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Monthly Archives: March 2010
"Confessions of an Honest Black American"
I wish I could take credit for this but, obviously, I did not write it. I found it a while back and wanted to share it with you: Confessions of an Honest Black American My distant cousins in African live … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
"Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey"
My mother just recommended I watch the thirteen part youtube video “Journey of Man“. She thought I would find it interesting and claimed it “has nothing to do with evolution”. There is something in my tradition about honoring one’s mother … Continue reading
The dangerous concept of "conservatism"
There was a time, not long ago, when most whites felt good about their own race, when they objected to miscegenation, racial integration and the notion that all races are equal. Since these attitudes are largely those of the past, … Continue reading
Racism in our daily lives 2
Here we have yet another example of non-white privilege: A $1,000 scholarship …was elected from among about 40 peers in the sessions to have best embodied the program’s ideals of positive attitude and collaboration… particularly kids of minority heritage, who demonstrate ability … Continue reading
My Amren wish list
Far be it from me to try to dictate the policies of a noble organization such as Amren, but this doesn’t mean I cannot put forward my own wish list and I hope that if Mr. Taylor reads this, he … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Win-win situation?
It appears that some Muslims object to the new full body scanners now mandatory in the U.K. (thanks to strike the root for the link). I think it’s abhorrent of governments to force people to reveal their naked bodies in … Continue reading
Posted in libertarian thought, Uncategorized
Is anti-semitism good for the Jewish people?
When the bulk of European Jewry gradually lost its distinctive Mid-Eastern look , culture – especially language, religion and dress – became the only things that set these Jews apart from their gentile neighbors. While Europe was effective in erasing … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
Provisional whites
Earlier, I quoted diamed from his blog The Road Less Traveled. There is much of interest in that blog and I recently came across his take on borderline “whiteness”. Any white movement must, sooner or later, resolve the problem of … Continue reading
Is there hope for the future?
I have a dear friend who firmly believes that there is no hope for the white race. He is an atheist so he holds no hope of salvation via supernatural forces. From a moral standpoint, he correctly points out that … Continue reading
Using "A Conversation About Race" effectively
A few months ago, I purchased “A Conversation About Race” and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Within a short time, I had no less than six people watch it at my home. After mentioning it to my boss, I offered to … Continue reading
Posted in activism, book/movie/video reviews and links
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