education.” There was little I could do about it. At the end of my visit, my young relative mentioned that I’m always bringing up “politics” or “government” but that he paid no attention to my ramblings. It’s probably too late for him.

There are millions like him in the US and Europe. What I saw reinforces what I’ve been saying for years:

“Leftists are mass-produced. Conservatives are self-made.”

Posted in activism, examples of propaganda, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | 2 Comments

From the Mouth of a Black Man

I just returned from a visit back to the States, and I have some things to say about that, but for now I’ll entertain y’all with a conversation I had with a black American friend here in Dominican Republic. He’s a friendly guy, and fun to hang out with, but he’s swallowed the black-nationalist cool aid; he believes a lot of the propaganda about how black people are oppressed, White-privilege etc. He believes that the ancient Egyptians were black, and that Cleopatra was black.

Today, we were talking about Uber grocery deliveries. I’ll paraphrase what he told us:

I’ve used dozens of Uber grocery shoppers over the years. I have a lot of experience with Mexican, White and black shoppers.

The White shoppers are the smartest, the black shoppers are the dumbest and the laziest. The Mexican shoppers work the hardest, but they’re not too bright.

I told him that had he been White, his observations would make him a “racist.”

Posted in Africa and blacks, racial differences and how they manifest themselves/race science | Leave a comment

Why Does Evil Win and Why I Tolerate Antisemites

Muslims in Nigeria have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning their churches and abducting their women and girls. To the best of my knowledge, Christians have not responded in kind.

Muslims in Europe have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning their churches and abducting their women and girls. To the best of my knowledge, Christians have not responded in kind.

Blacks in the Western world have been slaughtering Whites and Asians for years, robbing them, raping them and harassing them. To the best of my knowledge, Whites and Asians have not responded in kind.

I can think of two main reasons there has been no retribution:

  1. Christians, Whites and Asians tend to be non-violent pacifists
  2. There are a lot of good, honorable, people who are Muslim or black. Christians, Whites and Asians frown upon attacking good, honorable, people. They tend to respond to kindness with kindness.

Unfortunately, large minorities (in some places, even majorities) of Muslims and blacks do not believe in reciprocating kindness with kindness. Instead, they perceive such kindness as weakness – or worse, as tribute that they deserve anyway (reparations or jizya, as the case may be).

There is no equivalent population of Christians, Whites or Asians that views Muslims and blacks the same way; such people exist only in insignificant numbers. We read about their outbursts in Corporate Media.

There is a world war right now. It’s between Christians, Whites and Asians on one side (IE. civilization) and Muslims and blacks on the other (IE. savagery).

The forces of civilization are paralyzed because they don’t want to hurt honorable Muslims and blacks. This looks very much like a two-pronged attack on Civilization, with the honorable Muslims and blacks serving (unwittingly) as a defensive bulwark, while their bloodthirsty brothers and sisters continue the carnage.

Millions of good-intentioned Muslims and blacks are serving as human shields so that savages can carry on their dirty work. Sometimes, the “good intentions” are not sincere; Taqiyah might be the true motivation.

The forces of savagery have an inherent advantage. It’s easy for them to identify Christians, Whites and Asians as targets, and they don’t nitpick. They don’t even care if some of their own get killed in the process; human life means little to them. In contrast, the forces of civilization won’t attack a member of the hostile demographic until he’s tried and convicted. Even then, the punishment is often laughable.

Christians, Whites and Asians have a tough choice to make: Descend to the level of their immoral enemies or surrender their liberty and civilization to said enemies.

Yes, I realize that many Christians are black, some Asians and Whites are Muslim, and many Christians, Whites and Asians fight for evil. The categories and labels will change according to circumstances. The same (civilized) Christian victims in Nigeria might be “savages” in a different time and place. Each scenario must be judged in context.

What about Jews in the Western world? Unfortunately, many of us fight for the wrong side. Almost all of our institutions, along with many of our rabbis and influential individuals, actively promote savagery over civilization.

In Israel, it’s clearly the Palestinians who are the savages, while Israelis represent civilization. If you doubt this, look at how each side treats women, animals and sexual minorities. Some Diaspora Jews will support the side of savagery in the West, but the forces of civilization in Israel. How can we blame antisemites for pointing out this hypocrisy?

A lot of antisemites view Jews as a force of evil. How can we blame them when we act the part? How can we condemn them when we refuse to condemn the evil within our own ranks? How can we judge them for choosing to treat us as the enemy when they’ve concluded that the alternative is the destruction of their civilization and liberty?

All my adult life, I’ve strived to be the “honorable Jew.” The uncomfortable question is:

In doing so, am I serving as a human shield for the forces of evil?

Posted in Africa and blacks, Jewish stuff and Israel, Muslims | Tagged , | 8 Comments

What are They Afraid of?

I/o is as politically neutral and middle-of-the-road as they come on X; sometimes painfully so. He’s an outspoken critic of MAGA and of White-nationalism. However, he leans toward race-realism, and here’s what he (she?) recently tweeted:

The decoding of the human genome brought powerful tools to investigate the relationship between genes, race, and IQ. But fear of where this research might go led the best genetic database in the US to remove access to scientists investigating race and IQ.

The survey of scientists conducting research in this area published in 2020 indicated that findings on human intelligence have been tipping over the past few decades in favor of those who believe race IQ gaps have at least a partial genetic basis. The left has waged a continuous campaign of smears, misinformation, data suppression, censorship, cancellation, grants withholding, and even physical intimidation and violence, to stop this research. Activist scientist Eric Turkheimer famously wrote that if the hereditarian hypothesis were ever proved correct it would be like an “atom bomb going off.”

One of the most highly-regarded researchers on intelligence in the world, James Lee, writes that “a policy of deliberate ignorance has corrupted top scientific institutions in the West… journals will often reject submissions that offend prevailing political orthodoxies, especially if they involve controversial aspects of human biology and behavior—no matter how scientifically sound the work might be…”

“American geneticists now face an even more drastic form of censorship: exclusion from access to the data necessary to conduct analyses, let alone publish results… The restrictions appear to be invented to impede research on certain topics that… are out of bounds.”

I’ll go ahead and post some of the linked article*, but first I want to emphasis that I’m not claiming that NIH officials have strong evidence of genes/alleles that cause racial differences in IQ. More likely, they know that there MIGHT BE such evidence in the data, and they’re doing everything in their control to prevent it from seeing the light of day.

James Lee is a behavioral geneticist at the University of Minnesota. The article is from 2022, so this is not “breaking news.” Still, it needs to be brought up as much as possible.

A policy of deliberate ignorance has corrupted top scientific institutions in the West. It’s been an open secret for years that prestigious journals will often reject submissions that offend prevailing political orthodoxies—especially if they involve controversial aspects of human biology and behavior—no matter how scientifically sound the work might be. The leading journal Nature Human Behaviour recently made this practice official in an editorial effectively announcing that it will not publish studies that show the wrong kind of differences between human groups…

My colleagues at other universities and I have run into problems involving applications to study the relationships among intelligence, education, and health outcomes. Sometimes, NIH denies access to some of the attributes that I have just mentioned, on the grounds that studying their genetic basis is “stigmatizing.” Sometimes, it demands updates about ongoing research, with the implied threat that it could withdraw usage if it doesn’t receive satisfactory answers. In some cases, NIH has retroactively withdrawn access for research it had previously approved.

Note that none of the studies I am referring to include inquiries into race or sex differences. Apparently, NIH is clamping down on a broad range of attempts to explore the relationship between genetics and intelligence.

What is NIH’s justification? Studies of intelligence do not pose any greater threat to the dignity of their participants than research based on non-genetic factors. With the customary safeguards in place, research activities such as genetically predicting an individual’s academic performance need be no more “stigmatizing” than predicting academic performance based on an individual’s family structure during childhood…

NIH’s responsibility is to protect the safety and privacy of research participants, not to enforce a party line. Indeed, no apparent legal basis exists for these restrictions. NIH enforces hundreds of regulations, but you will search in vain for any grounds on which to ban “stigmatizing” research—whatever that even means.

The restrictions appear to be invented to impede research on certain topics that anonymous bureaucrats with ideological motivations have decided are out of bounds. It’s impossible to know whether senior NIH officials have instigated the restrictions or merely accepted them tacitly. Perhaps they are unaware of the problem; officials far down the bureaucratic ladder are responsible for approving specific applications…

The federal government was under no obligation to assemble the magnificent database that is the dbGaP. Now that it has done so at taxpayer expense, however, it does have an obligation to provide access to that database evenhandedly—not to allow it for some and deny it to others, based on the content of their research.

*I’ve requested permission to post the entire article. If received, I’ll update the post accordingly

Posted in freedom of speech issues, government/corporate discrimination against whites, Race science | Leave a comment

TNB in Dominican Republic

Black-nationalism, among black gringos, is strong here. The undercurrent of black-nationalism takes a few forms.

It’s common to see American blacks wearing Islamic head gear, and it’s a safe bet that they belong to the Nation of Islam. Afrocentric t-shirts are also fairly common. I’ve seen one that says “Black Men Don’t Cheat.” Another said “I Love Black People.” Some simply say “Black Power” or show the raised fist emblem.

More typical are the pimps and big cigar smokers (BCSs). The pimps will dress up, as if for Halloween, in over-the-top pimp outfits. I’ll admit that I find those entertaining.

The BCSs will sit at outdoor tables on the street, or strut about, smoking big cigars. The way they carry themselves is comical, because it’s obvious that they believe their big cigars make them tough guys. “Don’t mess wit me! I gots a BIG CIGAR!”

Yesterday, I was chillin’ wit mah homie at a popular cafe’. A BCS was sitting by himself at another table. Suddenly, there was a commotion. One of the employees had told him that he must either purchase something or leave; he can’t take up a table unless he’s a customer. He had not purchased the cigar at that establishment.

He angrily confronted the employee, who probably makes the equivalent of $200 a month, and screamed at her, “You only treating me like that because I’m BLACK!!”

She pointed out, in broken English, that she’s also black. The man stood there, towering over her, for a moment, and then stormed off… driving off in his car.

My friend pointed out that if he could afford a car, he could definitely afford a coffee. The incident was ridiculous on several levels.

I’ve spoken to many White gringos here who have experienced discrimination on account of them being White. Not ONE OF THEM ever made a scene over it. They take it in stride, and they take into consideration the fact that they’re much better off than the ones doing the discrimination against them; typically, it’s petty things, such as the cafe’ incident.

Posted in Africa and blacks, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Costco Accuses MAGA of Hypocricy

In an article by Lucy Strathmore, we read that the “all-White” Costco board of directors accuses MAGA of hypocrisy:

The NCPPR contends it’s “clear that DEI holds litigation, reputational and financial risks to the Company, and therefore financial risks to shareholders.”

Costco calls out this threat, saying essentially that the NCPPR is not a concerned party merely warning presciently of an outside threat — but rather that NCPPR and groups like them are the threat.

Costco writes: “The proponent professes concern about legal and financial risks to the company and its shareholders associated with the diversity initiatives,” yet it is they who are “inflicting burdens on companies with their challenges to longstanding diversity programs.”

While it’s true that companies may face lawsuits for the implementation of antiwhite policies (DEI), it’s also true that they may face lawsuits for FAILURE to implement such policies.

To draw attention to one, while ignoring the other, is a form of hypocrisy. Most Americans would probably agree that when confronted with contradictory laws, one demanding racial discrimination, and another forbidding it, it’s best to follow the law that forbids it.

Personally, I believe that racial discrimination should be allowed, and even encouraged, in today’s America. White people should be given preference for many government jobs.

For decades, black people have benefited from grade-inflation, systemic cheating in their favor in academia, preferential treatment in college admissions and unearned recruitment and promotions. The result is, obviously, a black workforce that is (overall) inferior to the White workforce. A diploma in the hands of a black person simply does not carry as much weight as a similar diploma in the hands of a White person.

Corporations and government agencies would be perfectly justified in assuming that black candidates are inferior to their White counterparts – and this is without taking into consideration biological differences; it’s simply because of the way government and corporations have pandered to blacks in recent years. Lower expectations lead to inferior results.

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Maybe it’s Time for Rightists to Adapt to the Real World

It’s illegal to incite violence. This is a major reason there are no mainstream conservative voices calling for violence; people don’t want to get arrested.

I also don’t want to get arrested, so please interpret this post as merely an analysis of the facts on the ground. Don’t do anything rash because of it.

United Healthcare, and its late CEO, got a lot of hate for excessive denials of claims. Sometimes, these denials would cost people their lives.

I don’t claim to be an expert on the matter, but it seems likely that this outrage was justified:

Here’s a comment to my response:

A lot of conservatives have a knee-jerk reaction to ridicule and dismiss anything that triggers leftist outrage. Some of us reach a different conclusion after delving deeper. I’ll admit that I tend to be a bit slow sometimes, but let’s admit that:

a. There is such a thing as greedy, unprincipled, CEOs

b. The concept of “corporations” is sketchy at best

c. We should demand, from government and corporations, that they consider more than just profits

Generally speaking, rightists (insofar as they recognize the above as issues) seek to change the system through non-violent means.

Leftists have fewer qualms about using violence to change the system.

The Establishment Left, and its underground proxies, have always used violence to achieve its ends. From the French Revolution to the Bolsheviks to Antifa, the Left has operated in either an openly violent manner – or, more recently, under a thin veneer of “respectability” over a violent core. We saw this during the riots of 2020, when Democrat politicians encouraged violence, refused to prosecute it, refused to acknowledge it – and deflected by creating a “problem” of right-wing violence out of thin air.

The recent assassination of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson made this obvious. Many leftists came out of the woodwork in support of the shooter.

In contrast, if a right-winger were to assassinate a prominent leftist personality, there would be almost unanimous condemnation from right-wing circles.

We like to imagine that the modern world has moved beyond violence. That we’re somehow more civilized than our brutish caveman ancestors. The facts show the opposite. The 20th century, its winners and losers, was defined by violence. There is no indication that the 21st century will turn out any differently. In fact, it will probably be much worse.

With over 8 billion people alive on Earth today, there are far more opportunities to create corpses than there were during the great wars of the 20th century.

Muslims have always been about violence. It was either direct violence, or the threat thereof, that spread Islam throughout the world. This strategy continues in Europe. Non-Muslim children are beaten up in European schools, Native European women are harassed, raped, and beaten by Muslims all over Western Europe. European gatherings, such as Christman markets and parades, are targets for mass murder by Muslims. European politicians who oppose the spread of Islam require constant security. Some have already been murdered.

Leftism/progressivism and Islam are brothers in violence. Perhaps this is why leftists have so much respect for Islam; they look at Islam and see themselves staring back.

We live in a violent world. At some point, rightists will have to adapt. Evolution favors the strongest. The meek don’t always inherit the Earth.

Posted in crime and violence, politics, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Censorship is Strong in Germany

In my last post, I pointed out that Google now shows the actual American Renaissance website as its top result for “American Renaissance.”

Alas, this is not entirely correct. I set my VPN to Germany, and these are the German results:

My virtual trip to Germany was to confirm this tweet from Libs of TikTok:

Indeed, these are the results that I got.

People believe that when the Berlin Wall fell, it was Communist East Germany that lost. If so, it was a hollow victory; elements of Communism are still alive and well in Germany.

As we mourn the victims of the latest Christmas market massacre, at the hands of an invader, let us hope that AfD has a massive win in Germany. If so, then perhaps their deaths would not have been in vain.

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

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American Renaissance is Moving UP in the World

Congratulations to American Renaissance (Jared Taylor?). Its account has finally been reinstated to X. It took a lot of nudging, a petition and complaining, but Elon Musk has fulfilled his promise.

Personally, I believe he had always intended to do so; he was simply waiting for the right time. Now that we’re close to Trump’s inauguration, and it’s apparent that positive change is in the air, Musk has done what he promised. Powerful people are now talking about antiwhitism. Some Republicans are finally saying things that they wouldn’t dare say even a year ago. Now is the time to build even more momentum, and to give a voice to those who have been silenced for too long.

Note: Jason Kessler pointed out that the account wasn’t actually restored; it’s a replacement account, and we’ll see how it fares. Jason writes:

I’m guessing it will be left alone. Similar accounts are not being banned under Elon, although he isn’t going back and reinstating like he said he was.

What a wonderful Christmas gift for the long-suffering Jared Taylor! Please follow the link above and give them a follow.

Change is in the air. Even Google has softened its stance. For years, if you conducted a Google search for “American Renaissance,” the top result would be the SPLC slanderous and ignorant article about it. I just did the search today, and here is the result:

The SPLC article is now the second result. Not good, but definitely an improvement.

Do I believe that Google’s intentions are noble? Absolutely not! More likely, they have come to the realization that X is now a main source of news and information for millions of people – and that overt manipulation of search-results no longer serves their purpose. They might now realize that it simply gives the forces of truth more ammunition.

We can now look forward to less obvious propaganda. They’ll still manipulate results, censure sources they don’t like and promote their own narrative – but they’ll do so in ways that the common man wouldn’t notice. We must remain vigilant, and we must continue to call them out.

Posted in politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , | Leave a comment