In light of the recent confusion regarding illegal immigrants in the U.S., I’d like to propose some new federal immigration laws:
1) Prospective immigrants must show that they can contribute to progress in the the U.S.
2) They must show that they have enough money, upon entry, to support themselves without becoming a drain on society.
3) They must not disturb the current demographic equilibrium of the U.S. due to undesirable traits.
4) They must not have a criminal record either in their country of origin or in the U.S.
5) They must have a clean bill of health both physically and mentally.
6) Any prospective immigrant who attempts to falsify his identity will be subject to imprisonment.
If the above laws seem familiar to some readers, perhaps this is because they are the exact same laws that Mexico has in place. If you do not like them, perhaps you should organize a boycott of Mexico and stage massive protests against “Mexican racism”.
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Every law that you proposed is already a law, except number three, in some way or another.
The issue isn’t immigration law. The issue that illegal immigrants are good for federal coffers, but a burden on the states they settle in.
And our Constitution doesn’t specify what the rights of states are when they bear the brunt of federal inaction.
If the above laws seem familiar to some readers, perhaps this is because they are the exact same laws that Mexico has in place. If you do not like them, perhaps you should organize a boycott of Mexico and stage massive protests against “Mexican racism”.
Incredible! From what I’ve heard, Mexicans aren’t exactly tolerant towards illegals themselves, despite the fact that their self-righteous leaders such as Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon chastise us for our “racism.”
Also, based on my travels to Mexico, Indians and other marginalized groups still live in far worse conditions than illegals here.
I say we implement such laws. To hell the the anti-racist, Critical Race Theory, Neocon, and Democratic party crowd.