Tit for tat

A Colorado woman is being charged with felony sexual abuse for groping the breast of a TSA agent.  According to Yahoo news:

PHOENIX (AP) — Authorities say a Colorado woman who allegedly groped a female Transportation Security Administration agent at Phoenix’s international airport is facing a felony count of sexual abuse.

Phoenix police say 61-year-old Yukari Mihamae is accused of grabbing the left breast of the unidentified TSA agent Thursday afternoon at an airport checkpoint.

TSA staff say Mihamae refused to be go through passenger screening and became argumentative before she squeezed and twisted the agent’s breast with both hands.

I think what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If TSA agents can grope us, then we should be allowed to grope them as well.  Not only that, but we should get paid for it.  Give this woman an award!  She had the nerve to do what many of us only fantasize about.
As for the “sexual assault”, from what I can gather, there was nothing sexual about it.  She was making a political statement – and she chose to do so, appropriately enough, through another woman’s breast.  Just because breasts are often viewed sexually does not automatically mean that Mihamae’s action was sexual in nature, any more so than breast-feeding an infant is the sexual molestation of a child.
If Mihamae is an immigrant from Japan, then this is the sort of immigration we need.  She appears to be more American than 99% of the rest of us.

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6 Responses to Tit for tat

  1. Aoirthoir says:

    The funny thing is that feminists will ordinarily run around screaming that breasts aren’t sexual “my breasts aren’t for you to look at!” Yeah? Then how come the breasts of most other mammals are all nearly flat and not shaped like their back ends?
    In any case it was bound to happen sooner or later that someone objected to being groped.

  2. Jehu says:

    I posted on this on my blog yesterday. Check out the comments on the story, I find them very encouraging. They’re almost all extremely hostile to the TSA and its defenders. Many openly advocate jury nullification as well.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Yes, I noticed that too. But, for better or worse, we do not live in a democracy.

      • Aoirthoir says:

        I’d argue we’re too much a democracy in many cases. Ohio can change it’s entire constitution with one vote, no thinking about it. California don’t get me started there. Of course the good news is that the separatists in Southern California have already told LA County they aren’t welcome, and if they ever get enough votes to secede, lawmakers are only going to be able to meet to legislate once every two years. Not as good as updates to Brehon law or even better Talmud and Torah ( 😀 ), but something.

  3. guyamongyou says:

    what would happen if everyone in the country stood up for their rights like this brave woman?

  4. destructure says:

    Tit for tat, eh. Then I only have two questions. What is tat and where can I get some?

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