HBD among the Asians

HBD oriented Asian blogs seem to be popping up around the internet.  Personally, I am tickled.  This development is promising because American society is not as strict with Asians, as it is with whites, when it comes to the taboo against honest discussion about race.  If HBD becomes fashionable among Asians, this could provide a foothold for whites to also espouse such opinions.  It could be like sushi or Yoga.  One SWPL would say to another, “hey, did you hear about HBD?  It’s this cool new Asian philosophy!!”
There are far more Asians in the world than there are whites.  If a majority of Asians (even just East Asians) accept HBD, then those whites who continue to cling to their dusty and useless racial equalitarianist beliefs would find themselves increasingly isolated and marginalized.
Asian race-realism does not have the unfortunate baggage that white race-realism so often carries; from what I’ve seen so far, their outlook tends to be kinder and gentler.  The fact that they do not face minority status in their own lands certainly has much to do with this.  We would do well to try to emulate them in this regard – but without losing our sense of urgency and activism.
Some examples of Asian HBD proponents are Steve Hsu, whom I have already written about, Sagat Says and Oriental Right.  We should ally ourselves with them, contribute to their sites and befriend them.  Though there are Asian supremicists , who are enemies of all who are not Asian, we should be able to distinguish between them and our friends with ease.  It would be much more beneficial, for our movement, to ally ourselves with like-minded Asians than with whites who seem to share our goals – but who, in fact, are poisonous.
Some might say that Asians are drawn to HBD because, within the world of HBD, they are generally at the top of the I.Q. totem pole.  Perhaps there is some truth to this.  More likely, I think, they are drawn to HBD because they are intelligent enough to recognize its merits.  Ultimately, we should strive for a world where human differences are acknowledged and respected.  Where policy is based on truth rather than blind faith.  Where it is understood that each race and ethnicity has a right to its own lands and where peaceful commerce and intellectual intercourse are the norm.
It could be claimed that those Asians who live in America are part of the problem; by participating in the displacement of whites, from the nations whites created, their actions speak louder than words.  I do not believe this is a fair standard to hold them to.  If somebody disagrees, perhaps I’ll dedicate a separate post to explain why I feel this way.
In the meantime, I give Asian HBDers the official Hebrew blessing of “ken yirbu” – may they multiply!

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19 Responses to HBD among the Asians

  1. RandyB says:

    Unfortunately, I think some of the impetus on Asian HBD is their cultures’ emphasis on “good family.” Which is something American culture has tried to get away from, rejecting social class as destiny and believing anyone can rise above their origins.
    I agree with John Derbyshire than China (or similar) will pass America in genomic research, because of our socio-political aversion to it. Liberals will be afraid that it will confirm HBD. Conservatives will fear that genetic testing of fetuses could lead to IQ-selective abortion.

  2. B.B. says:

    I guess I have the Asian bloggers Razib Khan and godlesscapitalist over @ GNXP.com to thank for introducing me to HBD.

  3. Sagat says:

    Some might say that Asians are drawn to HBD because, within the world of HBD, they are generally at the top of the I.Q. totem pole.
    Well, since Thais are not at the top of the heap when it comes to IQ, that’s not the case for me. I think you will find that almost all Asians (at least those non-Western born) talk about race very openly. You can go to many Asian message boards and see discussions about IQ and genetics taking place. The difference is that most Asians do not see all Asians as one big race and most of these discussions involve denigrating other Asians. This is very strong among Indians who are especially concerned with racial background.
    Also, most Asians have never heard of the term “HBD.” I personally don’t like the term myself. I’ve always believed in racial differences and I just see it as the truth. I think putting a label on it has caused such a common sense understanding about humans to be marginalized and dismissed by the anti-racists. When I talk about race, I keep getting lumped in with “HBDers,” but I don’t consider myself as such. I just believe in what is true. People are different. It’s as simple as that.

    • jewamongyou says:

      A point of view that has no name is more vulnerable. It can be destroyed by a simple “change of attitudes”. In contrast, HBD represents a veritable fortress of evidence and insight that cannot easily be toppled.

      • Sagat says:

        But saying that you are an adherent to HBD implies that you subscribe to a special school of thought. It allows detractors to compartmentalize the info that you present as just some “HBD nonsense.” When I talk about racial differences, I just say, “These are the facts. This is the truth.” Because that’s what it is.

  4. Sagat says:

    You can see what I’m talking about here:
    I and a few others were trying to discuss race with anti-racists and one guy, Doug1, keeps going on about HBD intellectuals. It totally distracts from the point and allows these boneheaded anti-racists to corral us all together. It was a futile discussion anyway and I gave up bothering to make my case once some of them started saying dumb things like this nugget of anti-racist thinking:
    Then how about people who are:
    1) taller than 6 feet
    2) right-handed
    3) straight hair
    4) round eyes
    4) and a mole on their left cheek
    Is that a race, genius?

    That thread was my inspiration for my ant-tablist post.

  5. Most East Asians don’t know about HBD in the academic sense. Most of them just don’t have a favorable opinion of black people outside of the basketball court. In fact, most East Asians in the states and at home that I’ve talked to are unaware of the fact that African-Americans have an average IQ of 85. The idea of hard work is very important to East Asians, as I have written about before. Thus, the main reason for East Asians on why less intelligent races don’t perform as well is that they are lazy and don’t work hard enough, not because they are genetically incapable. Which leads to strange and destructive trains of thought regarding achievement from people like AAK.

  6. Fjordman says:

    This trend should be welcomed. Asians bring fresh perspectives on many things from a Western point of view. Yes, I’m pretty sure Asians will have a lead in HBD-related issues. They already have to some extent.
    Regarding censorship in the West, there is room for more debate online than elsewhere. Obviously, I write under a pseudonym, but from my experience it also has something to do with projecting fear or not. It is said that dogs can literally smell fear, and I often think humans have that ability, too. A few years ago I was the typical white Westerners who was really scared of being called a “racist,” or even thinking of myself as one. Now I just don’t care anymore. This has had an interesting effect.
    When I was really scared of being called a racist and didn’t write a single word about genes (I started out focusing only about Islam), I was called a “racist” all the time. After I started writing essays that dealt specifically with ethnic and genetic differences, including intelligence, I have been called a “racist” less often than before. This is because people don’t smell fear. I don’t give a damn, and it shows. It is clearly much easier for me to do this on the Internet; I won’t lose my job, for instance. But it does have a something to do with attitude. People are a little bit like animals sometimes. If you look weak, you are far more likely to become prey.

  7. Schwartz says:

    Nice work on that thread Sagat. I find those discussions get a bit depressing with the sheer idiocy you face on the other side. Still, it has to be done.

  8. Sagat says:

    Thanks Schwartz. I saw that you added a some good comments too, but they’ll most likely misunderstand what you wrote, then declare that you don’t know what you’re talking about or say that you’re a nazi sympathizer or some other nonsense. I’ve never surprised at the lunacy that comes from that site.

  9. ofijaerij says:

    Are there actually any Asian supremacists?
    I wanted to find out one day so I typed in
    ‘asian superm’ into google, and google suggest finished my sentence, including ‘asian supremacy’ and ‘asian supremacy group’.
    So I wasn’t the only person in the world interested in this question.
    However, when you actually google ‘asian supremacy group’ you get a links to a couple of joke facebook groups, and message board threads where people are actually asking if any asian supremacy groups exist.
    I wonder why this is the case? Asians are certainly racist and nationalistic enough. Do we lack the testosterone and boldness to claim racial supremacy? Or is it because we don’t actually believe we are superior i.e. Asian inferiority complex?

    • RandyB says:

      Few Asians (relative to how many there are) live in societies with mutlicultural conflict problems, except where they immigrated voluntarily and legally. Not much use for a supremacy movement under those circumstances.
      You might start seeing one, though, if school systems start cutting more gifted science programs to devote resources to remedial programs for blacks and Hispanics, like the city of East Berkeley proposed.

  10. One of the first search results that appears for the term “Asian supremacy” is a Stormfront discussion. Because only people at stormfront think about such things. And Kenneth Eng.

  11. SFG says:

    I don’t think there are ‘Asian supremacists’, but plenty of Chinese supremacists, Japanese supremacists, etc.
    The whole idea of ‘white supremacy’ makes most sense in the context of the USA where you have a mix of European groups, and blacks. Europeans certainly had nationalism and such, but French nationalists and German nationalists killed each other by the millions.
    I’m not denying that race at the black-white-yellow level exists as a biological concept denoting degrees of similarity between populations, but as a political organizing principle it’s actually sort of American.

  12. Pingback: The Race concept, alive and well in the good old PR of C « Occidentalist

  13. IHTG says:

    I guess I have the Asian bloggers Razib Khan and godlesscapitalist over @ GNXP.com to thank for introducing me to HBD.
    Yeah, it’s kind of funny that this post mentions a “new trend” of Asian HBD bloggers, when it’s those two Asian guys who practically invented HBD (along with Steve Sailer).
    However, I get the feeling that JAY really means “East Asian” when he uses the term “Asian”. In that case, the observation seems to be correct.

  14. RAK says:

    I came across this site/your post with interest quite accidentally. As someone of East Asian descent and with connections to North America/East Asia and who has more than a few Jewish friends and who also takes an interest of the works of Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, Steve Sailer etc I’ll offer the following comments in reference to your post (in quotes):

    “HBD oriented Asian blogs seem to be popping up around the internet. Personally, I am tickled. This development is promising because American society is not as strict with Asians, as it is with whites, when it comes to the taboo against honest discussion about race. If HBD becomes fashionable among Asians, this could provide a foothold for whites to also espouse such opinions. It could be like sushi or Yoga. One SWPL would say to another, “hey, did you hear about HBD? It’s this cool new Asian philosophy!!””
    No, the latter is very unlikely. Leftists rarely laud Japanese for maintaining their own homogeneity with their immigration policy. Han Chinese and the Chinese _Communist_ Party (no less) are getting real flak for their real or alleged treatment of (tada!) ground-hugging Tibetans (featured in newspapers as a sign of their holiness). The left has an instinctual feel of rallying behind the weak or who are perceived as being weak – and of course, use that against the middle. So: in the grand scheme of things, the idea of pointing out blacks having lower IQ is still like pointing out someone has a handicap; Asian or not. SWPL will never tolerate that.

    “There are far more Asians in the world than there are whites. If a majority of Asians (even just East Asians) accept HBD, then those whites who continue to cling to their dusty and useless racial equalitarianist beliefs would find themselves increasingly isolated and marginalized.”
    Maybe, but recall the left is operating on faith. It does _not_ matter how strong the evidence is against equality. The notion of equality is such a overwhelming prerogative it’s unfalsifiable. Evidence against equality translates into an even more urgent need for remedy.
    “Asian race-realism does not have the unfortunate baggage that white race-realism so often carries; from what I’ve seen so far, their outlook tends to be kinder and gentler. The fact that they do not face minority status in their own lands certainly has much to do with this. We would do well to try to emulate them in this regard – but without losing our sense of urgency and activism.”
    I agree. When whites wail against IQ 85 blacks like so many on the nationalist right does it comes across as very very very petty – almost like someone cruelly rubbing it in, making fun of someone with a congenital handicap. There is almost a visceral sense of revulsion associated with this type of thinking and I tell you – it will backfire. (Kind of like Robert Weissberg once said the difference between ‘schvartzer’ and ‘nigger’). And yes, Malaysian Chinese tend to adopt a sterner approach with respect to race relations compared to their Chinese brethren in more homogeneous northeast Asia.
    “Some examples of Asian HBD proponents are Steve Hsu, whom I have already written about, Sagat Says and Oriental Right. We should ally ourselves with them, contribute to their sites and befriend them. Though there are Asian supremicists , who are enemies of all who are not Asian, we should be able to distinguish between them and our friends with ease. It would be much more beneficial, for our movement, to ally ourselves with like-minded Asians than with whites who seem to share our goals – but who, in fact, are poisonous.”
    The way I see it the most vociferous enemies against HBD are whites, not blacks. Sure blacks make the most noise and huff and puff and secure the best soundbites but they rarely amount to much in the long run. But — and hate to say this — many of these whites who hate whites are Jews themselves and you know why? Because they can afford to be.
    Jews are probably even more liberal than Hispanics. Nietzsche once said the strong usurp the values of the weak as devices for govern. And one reason is the implicit notion of noblesse oblige. Do you make fun of your maid?
    That’s why even within Asian groups Japanese may be more liberal than, oh, Koreans. Sailer expounded on this in his mini-debate with Taylor a while back on VDARE. And it’s also one reason why many Brits are hesitant to vote for BNP rather than, say, UKIP. Keep friends close, but enemies closer.
    “Some might say that Asians are drawn to HBD because, within the world of HBD, they are generally at the top of the I.Q. totem pole. Perhaps there is some truth to this. More likely, I think, they are drawn to HBD because they are intelligent enough to recognize its merits. Ultimately, we should strive for a world where human differences are acknowledged and respected. Where policy is based on truth rather than blind faith. Where it is understood that each race and ethnicity has a right to its own lands and where peaceful commerce and intellectual intercourse are the norm.”
    Well, the fact that NorthEast Asians are at the top of the IQ totem pole does not make things harder for them to accept it….at the same time if I were told Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than NorthEast Asians I’m not going to go home and start crying and then start begging for welfare or fall into depression and start raping women etc. But really, human differences and inequality is so blindingly obvious it is as Taylor said many times the notion of equality must be something only very intelligent people can possibly understand. And wrt to Asians on this question it’s like giving a fish a bath; the idea that we’re unequal is so obvious it hardly needs to be said – nor elaborated.
    “It could be claimed that those Asians who live in America are part of the problem; by participating in the displacement of whites, from the nations whites created, their actions speak louder than words. I do not believe this is a fair standard to hold them to. If somebody disagrees, perhaps I’ll dedicate a separate post to explain why I feel this way.”
    Please do. I’m interested why you think that way. In a way and in the context of HBD gentile whites are seen as behaving like Malaysians. Self-preserving nationalism vs HBD may not always be synonymous.
    “In the meantime, I give Asian HBDers the official Hebrew blessing of “ken yirbu” – may they multiply!”
    I don’t consider myself an Asian HBDer but I’m not blind. And best wishes returned to you as well.

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