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Monthly Archives: April 2011
Curious Malagasy customs
I was told (by more than one person) that when a couple wishes to marry, they are expected to cohabit for a couple of years. In the meantime, they save up for the wedding. During the wedding, the groom must … Continue reading
Racial patterns in Madagascar
I had hoped to interview a bunch of English-speaking Malagasy about their various ethnic groups, stereotypes about them and inter-ethnic mating patterns. Alas, very few people here speak English so all I have to go on is several conversations I … Continue reading
The "sex-tourists" of Madagascar
Yesterday I made an excursion to Montadia National Park in order to observe the largest species of lemur – the Indry Indry. In the end, I was able to observe, and photograph a whole troupe of them and some other species of … Continue reading
Posted in immigration/ Hispanics, libertarian thought
"Blacks don't care about nature"
Today I visited the Ifaty reserve to see the Baobab trees, lemurs and whatever else local nature has to offer. My mostly African guide, Freddy, really knew his stuff. His expertise at finding wildlife, coaxing them out for the camera … Continue reading
Will eating Zebu make you black?
Some might say “yes”. After all, Jewamongyou is a few shades darker and he is sitting eating Zebu as he writes this post. But I think the darker skin probably has more to do with the tropical sun (a welcome … Continue reading
Mississippi Republicans and miscegenation
Thanks to Human Stupidity for bringing this to my attention (I later found it on Amren and a couple other blogs). According to a recent survey, a majority of Mississippi Republicans believe that interracial marriage should be illegal: Within … Continue reading
Posted in miscegenation
The advertising racism of Target
A few months ago, I walked into my local Target, and a few other retail stores, with the express goal of tallying up how many white people are depicted on their walls, end caps etc. versus other races. This little … Continue reading
Feeling sorry for yourself?
Perhaps you shouldn’t; there is always somebody worse off than you – like this guy, who chose to skip the office mega-pool lottery purchase. In hindsight, perhaps he should have bought that ticket: A hapless state information-technology worker who usually … Continue reading
The trials of Nunavut
In 1999, the Canadian government gave autonomy to the aboriginal inhabitants of the Northeastern part of the country, the Inuit. So far, the results have been less than promising. The Trials of Nunavut describes the challenges of the nascent nation … Continue reading
The "anti-Sailer blog"
Though it’s been up for some four years now, I only just discovered a source of laughs and entertainment called: The Steve Sailer Sucks Blog. It’s hard to tell if the author of this blog really is a mentally challenged, … Continue reading