Abuja – a successful city?

Sagat recently linked to this YouTube video (in a comment) and said:

Here’s a vid of Lagos, Nigeria. It may look rundown to your eyes, but it is a civilization. And watch to the end to see the capital, Abuja. That place actually looks like a decent city.

Yes, Abuja does look rather decent, judging from the video.  But I couldn’t help but notice that, throughout the entire video, not a single white or Asian was shown.  What Nigeria seems to lack is racial diversity.  So, if it is a successful nation, or if Abuja is a successful city, then we must conclude that racial diversity is not essential to success.  If it is not successful, then… well, what is successful in black Africa?
There are many YouTube videos on Nigeria, almost all of them interesting.  They all paint the same portrait: an overwhelmingly black nation.  Why can’t we have a “white Nigeria” that’s extremely populous and almost 100% white, just as Nigeria is almost 100% black?
But there’s nothing new in all that.  What is new is that I’ve been working a lot of overtime in order to save up for my upcoming vacation.  I’ve also been spending a lot of time planning for this vacation.  Where am I going?  To a place I’ve always wanted to visit: Madagascar.  Many of y’all might think I’m crazy, and maybe I am.  But Madagascar is a fascinating place and I hope to learn much while I’m there – and to enjoy what remains of the natural beauty that island was blessed with.  Lemurs, Baobab trees and my favorite reptile, chameleons.  One interesting fact about Madagascar is that, although it is located only a short distance from the East African coast, it was first settled by Indonesians.  The largest ethnic groups there are of Indonesian descent and Malagasy is an Asian language.  They migrated prior to the Islamic transformation in Indonesia, so they maintain traditional Indonesian beliefs, with a local flavor.  I’m leaving in another month and, obviously, my blogging will be limited during that time – unless y’all want to hear all about my travels.
I’ve still been finding time to translate “The Ashkenazi Revolution”.  I am now in the middle of chapter four; the project is proceeding more quickly than I’d expected and I am enjoying it very much.

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7 Responses to Abuja – a successful city?

  1. latte island says:

    Madagascar is interesting for so many reasons, aside from the natural beauty of the place. The Nazis had a plan to deport Jews there, but unfortunately that fell through. I also read, a few years ago, that a lot of land has been leased to a South Korean agricultural company, for a nominal fee, because the local people couldn’t develop it properly. I’d like to know how that’s working. (Although it could be a sensitive subject…)

  2. Bantu Education says:

    I bet if you were to experience Abuja on the ground it would be awful. I stand to correction on this, but I believe its the only African city actually created by Africans – all other were founded during the short period of benevolent European custodianship, misleading called “colonialism”.
    But then again although an African may have come up with the idea for a new capital city, the archiects and engineers almost certainly were not. But, having read plenty of bad and nothing good about Abuja even though hundreds of billions of oil money have been poured into (most going into the pockets of black politicians) I doubt they were white or chinese, either -most likely Muslim Middle-Easterners.
    The only other African city which looks “decent” is Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, but that was in the ’80’s when there were lots of French there. All gone now so you can guess what its become.

  3. Kiwiguy says:

    Travel writer Paul Theroux’s son, Louis Theroux, did a documentary ‘Law & Disorder in Lagos’ a year or so ago. It was pretty interesting and you can probably download it somewhere on the net, or see parts on YouTube.
    “On the streets of Lagos, it is not the police who wield power but gangs of fight-hardened young men known as Area Boys. Louis spends time with several outfits, joining them as they patrol their turf, clash with local rivals and keep the peace in a brutal and haphazard fashion. The main income for the Area Boys is an arbitrary and unofficial form of taxation, extracted from local businesses and commercial drivers. Louis gets to know the rich and glamorous Area Boy leader MC, a former street youth himself, who has now become a friend of the most powerful men in the city. Taken under MC’s wing, Louis experiences the top levels of the Area Boys’ world from the inside, complete with a tour of MC’s grand residence and extensive shoe collection, and ending in a chaotic mini-riot with gunshots, blood and mayhem.”

  4. Californian says:

    On the streets of Lagos, it is not the police who wield power but gangs of fight-hardened young men known as Area Boys.
    A situation which we can also see in American inner cities. Perhaps it is an inevitable reversion to tribal warbands and warlordism as civilization breaks down?

  5. Sagat says:

    There are a few prosperous and well built African cities. Many are engineered by foreign companies, mainly from China, but in that particular video that you linked to, an important point is made. Abuja is a city for the rich and the elite. It’s what bright Africans can put together if they keep out the vast majority of other Africans. I thought that was interesting, because I wondered if a population of intelligent Africans gathered together and formed an endogamous community, if we’d actually see an oasis of cognitively gifted Blacks develop inside of Africa.

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