The commentator, who calls himself statsquatch, recently linked to an amazing essay by Nevan Sesardic called “Race: a social destruction of a biological concept.” It now seems that the source page has been taken down. Fortunately, I had the foresight to save a copy. Here it is:
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- The Unz Review (Steve Sailer)
- Those who can see
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- VDare
Buy Your Coffee From These Patriots
That is a fantastic paper. I’d also recommend this earlier one on heritability and iq which knocks over arguments by Lewontin & Gould.
Other publications and reviews by Sesardic.
I wonder why the page was taken down? Another attempt at censorship?
That was my initial assumption. Perhaps they noticed that blogs like my own were linking to it. Mustn’t encourage the “racists” you know.
This is likely another example of people who want race to not exist and therefore they do everything to hide its existence. I have no doubt they hope to achieve racial bastardization so that they can truly say “race does not exist” but before they can get to that point they must first break down any concept of race in the populations mind.
If you admit the existence of race many things logically follow which these people are against on principle.