My first experiences with diversity

I was a small skinny boy of 11 when the powers that be decided to advance their political goals by busing white kids to black schools and black schools to white schools.  At the time, we lived in Inglewood, California and our part of Inglewood was still white.  The school bus would take me across Inglewood to a group of three schools, all right next to each other: an elementary school, a junior high school and a high school.
From the start, things were different for me – and not in a good sort of way.  I found myself bullied as never before and being chased around campus.  My memories of the first three years in those ghetto schools (they were over 90% black) are fuzzy but I’ll never forget the events of my last few months of Morningside Highschool.
Threats and taunts had become an almost daily occurrence but my experience in Latin class was especially noteworthy.  Our instructor was a holocaust survivor.  A Polish Catholic who probably had many tales to tell and who would have made our class a fascinating one – except for the fact that he was terrified of his own “students”.  Clearly, he had experienced abuse similar to what I had experienced.  It bothered me to contemplate an old man, who had already gone through so much suffering in his life, being tormented by the feral animals that passed for “students”.
This Latin instructor had set up a political system in his class whereby the students would elect a president, a secretary and maybe one or two other officers.  It was unclear what duties each “official” would have in class and it was unclear what was supposed to be accomplished through such a system.  What was clear, from the start, was that the black students would use this system to purge the class of any non-blacks.  There were only about five non-blacks in the entire class of thirty or so.  When the blacks overwhelmingly elected a white student as “president”, the boy was initially happy.  But, as the harassment increased and the threats and attacks mounted, the white “president” soon realized that he had been targeted for elimination from the class.  Electing him “president” was only a means whereby the blacks could have more fun while doing so.
After the first white student had been so eliminated from our class, the blacks moved on to the second white student and did the same to him.  After he left, the only white girl left of her own accord.  They then elected a Hispanic student who, if memory serves me right, did not stick around for harassment; he left immediately.  When they started the next election, it was obvious that I, as the only non-black remaining, would be selected.  Indeed I was.  For the rest of class that day, I was subject to objects being thrown at me, getting gum stuck in my hair and incessant taunts.  All this was right in front of our teacher – who feared too much for his own safety to do anything about it.
The moment class was over, and I stepped outside, they were all waiting for me.  Nearly 30 blacks stood around me slapping me, throwing things at me, insulting me with racial slurs and threatening me.  More blacks joined in from other classes.  It was a true mob attack – but I showed no fear at all.  By then I’d learned that showing fear only makes matters worse so I kept steadily walking.  One of them said, “those Mexican sho is cool (back then “cool” meant fearless)!”  Over the course of a few minutes, the mob started to disperse and I was approaching my next class.  Just then, a stone whizzed past my head just missing me and hitting the wall in front of me with a loud thump.
Up to that point I had not told my parents about the abuse I was subject to at school.  This time I had no choice but to tell them; I could not return to that class.  They made some calls and made some sort of arrangement to keep me away from Latin class – but the threats and intimidation continued.  One day I was approached by three black kids who held a knife to my throat.  “We don’t like the way you look!” they announced.  Luckily, a black girl came to my rescue, telling them they should be more interested in her than in me.  Another day, as I sat on a bench minding my own business, a black boy sat next to me and asked, “what are you?”  I told him “white”.  “Then why you dark?” he retorted and I replied I’m just tanned.  Then he said, “As long as you ain’t no Jew.  I don’t like Jews.”
While not all the blacks in those ghetto schools were violent and hateful, enough were to make the experience one that I would not wish on any child.  This was my childhood experience with diversity – and it’s the story I recently told a large group of fellow employees at our mandatory “diversity training”.

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27 Responses to My first experiences with diversity

  1. FrankBD says:

    This is the aspect of diversity that most concerns me. I’m about to go on about myself in the next couple of paragraphs.
    For a while now, I’ve wondered why I’m strangely drawn to sites like Amren (and iSteve and Vdare) even though I don’t like some of what they say, being not a libertarian or strong conservative. The answer came when I saw these videos of Professor Carol Swain:
    Her point is essentially, that the exclusion of viewpoints from what are supposed to be inclusive arenas of debate (mainstream media, academia, most political discourse, and even workplace conversation under the threat of speech codes) has driven what should be respectable opinion into nationalist organizations. Take “multi-culturalism,” which we keep hearing praised in vacuous, non-specific terms. Go to Amren, and you’ll read a litany of multi-culturalism gone badly, like: honor killings, rapes by immigrants from cultures whose definition of rape doesn’t match ours, and gender-imbalanced immigrant communities establishing brothels in residential neighborhoods. Any sane person would think these are worthy counter-examples to blind praise of multi-culturalism, but you never see it in mainstream publications.
    Why is diversity in residential neighborhoods a desirable goal? Residental neighborhoods exist to provide living space for the residents; diversity isn’t a strength if kids want to ride bikes on the same sidewalks where senior citizens walk, so why do we want Muslim parents who think it’s blasphemy for boys and girls to play ball games together to move into a liberal white neighborhood where parents think it’s gender discrimination to exclude them?
    What’s wrong with everyone having a community of like-cultured people. Chinatown, Little Italy and Harlem provide positive cultural-reinforcement to minorities. Why shouldn’t Hispanics, Koreans, Jews and Muslims all have communities that share their own values?
    Sorry, I tangentially ranted. The point is, why doesn’t mainstream discourse welcome obvious points like the above? If that’s “extremism,” the center needs to move.

  2. Patrick says:

    I don’t have any political or biological ideology. I really don’t mind anti-racism, my grievance with the current climate is that there is a double standard where in mainstream culture is acceptable to bash whites and doing so is not viewed as racist even though it is.
    Those events you described should have resulted in the school having a giant meeting in the auditorium where authority figures talk about the evils of racism.

    • Aoirthoir says:

      Well sure. By they accomplish this race bashing of whites by stating plainly that POCs CANNOT be racist, by changing the definition of racism. Rather than racism being racial prejudice, it is SYSTEMIC racial prejudice. So then they can call whites flat out racists, while at the same time denying their own racism. OCCASIONALLY you will see a POC admit that POCs are racially prejudiced but this is not racism though, because of the SYSTEMIC claim (absolutely false btw).

    • viking says:


  3. fred says:

    Also, I remember reading that on cofcc several years ago. Didn’t realize it was you.

    • jewamongyou says:

      In a sense, it wasn’t me; at the time I was only beginning my journey as a race realist. So you may safely disregard some of the more silly things I wrote back then.

  4. Spartan24 says:

    I did not have much experiance with a majority black scenario until I was selected to attend a magnet high school. White kids stuck together and made up all of the AP and other advanced classes while the blacks were the homecoming courts and cheerleaders. The year after I left a white girl was elected queen and near riots broke out. Most social functions were geared to the blacks and played r&b and rap at the dances. There were hallways where whites did not dare to tresspass. Trash littered the classrooms and hallways ankle deep at times. I left after my freshman year and felt like I got a better education elsewhere even though it was more basic. Later I took a job that had a large percentage of blacks in the training class. The took up valuable time asking nuisance questions and talking loudly. I was unable to learn much and took another job.

  5. Bay Area Guy says:

    Jew Among You, while my experience with “diversity” was nowhere near as violent, unsafe, or turbulent as yours, being the only white guy in an all non-white friend group in high school heightened my racial consciousness. Non-whites in many ways have every reason to resent and hate me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take too kindly to their hatred or sit back and wait for them to even the score.
    Whites will always be wrong in the eyes of “diversity.” No matter what we do (which is basically anything short or becoming a self-hating anti-racist), we simply cannot win. Anti-racists and non-whites will always deem us pathological.
    Your anecdote about the black kid asking you what you were and then saying that he hated Jews is interesting. I think certain white advocates need to stop attacking Jews and accept them as fellow whites. At the same time, many Jews such as Tim Wise, Noel Ignatiev, Susan Sontag (who’s dead, but her beliefs live on), and others need to stop disparaging whites. When an angry black person sees a Jew on the street, he/she isn’t going to stop and say “oh, it must be an enlightened anti-racist Jew.” Many Jews look as white as most white gentiles.
    Your anecdote is a must read for every naive white person still foolish enough to believe in integration.

    • Aoirthoir says:

      “Non-whites in many ways have every reason to resent and hate me”
      Well then stop being an asshole non-whites so they stop having reason to resent or hate you.

  6. Portland bus driver says:

    Finding sites like this gives me the greatest feeling of relief. Sane, logic-driven thinking adults can actually see the world for what it is.
    About 3 years ago I was a militant Portland liberal. Then I got a job driving a bus. If anything will make you a race realist, it’s that! Blacks are less than 10% of Portland, but cause 90% of all problems on my bus. Every assault on a driver (Literaly every one I have heard about) is a black passenger against a white driver. I have many more examples, but it’s your blog. THANK YOU!

    • jewamongyou says:

      It’s good to hear from a local and thanks for your comments.
      What you write about attacks on buses seems also to be the case on the Max; I’ve heard first hand accounts of naked racial thuggery, by blacks against whites, on the Max. Does this ever make “the news”? Of course not.

      • Portland bus driver says:

        I actually didn’t even realize you were in Portland. That’s great. There was one case of some blacks that attacked a women on the Max, it was reported one said something like “You don’t talk to a black man that way.” So the police were trying to bring him up on a hate crime. Sure he got off. Mary Fetch is head of Trimet propaganda and they downplay as much crime as possible.

  7. The Black says:

    My experience was the opposite of yours. I was one of a few Blacks in a mostly non-White environment. I was the only Black boy in many of my classes since sixth grade.
    Only 3 White boys ever tried to beat me and I was bigger than all of them. Mostly everyone Korean, Chinese, Jewish, Italian, Hispainc, etc got along.
    Baruch Ha Shem!
    Viva la Communidad Africana!

  8. What was my first experience with “diversity”? Oh, my. An embarassment of riches here.
    Well, the very first was my zayde’s negro housekeeper. She was a good person…very religious, law-abiding, and proper. She was from the South, where she absorbed much Southern upbringing, and this made her a fine person. She raised my Dad, and babysat me much of the time.
    Once we were watching the (black and white, this was the early 60s) TV, and the news came on….lots of angry, militant negroes….I heard her say under her breath, “Those niggers are nothing but trouble”. That was the first time I ever heard that word…from her. And it taught me that good, decent colored people (what we called them back then) were “colored”…but the mean, angry ones were “niggers”. She taught me that, perhaps without meaning to. To this day I refer to the nice ones as “colored” and the evil ones as “niggers”. Can’t help it, even though I know it dates me!
    After that? I attended a mostly black and Hispanic high school (the city had “changed” by then). Once, while waiting for the train to go home, a negro tried to rape me. He did not succeed because my legs were in pretty good shape then and I was able to run like the wind (thank God I was a runner in my youth!) By the time the police went down into the subway to find him, he had gone.
    Fast forward a number of years…I’m married now, with children. My son had to attend an inner city high school (by this time the city was really, really bad, but not quite Detroit yet)….he was beaten up by nigger thugs, stolen from, you know the drill. I took him out and homeschooled him.
    You may ask why I never chose to move my kids out of the city. Many reasons (close proximity to jobs, walkability, etc)…but also, I had seen suburban kids and I didn’t want my kids to grow up ignorant and naive about blacks. I knew the good jobs are in the city, and that even if I raised them in the burbs, they’d probably have to commute to the city for a job, and hence would be a walking target.
    By growing up in the city, they are now street-smart…something suburban kids never become except the hard way.

  9. Pingback: European dark beauty – from the Middle East? « Jewamongyou's Blog

  10. Aoirthoir says:

    11 eh? Me too. Long story short…my mom when I was 11 met an escaped convict. She and he moved us from Colorado down to Mobile Alabama. I had to take an entrance examine and the black female counselor was livid, screaming at me, because I took so long (that was the reason she gave). Then I entered school. Not a few days in a black boy, a good two hands taller than me, DEMANDED my lunch money. He did this several days in a row and each day I told him, this is MIDDLE SCHOOL, we’re not little boys anymore we are MEN. MEN don’t demand lunch money like elementary school boys. Now, if you really really need money, I would be glad to share my lunch with you if you ask nicely and say please.
    Needless to say none of the black boys tried to f&^% with me. By the Gods I love being Irish!

  11. Pingback: “The Emperor’s New Clothes” book review/critique « Jewamongyou's Blog

  12. Pingback: Mass murders in the West; what has changed? « Jewamongyou's Blog

  13. Pingback: An uplifting tale from my high school days | Jewamongyou's Blog

  14. Pingback: Can diversity training be fun? | Jewamongyou's Blog

  15. I had my first experiences with diversity at an early age thanks to public “education.” There’s nothing like real world experience to get an education on race!

  16. Reality is Better says:

    Hello, I am an African from Africa, and I will tell you: 90% of Africans in any ethnic group have no business doing intelligent work.
    90% of the populace in any African ethnic group have no will of their own, and were made for slavery. Those mass 90% are slaves by nature: they are told what to do, and should they not do it, a guard/overseer from the “talented tenth” should beat them into compliance.
    If you want to make an unruly and undisciplined black person obey the law, terrify him. This is the golden rule: that he’s too scared to act on momentary anger or lust. The punishment should be painful but not humiliating, so that he learns a second time not to do the same crime.
    Ultimately, all benefit, the “talented tenth”, the masses, and other races as well, and all are happy.
    And I believe that most of the blacks in that classroom had no business being there, if that’s how they’ll behave. Too many low-IQ’s were admitted, and you know them: they’ll address their crude opinion out loud, in an unsophisticated manner, with primitive syntax and grammar; and when they hear polysyllabic words, they’ll be utterly amazed and might proceed to contrive some similar sounding “big words” in jest.
    So how about having them discuss ideas on politics? Political science is all about big words and -isms.
    Please go to any large African forum (there’s one but I’m reluctant to mention its name – I posted there!) See the discussions, and observe the language used and the extended to which the topic in discussion is understood. Usually a crude understanding, usually monosyllabic words are used, and usually the discussion is not serious, and there is either a lack of real concern or sympathy in total.
    Not everyone is equal. There is always a talented tenth in every ethnic group who are fit to become doctors and lawyers, and there is always an exceptional one – like in all races – that is fit to rule over the rest. Most of the students in that classroom, perhaps, should be engaged in manual labor and knowing very well their proper place in society.
    Many who take pride in African civilizations have no idea what they were like. The Ghana empire was based on selling slaves and buying gold, and that was it. If that scheme wasn’t around, it would be much different. And I’ll guarantee you that one exceptional warrior-statesman laid its foundations, and arranged the peoples in his dominion according to their ability and intelligence, not inclination or free will.

  17. Pingback: Yes, whites are persecuted in the U.S. | Jewamongyou's Blog

  18. Dave says:

    I know this was posted years ago, but I’m curious as to what happened at the diversity training session when you mentioned your life experience. I imagine uncomfortable silence, but I would be interested how it all turned out.

  19. Pingback: Trump condemns Proud Boys. God afflicts him with CCP Virus | Jewamongyou's Blog

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