We often hear tales of discrimination against blacks, and these tales are invariably used to justify the current anti-white status-quo. Whether the incident makes news headlines or whether it was just a minor personal experience, they tend to accumulate within the public psyche and maintain the perception that “racism is out there” and that it is pervasive.
Of course, some of those “racist incidents” had nothing to do with racism at all. Blacks are not immune from encountering jerks or those who have had a bad day. But they are more likely to attribute them to racism (partly because this is what they are trained to expect) while the rest of us simply assume the culprit is having a bad day or has mental issues. But this post is not about those imaginary incidents of discrimination*. It is about real cases, where whites really do treat blacks differently and in a negative way – where whites yell “nigger” out the car window when passing a black on the street, or when whites really do avoid hiring blacks for a job or renting to them. I think it is important to distinguish between the various motives behind such behavior and not lump them all together as one monolithic “racism” – though government, the MSM, the education system and big business prefer to avoid such distinctions.
1) Innate fear of other races. Jared Taylor writes:
Pre-school children show racial preferences even when they have not been taught anything about race or had any experience with people of other races. An Australian study of four- and five-year-olds found that white children preferred to play with white dolls. They would not play with an Aboriginal doll; one child even said “It’s yuck, yucky. Put it back.” White children would not accept an Asian doll, either, with one saying it “could not be Australian.” It could be argued that these children simply picked up the unconscious prejudices of their parents, but it is also possible that their reactions reflect innate preferences…
Steven Neuberg of Arizona State University has also done experiments that suggest instinctive bias, which he, too, attributes to evolution during our long, hunter-gatherer past. “By nature, people are group-living animals—a strategy that enhances individual survival and leads to what we might call a ‘tribal psychology’,” he says. “It was adaptive for our ancestors to be attuned to those outside the group who posed threats such as to physical security, health or economic resources, and to respond to these different kinds of threats in ways tailored to have a good chance of reducing them.”
2) A preference for one’s own race that was learned from one’s parents and other elders. This is the type of discrimination that we are supposed to believe is the norm. It is the one most accurately termed “prejudice”. But would it also not be prejudice to disregard the opinions of one’s parents and elders without looking into them thoroughly? The typical story we are told involves a young person from the South who was taught negative things about blacks. Later, when he grows up, he meets a black man (or has his life saved by one) and it dawns on him that what he was taught was all wrong. If his parents had taught him that all blacks are evil, then yes, he was taught wrong and his parents were sabotaging their own credibility. The fact is that most people are of average intelligence or less, so lessons tend to get dumbed down. The more accurate lesson of “be wary of blacks because they tend to be more criminal and less trustworthy, but realize that there are good and bad in every group” gets dumbed down to “blacks are criminals and untrustworthy”. Such blanket statements, and attitudes, are bound to be exposed as false as soon as the child grows up and experiences the real world.
3) A distaste for blacks due to bad experiences with them. Given the huge amount of black on white crime, it is surprising this type of discrimination is not more common. Of course, the MSM works overtime to dilute our own personal experiences with their own positive messages about blacks and other non-whites. But it should be no wonder if a woman, who was mugged by blacks, raped by blacks and verbally abused by blacks, has negative feelings toward blacks and then translates those feelings into action when she can. Though such actions are not always justified, they are human nature. Society would do well to address the root cause of such animosity, rather than the symptoms. In other words: address the problem of black on white crime.
4) Resentment due to preferential treatment for blacks at one’s own expense. No matter where we go, or what we do, in America today (and Europe), we cannot escape anti-white bias. It is in the news, at school, at work, in movies, billboards and at the doctor’s office. Due to this bias, many whites are denied access to higher education (at least to the schools they hoped to attend). Their job opportunities are curtailed. They miss out on raises and they cannot get away with the same sort of conduct that non-whites engage in; doing so would get them fired. They cannot agitate for their own people without acquiring a social stigma or worse. When every institution, that has any measure of power over our lives, conspires to oppress whites as a group, we should not be surprised when some whites choose to even the score whenever they can.
5) A desire to maintain a white majority in one’s own traditionally white homeland. Since, for most of us, taking up arms against the ever-increasing tide of non-white immigration is not practical, another way to combat the invasion is to make life as uncomfortable for the invaders as possible. Society at large calls this attitude “xenophobia” – but would Native Americans have been “xenophobic” had they opposed white settlement of their homelands through various raids and trade sanctions? Population replacement policies, such as those pursued by governments in historically white lands, are clearly genocidal. They are not acceptable and each individual has a duty wage his own personal battle in whatever little ways he can. Of course, most American blacks did not migrate here by choice – so this motive would only apply to recent immigrants.
6) A desire to maintain the value of one’s own home and to defend his neighborhood against encroaching crime. This, of course, goes hand in hand with defending his own family. When large numbers of blacks move into a neighborhood, crime almost always increases. So it is not hard to understand why a homeowner would avoid renting, or selling, to blacks if this will upset the current ethnic character of his neighborhood.
7) Fear of lawsuits or ethnic tension in the workplace. We are constantly told that “diversity is our strength” but the reality is that ethnic diversity is a great weakness. It is expensive, often awkward, dangerous and corrosive to trust. A common culture and language is a great strength to any enterprise and a business owner who values this may well avoid hiring those of different backgrounds; he wishes to maintain the cultural integrity of his business. Many business owners have discovered that firing an out-of-control black employee can be costly. The employee may avenge his dismissal with a discrimination lawsuit. Better to avoid this altogether and avoid hiring blacks.
8) In some positions, the employee may have to interact with the public. If the business is in a predominantly black area, then it might make sense to hire a black for the position. After all, people prefer to do business with those who look like themselves. But what if the business is in a mostly white area? Might it not make sense to hire a white person? What if the employee must speak to customers on the phone but his ghetto accent might turn business away? Might it not make sense to hire somebody who customers can both understand and better relate to? Sometimes physical beauty is important for the position. White women are usually considered more attractive than black women. This is why black men so often prefer white women. In fact, given the chance, most men on Earth would prefer a white woman over one of his own race. So it should be no wonder if a white woman is preferred for such a position.
9) The person in question may not trust blacks, for certain positions, because he is familiar with HBD. He may have made a conscious decision to keep his workforce white (or Asian) because, by his calculations, the risks are much less for him this way. One wonders how many basketball teams consciously recruit black players for much the same reason. Where are the protests over that?
10) He may simply dislike black mannerisms, appearance, smell or tastes in music. Even if he holds no animosity toward them, has never suffered from them and has no rational reason for avoiding them, his own personal tastes may lead him to keep them out of his workplace.
11) Some people, including some whites, are bullies by nature. They will find a reason to pick on others if they can. Sometimes, the trigger will be the victim’s short stature, or the fact that he is bald or obese. Other times it might be that the victim is of a different race than the bully. There is no rhyme or reason for such thuggery – but if the bully is white, and the victim black, the powers that be interpret this as “racism”. So yes, there is discrimination in these cases, but it is merely discrimination of convenience; the bully was looking for an excuse to leap into action and he found one. I would include those who act out due to mental issues in this same category. The mentally unstable person might lash out at the slightest provocation. It is not unusual even for the anti-white establishment to recognize this type of behavior as distinct from standard “racism”.
We may each draw our own conclusions, regarding each type of discrimination listed above (and some I may have missed), as to whether it is reasonable, justified, repugnant or criminal. We may each also decide if eliminating them would be a worthy goal – but to do so would certainly require an understanding of their root causes. Lumping them all together as “racism” and “evil” will not do much to advance this goal. Personally, I see nothing wrong with discrimination, as long as it does not trample the rights of others.
*When I use the term “discrimination” in this sense, I mean it in its neutral sense; it is not a value judgment.
***7) Fear of lawsuits or ethnic tension in the workplace. We are constantly told that “diversity is our strength” but the reality is that ethnic diversity is a great weakness. It is expensive, often awkward, dangerous and corrosive to trust. ***
This is one of the things that lead to me reading Amren. My office had an HR person visit to preach the benefits of diversity to us. I found it so patronising and clearly based on ideology, that I looked for actual research on the impact of diversity. Amren had an excellent summary of the research which suggested the claimed benefits for business were illusory.
Now the million-dollar question: how can you let the HR department know about this research without losing your job?
Or, rather, how can /we all/ do it in our own lives?
??? Black people have a smell!? Do white people?! I have been told that wet white people smell like wet dogs?! I experienced this phenomena once in my 44 years. One smelly white person hasn’t stopped me from seeing white people as my fellow HUMAN BEINGS WHOM GOD CREATED TO LIVE HERE JUST LIKE ME!!!! The mere fact that you said that tells me your mind is already made up and you don’t see human when you see a person that’s brown. You praise yourself and those who resemble you for your lot in life (being born with pinkish skin). And yet our heavenly father is the one who did the work that went into creating you! As he did other HUMAN BEINGS. You are no better than any other ethnic group ever created. You will one day turn to dust just life every other created being on the planet. Your ethnic group seems to consist of quite a few members who like to send out publicity notices that consist of propaganda designed to bully everyone into believing that your are allegedly superior in looks, intelligence, character, etc. Therefore you have gotten where you are in history by bullying people that you have made weaker through brainwashing, bullying, and other destructive methods. If you want to retain your power and stay in your corner and hide from the rest of society because of fear that’s fine. But don’t justify your position by making it look like other ethnic groups are to blame for you cowardice. Just stay in your gated community and keep your “opinion” to yourself. But if you change your mind and decide to see things Gods way we”ll gladly welcome you back.
It has been known for a long time that different races have different smells. What’s your problem with that? Also, what makes you think I have pinkish skin? Lots of assumptions here. Lots of prejudice.
you want him to keep his opinions to himself- but what about you? you are acting on your own anger. sure, he mentioned smell. but its an example. he is describing why whites would discriminate with examples, so what he would mean (i’m assuming) is that an example of some things discriminating whites might be against is the smell of blacks, which could be offensive or distasteful to them. he never implied blacks are smelly, or any other offensive word whatsoever. his blog is almost completely void of any personal preferences, and you are just insulting him (and his entire existence) in anger. then here, aren’t you the one who is just making wild assumptions? i would advice you to think things through the next time you become enraged and decide to make any asinine comments like these. are you discriminated against? have you ever wondered if whites themselves are discriminated against? i’m not even white myself, and i can consider these things.
Although, this article had some key points, it was poor on content.
It’s seem that people use the color of ones skin or physical features as an excuse to exclude unity…
Furthermore, people who are Euro-American are not 100% white, they my have a African American, Asian, or Native American family member in their pass too (like every other race).
It’s seem that racism is base on vanity, selfishness, greed, earthly rewards, the lack of faith in God, ignorance, stupidity(beyond compare).
When Jesus was tempted with earthly goods he denied, but humans “who are having a bad day” with their peers of a different race…that’s another story!
Color consciousness is denial of human values. It is the character and the color which counts. People have their biases and taboos transformed into cultural barriers. they wall themselves when they feel superior or prejudiced to maintain their hegemony. they have their fobia to be satisfied and they mean it. All human beings are equal if they have not been made victim of dogmas.
“All human beings are equal”? That’s quite a bold statement. What you’re saying is that we’re all genetically identical. You do realize this flies in the face of science and all we know, don’t you?
Man =Man, neither less nor more.Each one is of same material; breaths; eats; secretes; sneezes; feels; enjoys/suffers; dies and what not having the same number of chromosomes. It’s the irony of fate, circumstances or of chance which makes or mars his luck.
of course money makes the mare go but man is a worthwhile creation. A crown has no classification, it may have fashions. All those who have two hands, two eyes, one nose and one mouth are equal.Exceptions are exceptions.
Do your research anf find out who is a slave. {1933]
Please tell the Hr depatment and dont forget to wash the lice out of your head, u smell like wet dogs!
this is just plain cyber bullying and discriminating
jewamongyou…Considering the discrimination experience Jews, I cannot believe you’ve written such garbage. The fact that you site a woman being mugged or raped by a Moor/African as justification to feel angst against ALL people from this group is absolutely ignorant. There is more “Black on Black” crime than “Black on White”…Regardless, CRIME is CRIME. Color has nothing to do with someone’s capacity for crime. Things such as socioeconomic factors and disparity of resources is what drives people to commit crime. The Kemetians, Spanish Moors, and Afriks created modern-day math and sciences. So, if you want to say that people are inherently smarter than others, what will this information do for your own ill-informed “superiority complex”? I am outraged that this is some kind of blanket manifesto for justifying racism and racist ideologies. People are people and there’s nothing more special about any particular group of people.
Before you write that my post is “garbage,” you should refine your reading skills. Nowhere did I write that I was justifying such angst. There’s is a difference between justification and explanation. Did you know that a lot of blacks feel angst toward police officers – because of the actions of a few? I’m curious if you’ve commented, on other blogs, in defense of police officers.
As for crime and race (which you mistakenly call “color”), if one had nothing to do with the other, we’d find few disparities between races when it comes to committing crime. Read “The Color of Crime” to educate yourself that this is far from the case. By any measure, and by all accounts, blacks commit crimes wildly out of proportion to their numbers.
Your claim that the Egyptians, and other Africans, “created modern-day math and science” shows a lack of critical thinking – or perhaps wishful thinking.
You write “racist ideologies” without even defining what you mean. The word “racist” is meaningless these days. At best, it means “a white person you don’t like.”
All what I see in your post is you trying to defend yourself and people like you but I want to ask you if you were black would you still think the same way see that people are looking at you as if you were a monster people don’t appreciate you if you do good cause they already made up their mind thAt black are bad people fear you and look at you with a disgusted face when you haven’t commit any crime everyday you wake up and you feel that you have done wrong all because of you are black and you ask yourself is it my fault that am black now I know it is not my fault it is your fault. it is your fault for hateing us and saying it is what you prefer it is your fault for using the fault of one man to judge his whole race it is your that you think you are superior because of your skin colour and say that you should not mingle with black because they comit crime they are bad they do this they do that what about you are you perfect have you ever tried to but the colour diffrence aside and see us a fellow human I tell you today your thinking is wrong it is like you are in a cage that is not letting you move on a cage of fear that has blinded you and not letting you see what is happening you are feeling guilt and you feel that what you are doing is wrong but you don’t want to accept it then you create something like a defence mecanisim in your mind an excuse an explanation to make you think you are doing the right thing I am proud of who I am I am proud that I am able to move on from the pain you guys caused me I am proud that I can see a white person and treat him the way I will treat a black person so I will ask you this question are you proud of what you are doing only you can break out of this cage and see the world for what it really is the fact that we are all human. if you are black if you are white we are supposed to treat each other equally no preferance no discrimination whatever excuse or explanation that support discrimination it is WRONG
It looks like this post found its way to a bunch of people who can’t read very well. Again: I’m providing explanations here, not justifications. If you believe that I don’t appreciate good black people, then you obviously haven’t read much of this blog. And lastly, race has very little to do with “skin color.” Stop equating the two.