It is prudent these days to be afraid of the I.R.S. This so-called “service” ruins many lives daily with the stroke of a pen or keyboard. This is one reason any online talk of “tax revolt” or “cheating on one’s taxes” is typically prefaced with the disclaimer “we are not advocating the breaking of any laws…”.
Nevertheless I’ll go ahead and say what millions of Americans have been thinking for years: the government steals vast amounts of our money and then uses it to oppress us. It spends “our” money on elaborate (and usually misguided) foreign aid projects, it supports anti-white racist organizations such as La Raza, it passes and enforces a multitude of blatantly unconstitutional laws using “our” money and it pays armies of government bureaucrats large salaries in order to make our lives miserable. Why should we go on supporting them? Did not America’s founding fathers sacrifice their lives over far less?
I believe that millions of Americans privately wage their own tax revolts through imaginative deductions, unreported income and under the table employees. As a matter of fact, even those who create the tax laws have been found to take such liberties.
Any individual who agitates for tax revolt makes himself a target for severe oppression. In the “War on Some Drugs”, only those who do not use drugs are considered credible spokesmen to end it. This is why we so often hear “I don’t use drugs myself but…”. But what is effective in the “War on Some Drugs” is not effective in the “War on our Money”.
There are many good reasons for people to refrain from using recreational drugs but there is only one good reason for people to pay all their taxes by the book: fear. Let us not forget that even those who have every intention of paying their “fair share” of taxes cannot be certain they have done so; the rules are simply too complex. Therefore, those who can honestly say “I have paid all of the taxes required of me by law going back many years but…” are very few.
We live in a society where it can be assumed that virtually all of us are “criminals” because we cannot comprehend the tax laws and because there are so many of them. This leaves every one of us vulnerable, and therefore, afraid to speak up against the massive theft of our money.
At this point we can only hope that the Leviathan will collapse in on itself from its own weight speedily and in our lifetimes. Perhaps, from the ensuing chaos, liberty will emerge.
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Hopefully, America’s libertarian heritage will help convince enough people within the jurisdiction of the United State(it isn’t plural on purpose) to convince a critical mass of people to stop giving any state legitimacy.