"A Conversation about Race" sequel

I just finished watching “More of… A Conversation about Race” after having looked forward to it for quite some time.  On the back of the DVD case, we find this description:

… Now, two years after production began on “A Conversation about Race”, Craig Bodeker is back, with an even deeper examination of this topic.  In “More of… A Conversation about Race”, Craig goes back into those original interviews and strikes more gold, as well as opens up about himself and the filmmaking process in a candid new interview.  The “conversation” has only just begun…

It hurts me to say that, in my opinion, this new DVD does not live up to its claims.  Yes, there are a few new insights and yes, we get a more personal view into the making of the original DVD.  But I found it annoying that so much of it is spent just rehashing disjointed replays from the original.  I do not see the point in Mr. Bodeker denigrating himself by confessing his sins (mistakes and misjudgments) for all the world to see.  It was painful for me to watch how his interview with the illegal immigrant rapidly degenerated as Mr. Bodeker interrogated the man; it made the Mexican look better than the producer – because the Mexican never lost his cool.
I did like how he ended the DVD with truthful statements from the original interviewees.   After making them look like idiots in the first one, this might have been his way of consoling them after some of them, no doubt, had contacted him to tell him how much they felt betrayed.
Overall, I would say that this sequel is alright for race realists to watch.  I certainly will not be lending it out as I do with the original.

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One Response to "A Conversation about Race" sequel

  1. Bay Area Guy says:

    My views on “A Conversation About Race” are mixed.
    On the one hand, I admire Bodeker for doing what few whites dare to do: unflinchingly and unapologetically discuss race from a pro-white perspective.
    At the very least, it’s a step in the right direction. For those whites who watch it, he’s at least getting them to think about these issues (though I’m sure that whites who watch it are already race conscious to begin with, so I’m not entirely sure about that).
    On the other hand, he does fall into many anti-racist traps.
    For one, he doesn’t address the other side, meaning their typical arguments (ie. “racism = prejudice + power,” “non-white pride is a reaction to white supremacy,” “white privilege,” etc).
    Also, he claims that he shouldn’t be held responsible for slavery since his ancestors came later.
    Well, he fell into the classic anti-racist trap, ie. “my ancestors didn’t own slaves!” He also seems to act as if blacks face zero racism. Look, you certainly know that I’m a white advocate who despises anti-racists, but you have to admit that relative to other groups, blacks face the greatest discrimination and contempt.
    At the same time, the examples of racism listed by everyday flesh-and-blood black people were rather pathetic (ie. “he’s staring at me,” “they think I’m a good dancer,” etc).
    If for no other reasons, the responses given provide some good insight.
    Still, I think he needed to do a better job at researching the opposition.
    Every white advocate ought to read Tim Wise, Stuff White People Do, Abagond, and other non-white/anti-racist blogs, articles, literature, etc.
    Know the enemy, and don’t fall into his traps.
    To clarify, I’m not saying that all non-white people, particularly flesh-and-blood individuals, are the enemy. Rather, those with an anti-white, radical orientation are.
    However, my point remains.
    If Bodeker wants to improve, he should
    1. Make his films longer
    2. Research the opposition better
    3. Explore certain topics more extensively
    But still, not entirely bad either.

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