I ordered several of the following bumper-stickers, and now sport one on my car:
It’s hard to see how this could offend anybody but, at the same time, it might get people to start thinking. I’ve got a few others in the pipeline as well – and a new flyer I designed. You can read about that later.
- 4racism.org
- Alternative Hypothesis
- American Renaissance
- Amerika.org
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- CanSpeccy
- Countenance
- Counter Currents
- Dan from Squirrel Hill
- Diversity Chronicle
- Europa Unitas
- fleuchtling (refugees)
- Government and Corporate Anti-White Discrimination
- Hail to You
- HBD Chick
- Human stupidity
- It's Okay to be White
- John Derbyshire
- La Griffe du Lion
- Lion of the Blogosphere
- Luke Ford
- Madspace
- Muunyayo
- Nimshal
- Nodhimmitude
- Occidental Dissent
- Reluctant Apostate
- Sincerity
- Soviet Men
- Steve Sailer's blog
- Taki's Magazine
- The Atheist Jew
- The Last Ditch
- The Mad Jewess
- The National Conservative
- The Politically Incorrect Australian
- The slitty eye
- The Unz Review (Steve Sailer)
- Those who can see
- Thuletide
- Utter Contempt
- VDare
Buy Your Coffee From These Patriots
The fact that when people say diversity they tend to refer to skin color rather than intellectual diversity just demonstrates how surface oriented people have become as opposed to being mind oriented.
it’s far, far too reasonable for me
maybe if it had the n-word in there somewhere…?
If any of the stickers are commercially available, please let us know where to get them.
I like the subversive quality of the sticker you show.
I ordered mine here:
Take a look at what are Chinese friends are doing in Africa
Desperate situations lead to desperate measures.
My bumper sticker simply reads: “BO Stinks.”
I like this bumper sticker. If you plaster the entire back of your car with bumper stickers though, I am so judging you.
I’ve always wanted to put a really offensive, beyond-the-pale bumper sticker on the back of a liberal’s car (one of those cars with a million “peace” stickers on it…oh please) but it would have to be just text, so they wouldn’t notice it right away. I like imagining that person, months or years hence, blubbering their disbelief and disavowing the content of that sticker to their friends. Makes me feel very warm inside.
I’m all for it – as long as you don’t get caught.
I just bought car stickers for my bumper and love to show them off!