Patrick, who often comments on this blog, was kind enough to send me an interesting link. Here we can hear a naive and foolish BBC reporter interviewing the breathtakingly ignorant pastor Terry Jones – who recently planned to burn 20 Qurans.
It is frustrating when a cause, which should be praiseworthy, is taken up by a man who comes across as a clueless dufus. It is not enough that pastor Jones had never even read the Quran, but he is caught flat-footed even on simple questions about the Bible. If there are people like him among race-realists, let us hope that they do us all a favor and keep their mouths shut.
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yes i agree he was the wrong guy to burn it. he doesnt have the right personality. mark steyn or geert wilders burning the koran, now that would cause a even huger scene!
Notice however just how quick the lamestream media was to pick up on this story though? In the key week(s) leading up to the anniversary of 9/11, all you ever read, heard, or saw were stories about this doofus planning a Koran burning, juxtaposed with the infamous “Ground Zero Mosque”. This no-name pastor and his whopping congregation of 30 or so people were INTERNATIONAL NEWS for the better part of 3 weeks.
Can anyone say contrived red-herring perhaps?
p.s. J.A.Y., been a longtime reader of your posts here and on AMREN. This be my first post here. Just wanted to say hi, and keep up the good work!
Thanks Landsknecht! I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out Pastor Jones was paid, by the leftist media, to carry out his stunt just to create “news”.
I’ve often wondered that about Pastor Jones as well as the Westboro “Baptist” Church. Neither one of them are a real church. In fact, Westboro is just one family and a few cousins.