Practical tips for Mivtzoyim*

Yesterday I went door to door again distributing some flyers.  It was a two-sided flyer this time.  One side had my updated “Stop the Hatred” flyer while the other featured one of Unamusement Park’s recent creations.  Here’s the updated “Stop the Hatred” flyer (please edit the part about Portland according to whatever city you’re in):



Certainly you have heard of the recent, racially-motivated mob attacks in Chicago against whites, the savage beating, by racist blacks, of Carter Strange in South Carolina, the anti-white pogroms in Philadelphia and Milwaukee and the brutal beating, by blacks, of white transgender Crissy Polis in Baltimore.  On the reverse is a description of one of these recent attacks.
All of the above incidents, and many more, occurred within the last few months.  If you haven’t heard of them, it is because you get your “news” from a media that does not want you to know about them.  You will know about them when such attacks become common in the Portland area as well.
Interracial crime is overwhelmingly black on white, or black on Asian.  The Justice department tries to distort this fact by counting Hispanics as “white” when they are perpetrators, but as “Hispanic” when they are victims.  Even so, the trends are clear.  White people are being victimized, because of their race, all over the country.
It is high time that whites grow a backbone and stand up for their group rights – just as every other race, and ethnicity, has done.  It is time to stop being ashamed of your own heritage, to tell your teachers, college professors and the media – most of whom openly hate whites as a race – to keep their hatred to themselves and to stop infecting vulnerable young people with self-loathing.
When you hear the following expressions, and words, from the powers that be, here is what they actually mean:
“Affirmative Action” = anti-white discrimination
“Diversity” = the denial of freedom of association for whites and the destruction of white societies as cohesive communities.
“Hate Crime” (in the racial context) = a crime committed by whites against non-whites.
“Not a Hate Crime” = a crime committed by non-whites against whites, even when racial epithets are used.
“Racist” = a white person.

Here’s the link to Unamusement Park’s flyer.  I took Unamusement Park’s advice and left out my URL.  His reasoning was that as soon as people visit the site, they’ll see that its author believes in innate racial differences in I.Q.  At that point, mental paralysis sets in and they cannot digest any information.
Here are some practical tips:  If you don’t already have a laser printer, order a Brother HL2240D from Costco online.  This printer should cost you only about $100.  It has duplex capabilities, making it a lot easier to do what I did yesterday – printing on both sides of the page without any confusion or mess-ups.  Don’t get caught without extra toner, but don’t order your extra cartridge from Costco.  Shop around for the toner.  I got mine from shop4tech and paid about half of what Costco wanted.  If you don’t already have a USB cable, order it online from of a similar site.  They cost way too much through retail.  When you are ready to print your flyers, go into the print options and select “toner saving mode”; it will save you money and the quality is easily good enough.  Don’t print all 50, or 100 flyers yet.  First print just one and make sure it comes out okay.
Now that you’ve got your flyers printed, dress appropriately, shave, shower and look presentable.  Always look for “no soliciting” signs.  When you see one, skip that house.  Don’t take shortcuts through people’s lawns or gardens.  If you’re self-conscious, there’s nothing wrong with skipping houses where people are out front.
Warning:  Do not put flyers in people’s mailboxes.  It is illegal and you could get into serious trouble.
After you have distributed all your flyers, treat yourself to some summer fruit and ice-cream or cold watermelon.  You’ve earned it!
*”Mivstoyim” is the Habad-Lubavitch term for public/street activism.  I have adopted the term because it’s appropriate and because I’d like to co-opt  it to mean the specifically pro-white activism I encourage in this blog.

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64 Responses to Practical tips for Mivtzoyim*

  1. Californian says:

    One thing I have found effective is to take a small group of people — 2 to 4 — and put up flyers on university bulletin boards. This is a little more difficult these days since university administrations have been cracking down on free speech. Still, a university is the right place to hit the other side in their homeland.
    One reason for operating as a group is for safety. Another is that it creates a bond of common action–it is a good way to develop team spirit and cadres.

  2. ceres gatton says:

    And make sure you—-CARRY! If local gun laws prohibit, carry a knife.

  3. CanSpeccy says:

    But how much of the variation in intelligence accounted for by variation in cranial capacity?
    Not Much.
    Einstein’s brain was only average in size, the brain of Gauss, perhaps the greatest mathematician of all time, was not much above average.
    And how much of the variation in human achievement is accounted for by variation in IQ?
    Not much.
    Richard Feynman, perhaps the greatest American theoretical physicist of all time, was reported to have an IQ of 123.
    And how much of the racial variation in IQ is culturally determined?
    Quite a lot, most likely, although since it is impossible to create a culturally unbiased test, we will never know for sure.

  4. CanSpeccy says:

    “But I’m trying to figure out what this has to do with this post…”
    You raised the issue of racial differences in IQ and cranial capacity.
    I’m suggesting that although we can assume that there are racial differences in most complex human traits if we measure precisely enough, these differences are usually not very important in explaining behavior compared with cultural differences.
    Therefore, when you state that you believe in racial differences in IQ, you will give many the impression that you are claiming racial intellectual superiority.
    In my case, this does not induce “mental paralysis,” but it suggests that you are either not very well informed about the biological and social basis of intelligence or that you are being deliberately provocative.
    For example, if I am green and you are blue and you insist on pointing out the minor statistical fact that blue people, on average, have slightly higher IQ’s than green people, I am likely to believe that you are asserting that your arguments trump mine because your IQ is higher. This is, obvious nonsense, and nonsense that most green people would consider offensive.
    So why create such friction? Why not focus on words and actions, not presumed innate abilities that vary far more widely within than among groups?

    • jewamongyou says:

      Can you show me where I brought this up? I’m a bit confused here.

      • CanSpeccy says:

        I was commenting with reference to this”
        “I took Unamusement Park’s advice and left out my URL. His reasoning was that as soon as people visit the site, they’ll see that its author believes in innate racial differences in I.Q. At that point, mental paralysis sets in and they cannot digest any information.”
        I acknowledge that your flyer was not concerned with racial differences in IQ. I was commenting only on the reaction you say occurs when people discover you have a belief in racial differences on IQ. And my point was that while one should not deny anything one believes to be true, there is no need to give prominence to what is divisive but unilluminating.
        In the modern world the different families of mankind will live much more closely together than in the past. Under these circumstances, I think it desirable to focus on the value of diversity — and the need to preserve it by maintain separation of racial groups, rather than focusing on differences that are made the basis for claims of racial superiority.

    • Annoyed says:

      I think IQ differences exist, but it’s irrelevant when it comes to why I believe in continued white racial existence. I think you’re likely right from the stand point of public relations but no matter what we do we are going to come off as “racist” to some extent as on a fundamental level, we consider our racial makeup valuable, more valuable then the others that exist.

  5. jewamongyou says:

    Re: CanSpeccy. Clearly I agree with you – which is why I left out the URL in the flyers; I saw no benefit in bringing that up at this point. But at some point, people must come to terms with innate racial differences. To ignore them, or deny them, leaves whites open to charges of pervasive racism.

  6. Half Sigma says:

    Thanks for the printer advice, I ordered one from Newegg because my HP laser printers keep breaking on me.
    Although I have no intention of using it for the purposes mentioned in this blog post.

  7. CanSpeccy says:

    “people must come to terms with innate racial differences”
    I agree on that.
    It seems most productive, though, to see hereditary differences in the context of adaptation to particular conditions, social as well as environmental.
    One would expect, for example, that people who have lived for many generations in a densely populated country, e.g., in East Asia, might have a greater capacity for dealing with complex social interactions, a capacity that might show up as a difference in IQ, whereas people living in relatively small tribes, e.g., the Scottish highlanders who I number among my ancestors, or many Africans, would show greater development in the capacity for whiling away the time with songs and dances and story telling, etc.
    I find the IQ and race debate largely sterile and divisive. Africans, and African Americans are capable of intellectual greatness and if some African Americans seem poorly developed intellectually, I suspect that this reflects cultural impoverishment and political division in American society more than innate racial differences in intellectual capacity. Most American blacks, after all, are at least partly European in heredity.

    • a.n.animus says:

      The IQ debate is important for this simple reason: Blacks as a whole vastly underperform academically compared to Whites and Asians, and the reason often given is the “legacy of racial discrimination”. Much of the focus of the educational establishment is on the elimination of this achievement gap.
      While individual (sub Saharan) Africans and African descended persons can certainly achieve intellectual greatness, the difference in average intelligence suggests that very few will reach the highest levels of intellectually demanding fields. So, for example, if you removed all of the contributions of Blacks from physics and mathematics, those fields would be virtually unchanged.
      I have no doubt that cultural changes could fix some of what is wrong with Blacks in America, but I no longer care that much, and I’d just rather separate peacefully.

      • CanSpeccy says:

        “if you removed all of the contributions of Blacks from physics and mathematics, those fields would be virtually unchanged. ”
        But if you removed all the contributions of Blacks from the world of literature, entertainment and politics, those fields would be considerably changed.
        Moreover, if you adjust the IQ data for socio-economic status, the differences would largely disappear. So what causes the differences?
        Does socioeconomic status determine IQ? Does IQ determine socioeconomic status? Pretty hard to tell, especially when you are comparing former slaves with their former slave masters.
        And do you really believe that Israelis are so much dumber (mean IQ 94) than those Italians, Germans and Austrians (mean IQ 102)?
        These tests have to be a joke.
        Most probably they show how communities differ in the extent to which they have been affected by the Flynn effect.
        The Flynn effect almost certainly reflects the influence of culture on IQ scores. Interestingly, it is reversible, as is evident in parts of Europe.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        Canspeccy claimed “Moreover, if you adjust the IQ data for socio-economic status, the differences would largely disappear. So what causes the differences?”
        This is patently false. In fact, the best blacks score in the range of the lowest whites. This is true regardless of socioeconomic differences.

      • Does socioeconomic status determine IQ? Does IQ determine socioeconomic status?
        You’re wrong about black and white scores by socioeconomic status.
        Pretty hard to tell, especially when you are comparing former slaves with their former slave masters.
        No you’re not. All blacks born of US parents were born free. This has been the case for generations. They have had tremendous amounts of government assistance, free public education, and a propaganda-laden environment which fosters significantly higher self-esteem than whites are allowed. Blacks rate themselves as having higher abilities at math than whites & Asians do. Black kids don’t come from school having learned about slavery in America (but NOT slavery in Africa), telling their parents they wish they were a different race. WHITES DO.
        And do you really believe that Israelis are so much dumber (mean IQ 94) than those Italians, Germans and Austrians (mean IQ 102)?
        These tests have to be a joke.

        Laugh if you want. An IQ test is not an IQ test survey. Lots of people have criticized Richard Lynn and many/most in the HBD community take his as a prototype of potential interesting research, not as reliable numbers.
        Most probably they show how communities differ in the extent to which they have been affected by the Flynn effect.
        The Flynn effect almost certainly reflects the influence of culture on IQ scores. Interestingly, it is reversible, as is evident in parts of Europe.

        If by “culture” you mean “micronutrients carried in breast milk and/or rates of fetal exposure to street drugs”, sure. The denial of environmental effects on IQ is a left-wing strawman. Environmental effects would be less if more blacks were raised by high IQ families, but hardly anyone thinks it would make enough of a difference to be worth the trouble of changing who raises black children.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        “but hardly anyone thinks it would make enough of a difference to be worth the trouble of changing who raises black children.”
        Indeed, the IQs of so many blacks is so incredibly low that any time a black infant or child is taken from an abusive black (usually single) mother, and placed in foster or adoption with a white family, they scream to high heaven. This despite the fact that the number of blacks offering themselves as foster parents is almost nil and many of those that do are later found to be abusing the child. So better for the child to be raised in an institution than to be raised by parents who will raise him/her in a non violent (albeit “evil” white) environment.
        That right there is the only IQ test needed. Or maybe it’s an empathy test.

      • a.n.animus says:

        If you removed all of the contributions of Blacks from music, music would be considerably changed. As Thomas Jefferson noted
        “In music they are generally more gifted than the whites, with accurate
        ears for tune and time. Whether they will be equal to the composition of
        a more extensive run of melody, or of complicated harmony, is yet to be
        I think this observation was accurate, and that for a time Black music in America was quite good, though this is all subjective. It’s also the case that Whites easily master the contributions of Blacks in music (Whites can play Jazz and Blues at the very highest level) while Blacks struggle with mathematics and the sciences.
        The evidence for low Black IQ is not from a single source; the evidence comes from more than just IQ tests. In fact, the evidence is so overwhelming (and has always been so) that it amazes me that anyone thinks the burden of proof is on the person who claims that Blacks are dumber than Whites.

  8. Chullo says:

    Not too bright. You can google the first few words of the flyer, and it will come to this page.

    • jewamongyou says:

      It’s not that I want to keep it a secret. I just don’t want to make it obvious at first glance. How many people do you think are actually going to go through the trouble?

    • Unamused says:

      If someone actually goes and Googles “racially motivated mob attacks in Chicago against whites,” then the flyers were a success, regardless of whether or not they discover that (gasp) blacks are stupid.
      … or however the liberals like to phrase this fact of human nature. Something like that, anyway.

      • CanSpeccy says:

        “regardless of whether or not they discover that (gasp) blacks are stupid.”
        Whites and Jews are often quite stupid too — they vote for people like George Bush or Barak Obama — but it is considered rude to say so. Why is it OK to insult black people who are as diverse as any other in morals and mentality.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        “Why is it OK to insult black people who are as diverse as any other in morals and mentality.”
        Any blacks that are not stupid are not a part of that statement. So it’s not an insult. If a black person is stupid (like the ones supporting these two violent men: well they deserve to be told they are stupid.
        Just like I am stupid for even debating with a leftist pinko commie.

      • Unamused says:

        CanSpeccy, you have completely missed the point, which was: “… or however the liberals like to phrase this fact of human nature.”
        The most accurate phrasing is: blacks are less intelligent than whites (or Jews), on average. However, if you say that, race denialists/liberals will interpret it as “black people are stupid.” Well, fine, if that’s how they want to see it. The statement in its original formulation is still true.
        Incidentally, voting for Bush or Obama is not a sign of stupidity (low intelligence). Very intelligent people often make poor decisions, either because they are not very wise (knowledgeable, skilled, …), or (roughly speaking) because of social movements beyond their control. That is why North Korea is a communist dictatorship: in politics, voter intelligence is not enough.

  9. Pingback: Unamusement Park » Blog Archive » I need you to do something for me

  10. a.n.animus says:

    CanSpeccy writes:
    “Why is it OK to insult black people who are as diverse as any other in morals and mentality.”
    Actually they are NOT as ‘diverse’ as others in morals and mentality. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject of statistics, and on the distribution of IQ in various races?
    You are IMO morally correct though in that insults are probably not called for, even though I understand why they are being brought forth. I feel mostly pity for Blacks, especially the minority who are fairly smart. Still, I’d rather not be around them.
    Even Jews, as liberal and (sorry, this hurts me too) treasonous as they/we are, didn’t support Obama to the same extent that Blacks did. And I doubt that support for Obama is a proxy for low IQ.

    • CanSpecy says:

      A.N. animus”Actually they [blacks] are NOT as ‘diverse’ as others in morals and mentality. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject of statistic”
      Perhaps if you felt constrained to provide some shred of evidence for your pronouncements, you would not be in such haste to demand others educate themselves.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        Sorry, but your [willful] ignorance is not my responsibility to cure. I had to do a heluvalotta work to research these facts. I see reason why you are entitled to get off without lifting your finger.
        GOOGLE is your friend.

      • Unamused says:

        It would be easier to respond to you if you were precise. What does “diversity” in mentality and morality mean? Distribution? Variance? Mean?
        Blacks have a different distribution of criminality than whites, with a much higher mean. I believe that qualifies as (lack of) “morals.” And (as has been pointed out to you several times) blacks are less intelligent on average than whites, with a lower variance as well.

  11. XXXXX says:

    WARNING: DO NOT put anything in a mailbox. “Mailboxes are considered federal property, and federal law (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1705), makes it a crime to vandalize them (or to injure, deface or destroy any mail deposited in them). Violators can be fined up to $250,000, or imprisoned for up to three years, for each act of vandalism” [ SOURCE: U.S. Postal Inspector Service, Placing anything except U.S. Mail in a mailbox may be construed as the crime of “tampering” and can result in your arrest, trial, and (if convicted) imprisonment or fine. DO NOT TOUCH OR PLACE ANYTHING IN A MAILBOX.

  12. jewamongyou says:

    Re: ConSpecy:
    Generally, I consider it rude to fling blanket insults at groups of people you don’t know. After all, there are good and bad people in every group. But U.P. knows this too. He is speaking in generalities and, technically, this is not right – but whites, including U.P. are very angry, and rightfully so.Given the enormous amount of violence blacks inflict upon us, how can we not be angry? Angry people are not always careful with their words. But it is not just that we are angry, at the same time, all the major forces on Earth are deifying those same blacks. It feels good to insult them as a group – not because we hate them all, but because, by doing so, we blaspheme against the gods of liberalism. It feels good to insult the gods of those who oppress us. It is one of the few means of rebellion at our disposal. This is why we should be tolerant of those who so indulge themselves; it’s only human.

    • CanSpecy says:

      Death to liberalism, by all means!

    • Unamused says:

      No one seems to have noticed the follow-up line, which completely changes the meaning: “… or however the liberals like to phrase this fact of human nature. Something like that, anyway.”
      It’s about how my reasonable phrasing gets contorted into the “racist” one, and how (as you point out) my patience for this sort of nonsense has run out.

  13. Aoirthoir says:

    A good bit of advice if you are going to distribute these. Get LOTS and LOTS of Watchtowers, a copy of the Bible, dress in a SUIT and tie, and learn a little JW lingo in case you are stopped. People tend to leave door to door preachers alone.

  14. Annoyed says:

    Hey good work, it takes courage to do what you did.

  15. Annie L. says:

    CanSpeccy writes:
    “Why is it OK to insult black people who are as diverse as any other in morals and mentality.”
    This is Unamused you’re talking about. Go read his blog. The whole thing is written with this kind of over-the-top, provocative language. It’s a way of lightening up what is otherwise a subject that’s rather a downer.

  16. CanSpeccy says:

    Re: Black versus white IQ’s
    “in the United States the average scores of blacks on some IQ tests in 1995 were the same as the scores of whites in 1945” (Wikipedia)
    This suggests that whites are further along the Flynn-effect curve, whatever that is due to, than blacks.
    If the Flynn effect is driven by cultural development and advances in socio-economic status, then it may explain virtually all racial and class differences in IQ. It would, for example, explain why Israelis have lower IQs than white Americans, but why American Jews, the wealthiest ethnic group in America, have higher IQs than white Americans.
    Then one might argue as to why American Jews are richer than white Americans if they are not innately more intelligent. But it is plausible to argue that they are richer because they have a different culture, a culture that more strongly promotes upward social mobility.
    But the notion of belonging to an innately superior race is, obviously, immensely appealing, and when that notion is reinforced by religious faith, it is surely unshakable, and therefore, not worth debating.

    • Aoirthoir says:

      “But the notion of belonging to an innately superior race is, obviously, immensely appealing”
      Except that’s not what anyone is here saying at all. I personally could give a rip if the extreme violence of violent black men and violent black women is due to nature or nurture. If it is because most black men are raised by violent black mothers, and despite this a certain majority come out not being violent, or because there is some violence gene.
      The same goes for why they score lower on IQ tests. Or higher in sports. Or lower in social mobility. Or higher music.
      This isn’t about being superior, innately or otherwise. It is simply a matter of recognizing the facts as they stand. 40 years of what the left has told us would change the situation has not. Instead the situation is worse than ever.
      The only advantage to know the reasons, is if we then use that knowledge to change the causes. Money and providing and reparations changed nothing. The blacks that were assisted by affirmative action were those blacks most likely to be moving up already due to their intellectual superiority and likelihood to be less or not at all violent when compared to their peers.

      • CanSpeccy says:

        I took exception to someone’s statement that “blacks are stupid” because such statements seem to be to constitute a damaging form of stereotyping.
        But I have no reason to disagree with the view, if it is your view, that blacks are (a) more likely than other Americans to have an IQ below 100, and (b) more prone to criminal behavior.
        We should be clear, though that (a) low IQ is not necessarily a cause of criminality (although it may be a cause of high incarceration rate for criminality) and (b) that IQ is quite plastic.
        You don’t need a new culture to raise your IQ, it can be done in the lab in a matter of weeks. Either by appropriate cognitive exercises, or even with a nutritional supplement.
        Findings such as these suggest that the impact culture, a lifelong combination of intellectual demands, moral expectations, customs, rituals and diet can be very large: large enough to explain most of the observed differences among groups in America.
        I agree also that affirmative action is not the way to go. For one thing it reinforces the stereotype of black racial inferiority, which undermines the self-confidence needed to pursue real self-improvement.
        Booker T. Washington, I believe, had a better approach.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        I took exception to someone’s statement that “blacks are stupid” because such statements seem to be to constitute a damaging form of stereotyping.”
        Sure. As do the stereotypes that whites are racist. They’re not.
        “But I have no reason to disagree with the view, if it is your view, that blacks are (a) more likely than other Americans to have an IQ below 100, and (b) more prone to criminal behavior.”
        That’s sorta my view. It is more complicated than that.
        “We should be clear, though that (a) low IQ is not necessarily a cause of criminality (although it may be a cause of high incarceration rate for criminality) and (b) that IQ is quite plastic.”
        Yes and yes.
        “You don’t need a new culture to raise your IQ, it can be done in the lab in a matter of weeks. Either by appropriate cognitive exercises, or even with a nutritional supplement.”
        Agreed. Which flies in the face that IQ tests are culturally biased.
        “Findings such as these suggest that the impact culture, a lifelong combination of intellectual demands, moral expectations, customs, rituals and diet can be very large: large enough to explain most of the observed differences among groups in America.”
        All of these things contribute certainly. Now, start experiments with blacks that are scoring lower on IQ tests, put them in the lab in large numbers, give them these exercises and dietary changes, customs, rituals, make moral demands that they have to adhere to as a group, including concepts of honor and nobility, and lets see if a change occurs, not just in their IQ tests, but their violent behavior. (note..from now one when I talk about violent black behavior I am talking about the violent behavior of blacks WHO ARE VIOLENT. I am not going to keep repeating that I do not mean those who are not violent, that should be self evident.)
        “I agree also that affirmative action is not the way to go. For one thing it reinforces the stereotype of black racial inferiority, which undermines the self-confidence needed to pursue real self-improvement.”
        Actually blacks are overly self confident. What they need is self esteem not self confidence.
        “Booker T. Washington, I believe, had a better approach.”
        Which approach specifically?

  17. As I’ve been arguing for a couple of years, blacks have high self-esteem on average. Crocker & Twenge showed this even when they were expecting the opposite.
    The multikult told us for years that low cognitive results, criminality, and drug abuse were habits fostered in blacks by their low self-esteem. They committed themselves to that expectation. There is no reason for ANYONE to release them from their commitment to the statement Comparatively low self-esteem reduces the achievements of a group relative to where it should be if the group had decent self-esteem; high self-esteem has the opposite effect. Thus, the multikult must confess that they believe blacks are, on average*, inherently dimmer and more criminal than they appear.
    * I’m not going to include the “on average” verbiage any more. At this point it’s understand, and someone who claims to not understand is a SLAWB performing a strawman.

  18. CanSpeccy says:

    Re: various points
    It seems to me that if you get into Harvard law school or whatever on a racial quota you must know you’re not as good as the other guys.
    I cannot speak from experience about black self-confidence and self-esteem. However, if I had got into Harvard on a quota, I’d probably have a hell of an inferiority complex, i.e., “A feeling of general inadequacy, sometimes marked by aggressive behavior in compensation,” which seems to fit the description of blacks provided here.
    So I adhere to my view that positive discrimination/affirmative action is liable to undermine self-confidence with undesirable consequences.
    As for Booker T. Washington, if you don’t know who he is or what he did, you’ll have to look him up. His approach though is indicated in these quotes. He seems to have been a sound fellow, a conservative, and a friend of Mark Twain’s.

    • Out of curiosity, what effect do you think anti-white advertisements have on white self-esteem? Boosting, depressing, or none? We’re talking about media that encourage violence against whites, the breakup of white families, the belief that whites are stupid (not “stupider on average” – stupid).
      What about selective history teaching, like suppressing information about black-on-black slavery in Africa, obsessing about white-on-black slavery in America, etc?
      Is it possible that anything might depress the SE of whites?

      • CanSpeccy says:

        Although the context is European, not American, I think I provide an answer to your questions hereEurope’s New Genocide.
        More broadly, I am advancing the view that there is a need to be even-handed. Black Americans are citizens with the same rights as any other Americans. They need to be integrated, as most in fact are, into the society of decent, law-abiding, self-improving Americans, which is not to say that anti-social elements of any group should not be subject to the full force of the law, including the laws of political correctness, which have often been applied selectively to muzzle and demean white Americans and Europeans, with some insane idea that this will somehow right some more or less mythical wrongs that occurred in the dim and distant past.

      • I don’t really see how most blacks are integrated into the society of decent law-abiding Americans.
        Most blacks believe HIV was created by whites to kill blacks.
        Most blacks believed OJ Simpson was innocent because he killed a white woman (note: I used to say “most blacks believed OJ Simpson was innocent of killing his wife, who happened to be white” – not so, they see him as innocent because he killed whites, and they knew it, because they knew he fled from the police).
        Most blacks believe there is a secret affirmative-action-in-reverse causing them to be rated as worse when they perform better.
        Most blacks rates themselves as better at math than the average Asian.
        Part of culture is a belief system. Things like criminality, intelligence, drug use, etc. are also part of culture. I can’t think of any way in which blacks really seem integrated. Going to colllege and majoring in Black Studies where you’re taught to complain, and rewarded for complaining, that not enough blacks are in physics departments – it really really REALLY seems like something a white man would not ever do. A white man would be embarrassed to be associated with that sort of thinking.
        There is no way blacks can be integrated. Complete freedom of association will quickly result in an ethnopluralist society, with a few small but highly-populated interracial areas where whites can go to feel (a) superior, (b) tolerant, and (c) the sensation of their heads being smashed in by mobs of blacks.

      • Annoyed says:

        I agree that we should be even-handed and restrained to doing the minimum needed to solve the current problem and with that in mind recognizing the legitimacy of the black populations presence in America, BUT….
        Integration is the problem, There needs to be less “integrating” and more optional separation.
        I’m all for lending a hand so the blacks in America become self sufficient people but I will not support integrating them if it amounts to them being forced onto me or any other white person.

    • Aoirthoir says:

      I know who Booker T. Washington is. I was asking which specific things that he taught are you suggesting are better than anti-white race quotas?

      • I have always had a favorable impression of Washington, since I associate him a form of separatism, and with the view that blacks should learn hands-on (tech/voc) skills, and build their own communities. His approach is practical and encourages black self-reliance, leaves behind grievance mongering, etc.

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  20. Pingback: Flyers for Activism - Stormfront

  21. Unamused says:

    I think it’s hilarious that Stormfront keeps on linking your flyers and mine.

    • jewamongyou says:

      I don’t think all Stormfronters are our enemies. It’s a mixed crowd over there. I’d imagine some people post there even though they don’t share the same anti-Jewish sentiments as most of the others.

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