Confession of a young race-realist

I’ve been a bit under the weather recently, and haven’t had much energy for writing.  So it was nice that a reader (who calls himself “E) sent me this post he found on a site called “grouphug”:

I am 24 years old. I am a race realist and I can’t tell anyone.
I became a race realist in 2008 or 2009, when I read an article by William Saletan about race, genes and IQ. The more I learned, the more depressed I got, and the more I knew that what I was reading was true.
My family is from Detroit, Michigan. My mother grew up in the inner city. To this day she has post traumatic stress disorder, she is always jumpy and frightened. It was worse when I was a little kid, and I picked up on it and adopted it to a great extent. I am always afraid, on some deep level, that orderly civilization is just a thin ice layer over a chaotic abyss, and there is nothing I can do to keep it from cracking and opening beneath me.
I am very angry at the people who let blacks take over Detroit. If they were still alive I would hurt them. They ruined my mother’s life. Her family was poor and her parents abused her. She didn’t need black power on top of that. Hell, even the other blacks didn’t need black power when you think about it. To this day, I’ll never volunteer or donate to any charity which helps black people, unless it helps them stop breeding.
I am not angry at black people, because they didn’t choose their nature. However, I can’t say I exactly love them to bits. If everyone with more than 20% black ancestry disappeared from the planet tomorrow, I would be happy. I would smile. As it is, I would just be happy if they all went back to Africa and if we stopped giving money to Africa and started flushing it down the toilet instead. The second way is more direct, and at least that way, some American sewer workers will clean up (no pun intended).
I am angry at my mother. In one way I see her as a victim, first of her life circumstances, and second of race fantastic propaganda. I only learned that Detroit was black when I was in high school, and by then the brain damage was already done. When she told me stories about sleeping in the bathtub because of gunfire, walking through the streets alone terrified, being holed up in a mafia-protected neighborhood during the riots, being dragged by four or five men towards a van, she never told me what race these people were. I grew up thinking it was white people who did this to her, because we lived in a majority white neighborhood (big surprise) and white, jewish and asian was all that I saw.
When I found out about Detroit’s racial makeup, and the violent nature of blacks, I felt like I’d been betrayed. My parents were supposed to teach me about reality and she taught me that black people are the template for human nature, and that a white person is just as likely to hurt you as a black person is. Because of this I grew up terrified and believing that if anything bad happened to me, I deserved it, because she’d tried to warn me and I hadn’t protected myself enough.
I think she believed that if she told me the truth, I would have grown up hating black people and believing that they are criminals. Well, so what?! She is a smart woman, she could have used a simple analogy like wolves versus dogs.
A few months ago my mom told me she was ashamed that she was scared of black people on the street. I was really upset. It must be Stockholm Syndrome, or maybe the propagandists in the sixties targeted women for psychological reasons. My Dad doesn’t like blacks, he views race fantastic and liberal propaganda as “do-gooder nonsense.”
In a way, I have to thank my parents, for not feeling so guilty they raised me in a “joyously diverse” environment. I am just upset that they were so brainwashed.
My friends are all liberals. I honestly don’t have much common ground with conservatives. I agree with them on many issues, but culturally we are very different. Most race realists are middle aged and many are off on their own tangents, there is no cohesive movement to, say, end immigration and race preferences BAMN, and screw all the other issues and side-issues until those are fixed.
At the present moment, I feel like the snake in the Garden of Eden. I took a bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and instead of being expelled from the garden, I was turned into a snake and slung into the tree, where I saw the garden for what it was, an oasis of false calm amid encroaching chaos.
I understand why people resist race realism. It’s not exactly a pleasant thing to believe in, but once your eyes are opened, they won’t close again. And also, there is no new knowledge in the fruit from the tree of knowledge. It is knowledge hidden inside of you, suddenly illuminated, with a light “as blank and pitiless as the sun.”


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17 Responses to Confession of a young race-realist

  1. Ryan says:

    My situation isn’t much different. I’ve got a mulatto nephew, which makes it all but impossible for me to voice my true feelings to my family. Can’t very well tell my friends how I feel, despite the fact that I live in an almost all white town (my town has only had like 1 murder in the past 20 years, guess the race of the perp) they too would ostracize me. The only thing you can hope for is that something big happens, that will allow people to talk openly about race. Fingers crossed…

    • Bill says:

      I’ve found it useful to go slowly. I never lay out the whole shebang at once, and I don’t bring it up every time I see someone. Usually I start with something innocuous, like the idea that people are not really created equal, that not everyone can be Tolstoy or Bach or Einstein, no matter what.
      Everyone has a strong intuitive grasp of racial realities, so don’t give up hope yet. I start with a difference like credit worthiness and work my way up to crime and IQ.
      Most of the problem is emotional. People are afraid of appearing not to care about brown people, because they’d lose face with their peers. Remove this fear and, wow, some “liberals” would give a Klansman pause. Anyway, good luck.

  2. Chuck says:

    We need to focus on getting certain hypotheses tested. Thirty years ago these were tested (Scarr et al, etc) but with flawed methodology — as such the results were equivocal. The HBD sphere needs to direct its energy towards pushing for a retest. To do this, it needs to show 1) that the issue is still open, 2) that it can easily be resolved, 3) and that the academic community has a social responsibility to resolve it.

    • RandyB says:

      I agree, but people who believe in HBD need to coach our request in terms that implies some kind of concern or positive view for minorities.
      We have to point out that it doesn’t do minorities any good to ignore the role differential intelligence plays in things like the marketing of sub-prime mortgages, preventing teen pregnancy, the income drain of state lotteries, or wise use of foreign aid to Africa. It won’t get anywhere to want to prove race-correlated HBD, just to show we’re too superior to be required to live around them.

  3. James of Dubbo, N.S.W says:

    Chuck might be right, but to this day I have never seen a plausible explanation for why the IQ gap persists between the races when socioeconomic status is controlled for or why it still remains even when blacks in very high SES categories are compared to whites in very low SES catgories. Liberals never answer this question or attempt to because frankly it can’t be reasonably explained. I bring this up because it is an example of why I don’t think it matters how “conclusive” our studies become short of discovering the genes for intelligence and seeing whether or not they are equally distributed among all ethnic groups. Liberals can’t deny that; real, physical evidence. Liberals can put an ad hoc spin, no matter how lame, on any other type of study, however.
    Off topic: I’m in New York City. I had to drive to Newark to drop off the rental car I got in Charlotte, N.C after the AmRen conference and it was the most miserable place I have ever been to. I’ve been to a lot of bad places on this vacation but Newark has truly taken the cake thus far..

  4. Kiwiguy says:

    Saletan’s series on the James Watson controversy was one of the first times I can recall a mainstream journalist doing a proper survey of the literature.
    It’s not surprising it converted some people, given the evidence is pretty strongly against a pure environmentalist explanation for group disparities.

  5. Konkvistador says:

    My heart goes out to the young man. We all know how he is feeling to a great extent.
    Society lying to us is bad, but its extra hard when our parents are multikulty on issues like race. Many of them didn’t have to live in the “multiracial utopia” like young people in the US and Europe now have to. Sure most of the youth (people my age and younger) accept the doublethink needed to swallow the diversity ideology, but for those of us who reject it I have a feeling its much more psychologically stressful than it was for someone who didn’t grew up in a racist family and turning against those beliefs in favour of the state ideology in say the 70s or 80s.

  6. Sagat says:

    I grew up in a poor, mostly Black neighborhood in North Carolina, so I’m always fascinated by these stories from White people who seem to be so oblivious to these types of things. I lived in run down row housing and when I would walk along the sidewalk in front of the units, I’d hear kids screaming as they got beat and people fighting and yelling all the time. I remember watching out of my window as a Black neighbor pinned down his wife and repeatedly pummeled her face, while a crowd of people stared on. Down the street from me a man murdered his wife and not far from where I lived, a woman was found stuffed in a garbage can. A girl at my elementary school was kidnapped as she took a shortcut through the woods. She was later found dead. The school banned us from walking through the woods after that, but the boys would sprint through the woods after school to prove our bravery and to amuse ourselves.
    As a kid, living around that environment was actually really exciting for me. Getting in fights all the time and even massive group brawls was something I considered pretty normal. It wasn’t until I moved from that area that I truly understood how abnormal those kinds of things were. When I left there, I didn’t just leave the area, I left the country and moved to Germany. There couldn’t have been a bigger culture shock. From dilapidated and crime ridden to clean and efficient. That’s when I understood what a functioning society was supposed to be like. And that’s when I fully became a race realist.

  7. Gerry says:

    The sexual revolution taught us that the best way to break a taboo is to talk openly about it.
    I guess mentioning racial IQ differences today is no more perilous than bringing the subject of buggering into the conversation at a victorian dinner party.
    It makes me shudder just thinking about it.
    Must be brave though.

  8. anonymous says:

    I went to school in housing project. Most of them were monsters who went around in packs attacking others. No one would do a gd thing about it. Not the teachers, not the principal, not even the parents. So I’d just fight them all by myself. That was a long 13 years.
    Now when liberals try to lecture me about the joys of diversity I won’t stand for it. I won’t have some self righteous maggot who went to an all white school in the burbs tell me how great integration was.

  9. Californian says:

    One the advantages of the Internet is that it allows an open discussion of these things. It also allows for dissemination of strategies for bringing race realism to wider audiences.
    Good point about race realism being like sex was until the sexual revolution. Perhaps all it will be take is a few rebels bringing up this matter in public?
    Think of Ginsberg’s poem, “Howl.”

  10. icr says:

    In the final analysis, I don’t see how there can possibly be a “nice” way out of this.
    “If the political is rooted in human nature, then it cannot be abolished. Even if the entire planet could be turned into a boneless chicken ranch, all it would take is two serious men to start politics—and history—all over again.”
    “But the utopians will never even get that far. Politics cannot be abolished by universal declarations of peace, love, and tolerance, for such attempts to transcend politics actually just reinstitute it on another plane. After all, utopian peace- and love-mongers have enemies too, namely “haters” like us.”
    “Thus the abolition of politics is really only the abolition of honesty about politics. But dishonesty is the least of the utopians’ vices. For in the name of peace and love, they persecute us with a fanaticism and wanton destructiveness that makes good, old-fashioned war seem wholesome by comparison.”

  11. icr says:

    US domestic politics may be the worst in the entire West-it is little more than a vast conspiracy of liars, thieves and whores. Even in the UK you get an occasional truth from a Griffin or a Farange.

  12. laron says:

    i read her confession which led me to this blog.. i thought some of her creative analogies and thoughts were well written but it was full of fear and hate. and it hurts people who can’t change the way we were born. and though i can understand her issues and fear, i wouldn’t blame my race completely, but generation, class and nature vs. nuture. this is very unfair to make a generalization because i am nothing like that i am timid,calm, not angry,or violent, and i am smart as far as IQ goes 20% percent black person. and to be judged for something i didn’t ask to be while she was so lucky to be born the right way is unsympathetic…..someone has to be the underdog, everyone is just glad it isnt them.

  13. Christoph says:

    “I became a race realist in 2008 or 2009, when I read an article by William Saletan about race, genes and IQ. The more I learned, the more depressed I got, and the more I knew that what I was reading was true.”

    Ha. That sounds exactly like me (although I didn’t read his article and don’t actually know who he is, but same idea).

  14. 63erertert says:

    I read this post sometime ago, and I thought I’d come back to it because I realized a great irony with it. Many, many people don’t react well to “HBD”, but the severity of response certainly varies, and that, I would say, often depends on one’s genotype. Early on, this person remarks that their mother suffers from PTSD- well, PTSD is genetically based, so this person did not just “pick up on it and adopt it to a great extent.”, they inherited it to a great extent, or more specifically, whatever personality characteristics that disposed his mother towards paranoia and emotional fragility that makes one vulnerable to PTSD. So, this might explain why they believe things as paranoid as ” that orderly civilization is just a thin ice layer over a chaotic abyss, and there is nothing I can do to keep it from cracking and opening beneath me.” This isn’t exactly a rationally based outlook, it’s distinctively rooted in mental instability. And while there is a kernel of rationale to “not wanting to donate to a charity that helps black people unless it stops them from breeding”, something like “If everyone with more than 20% black ancestry disappeared from the planet tomorrow, I would be happy. I would smile.” is, well, rather sociopathic. Maybe this is tied to this person’s paranoias and emotional fragility they inherited from their mother? Or why they feel like the snake in the garden of eden?
    As it stands, I feel like I can frame this better, but I hope people get what I’m saying. This person is clearly intelligent, but how our understanding of human nature has developed in the course of modern civilization has led to people as perceptive as this, who fail to recognize what their own mental and emotional instabilities lead to and how it colors their perception of the world. To the point where this person can recognize HBD yet think they merely “picked up” their mother’s personal dysfunction as opposed to inheriting it, and failing to recognize how that influences them… it’s pretty fascinating. And depressing.

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