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Monthly Archives: October 2010
The 10,000 Year Explosion
I just finished reading “The 10,000 Year Explosion” by Gregory Chochran and Henry Harpending. My opinion is that it is a decent book for those who are not already familiar with the fundamentals of race realism. It is a good … Continue reading
Uplifting roots
Sometimes roots can be cumbersome or even dangerous – specifically when they push up the panels of sidewalks. The city of Beaverton, Oregon sent out a newsletter that explains: Keeping sidewalks in good repair is the property owner’s responsibility… Many … Continue reading
Posted in libertarian thought
Oregon "African American Home Fair"
On October 24th, 2010, the Oregonian ran a large front page article in its “Home and Rentals” section. It was titled “Opening the door to ownership” and it draws a rosy picture of anti-white discrimination – which is typical of … Continue reading
Black life expectancy in prison
According to assistant professor of sociology Evelyn J. Patterson, black men tend to live longer while in prison than when they are free. Using data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics and Census Bureau, I estimate death rates of … Continue reading
I am an alchemist
Like the alchemists of old, I seek to transform one element to another. Unlike traditional alchemists, however, it is not my intention to turn lead into gold. Instead, my goal is to turn anger into courage. I know that some … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Do plants have rights?
Apparently, they have a “bill of rights” for plants in Switzerland. One writer claims that singling out weeds for destruction is “botanical racism”: …ENDING BOTANICAL RACISM E.Woodford spoke to poster of botanical racism. This phrase means different things to different … Continue reading
Men versus women and the "glass cellar"
I found this exceptional youTube video and wanted to share it with y’all!
Posted in Uncategorized
The Qaraites
Many of you probably already know that, in ancient Roman times, there were three major sects of Judaism: Sadducees, Pharisees and Essenes. In a nutshell, the Essenes are reputed to have been the group from whom sprang Jesus and who … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
Science putting leftists on the defensive
I’ve discovered a new (potential) ally, a certain Professor Steve Hsu. Browsing his blog, it is obvious he is a very intelligent and objective man. Here is an excerpt, from one of his posts (from 2007), that pertains to the … Continue reading
The savages of Europe
Benjamin Disraeli famously told his gentile counterparts, “Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the Right Honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.” Recent archeological discoveries have … Continue reading