Race-realism for the blind

I had a great uncle who was something of a hero in my family.  Even though he was not a blood relative, but had married my father’s aunt, he was a part of my life at least as much as anybody else.  A botanist by profession, he spent the better part of his golden years doing volunteer work for the blind.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of blind people were introduced to the wonders of plants and gardening through him.  My Uncle Carl was truly a wonderful human being.
Misguided as they are, the hearts of many leftists are in the right place when try to make life easier for the handicapped.  Their laws, regulations and monstrous bureaucracies were all initially based on  the charitable sentiment that helping those in need is the right thing to do.  It is what sets us apart from the animal kingdom.
I do not imagine, for a moment, that racially conscious whites are any less caring about the handicapped among them than society at large.  But we have a cause – and that cause is to advocate for whites.  Some, within our movement, have other causes as well (other than the standard mundane ones).  But for many, especially our prominent leaders and spokesmen, the white cause is the overriding concern in their lives.  Perhaps they would do well to dedicate some of their efforts toward helping those in need – and doing so in a very public way.  Publicity is important because a) it lets outsiders know that we are caring and loving (not demonic haters wearing white hoods or swastikas) and b) because such publicity encourages others to emulate them and this can have a snowball effect.
I have been reading “The Story of My Life” by Helen Keller.  Try as I may, it is difficult for me to fathom how she was able to overcome such obstacles.  Not only overcome them, but to accomplish more than most people – in communicating her ideas and adventures to the wider public and serving as an inspiration for countless others.  But she could never have done it alone; Anne Sullivan dedicated her life to the betterment of Helen.  Sullivan was the epitome of altruism, even as the lives of these two women became strongly intertwined.  Keller was a Southerner and very much a product of the older America we all wish we could have back.  As her fame spread, she became a magnet for kindness and the charitable spirit that characterizes the best of the Western world.  Her story is also our story.  It should make us proud.
Helen Keller read many books.  These books shaped her mind and, as the unfortunate episode of “The Frost King” illustrates, it became difficult for her to know which, of her thoughts, were hers and which had been gleaned from books she had read.  The books we read largely shape who we are.  They give us perspective and balance – if we choose our books wisely.
I have been searching for race-realist books in Braille.  Thus far, my searches have been fruitless.  No, I do not plan on buying “Race, Evolution and Behavior” in Braille.  Not yet anyway.  But blind people are just like us.  They have minds just as we do.  We should care about them enough to make our books available to them so that they, too, can share the ideas that we so enjoy sharing and debating.  I know that at least one race-realist book (“My Awakening“) is available in audio format.  Due to the sensitive nature of race-realism, Braille is a better option for most.
It would be nice if readers post sources for race-realist books in Braille.  It would be even nicer if we work to make those books available to the blind and to let them know they exist.

In loving memory of  my Uncle Carl

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7 Responses to Race-realism for the blind

  1. FrankBD says:

    This isn’t exactly where you’re going, but I feel strongly that AmRen and similar need to do a better job explaining to different demographic groups why American whites aren’t their enemy, and that increased minority presences are a threat to them.
    Women, for example, are a minimal presence on AmRen, but shouldn’t it be obvious that increased Muslim immigration would be a disaster for domestic violence and abortion rights? Are most Hispanic immigrants pro-black or feminist?
    Whites are the least threatening people on earth. You’d never know it from the Diversity literature.

    • Gaurav Ahuja says:

      The best way to appeal to non-Whites is just to not make outlandish or personally derogatory statements. And just tell the truth. A pro-White, race-realist movement does not need to pander to feminists, environmentalists along with other pro-state and anti-White movements. There are going to be some statements that seem insulting and you will inevitably be divisive. Finally, the races of Europe do not need even the most sympathetic of outsiders like me. You just need White people.

  2. Bay Area Guy says:

    Misguided as they are, the hearts of many leftists are in the right place when try to make life easier for the handicapped.

    There’s a reason why the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  3. AJ says:

    jewamongyou, why did you link to David Duke?! Do you agree with his stances on Jews?

  4. Flossie says:

    I’m no expert on the resources available to the blind, but I think Braille has pretty much gone the way of the buggy-whip. Nowadays, most blind people have access to scanners/OCR readers that can quickly translate printed text into the spoken word, or feed it to a small Braille pad — one or two lines — the blind person can run his fingers over. With so much literature available in digital form, there’s little need for custom-made (and huge!) Braille editions.

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