Mr. Cannon,
Since when is it a councilman’s/ mayor’s job to prevent the peaceful assembly of citizens? American Renaissance welcomes people of any race or ethnicity to participate. The same cannot be said of the Congressional Black Caucus – which you support. Amren is clearly the more tolerant, and peaceful, of the two and yet you take it upon yourself to use your political clout to oppress Amren and not the CBC.
Mr. Cannon, if you believe the SPLC and their take on Amren, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Amren is not a “hate group”, does not condone violence and is not “white supremacist”. It is certainly not anti-Semitic. As a leader, it is time you look past skin color and allow people of all races to congregate peacefully.
In the meantime, with or without your blessings, we shall meet in Charlotte. Your actions, and the actions of the real hate groups, in trying to stifle freedom of speech and assembly, show who the actual oppressors are and who the actual persecuted minorities are. Hint: you are not a “persecuted minority”.
See you in Charlotte,
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Whites are not allowed to have an identity other than that of oppressor.
You say it brother! I wish I was going along. Have a great time.
Thanks and I’ll try!
JAY, I remember you shot vid at last year’s conference (that’s how I learned of this blog).
Are you involved in putting on this year’s NPITV feed?
Probably not; last year I was the only one recording most of the time. But normally, Amren records its conferences and then sells the DVD’s. I wouldn’t want to cut into their profits by competing with them with second-rate videos. I may take other, related videos though. I also hope to get a lot of stills – but one must be careful at these kind of events. Not everybody wants their picture taken.
Yes, I noticed your comment on Amren and I was hoping you’d contact me. Don’t despair! Of course there will be some sort of event. It is up to us to make the most of it. I can see how we might be able to attract some sympathy for our cause because of all this. As they say, when life give you lemons, make lemonade (or something like that). I look forward to meeting you.
Living in Charlotte, I was surprised when amren announced that they were holding the conference here. Charlotte is far from a conservative city with Democrats in majority control of the city council and liberal majority in the population. I expected what happened to take place.
Anyway, if the event still does come together, I hope you enjoy your time in this city. Despite the shenanigans of some city council members, Charlotte is a beautiful and hospitable little city.
Why don’t you send me an email and I can get in touch with you over there. Chances are, we can meet in between/after the lectures even if you’re not an official guest.
*** I can see how we might be able to attract some sympathy for our cause because of all this.***
You’ve managed to get a bit of extra publicity
at least.
The comments posted under the Charlotte Observer editorial are largely supportiveeditorial.
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