Everybody enjoys the approval of those they admire. So it is a great pleasure for me to report that Steve Sailer has added this blog to his links.
I have often found, after I had published a post, that Steve Sailer had written more or less the same thing and had beaten me to it. Of course, had I known about it in advance, I would have cited him and, in a perfect world, I would have already read all his works (and the works of other great writers) before publishing anything of my own. On the other hand, there is something to be said for reaching the same conclusions independently. This is one of the traits that distinguish us from the leftists – who follow the dictates of the thought police uncritically.
In any event, thank you Steve!
- 4racism.org
- Alternative Hypothesis
- American Renaissance
- Amerika.org
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- CanSpeccy
- Countenance
- Counter Currents
- Dan from Squirrel Hill
- Diversity Chronicle
- Europa Unitas
- fleuchtling (refugees)
- Government and Corporate Anti-White Discrimination
- Hail to You
- HBD Chick
- Human stupidity
- It's Okay to be White
- John Derbyshire
- La Griffe du Lion
- Lion of the Blogosphere
- Luke Ford
- Madspace
- Muunyayo
- Nimshal
- Nodhimmitude
- Occidental Dissent
- Reluctant Apostate
- Sincerity
- Soviet Men
- Steve Sailer's blog
- Taki's Magazine
- The Atheist Jew
- The Last Ditch
- The Mad Jewess
- The National Conservative
- The Politically Incorrect Australian
- The slitty eye
- The Unz Review (Steve Sailer)
- Those who can see
- Thuletide
- Utter Contempt
- VDare
Buy Your Coffee From These Patriots
I should have done it a long time ago. I just hadn’t updated my links in a few years.
Better late than never! 🙂
I only have a few minor disagreements with you. But you deserve a Congressional or Presidential Medal of Freedom. You just might be the most under-rated person in America today.
yesher koach.
Congrats JAY. I got in around the same time, under “diversity.” This pleases me.
Mazel tov JAY!
You deserve it JAY, you’re easily my favourite writer on these topics.
Why thank you!