They finally dropped all the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn. It seems prosecutors realized that the crazy African woman cannot be trusted:
A judge Tuesday dismissed all charges against former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a day after prosecutors said the hotel maid who had accused him of trying to rape her could not be trusted.
We are reminded of the Duke lacrosse case, when a similarly dysfunctional black woman accused some white jocks of having raped her during a party. That case went on for a very long time, with the mainstream press and most of the power structure at Duke University desperately wanting to believe the accusations were true. To this day, some die hards continue to believe there was substance to her accusations.
The leftist establishment keeps getting its hopes up every time some crazy black woman accuses a white man of having raped her, and each time the case fizzles. The mainstream media wants very much for a high-profile white on black rape to take place. That way they can point to it, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of recent black on white rapes, and say “We told you so! The white man IS evil.”
I’ve fallen on hard times financially – so I was thinking about offering the leftist powers that be a proposition: Give me ten million dollars and I’ll rape a black woman. Not one of those large gorilla-like ones (I would charge at least twenty million and free therapy for that). She has to be fairly decent-looking – and no STD’s. It’s true I’ll probably spend a few years in prison, but after that I’ll be set for life. I’ll never have to work again. As for the media, they can publish large-font headlines on the front page: “Racist blogger rapes black woman!” The victim can go on the talk circuit and bask in fame and money. She’ll never have to work again either. The media will be happy, I’ll be happy, the victim will be happy. Everybody will be happy!
The only catch is… nobody can be allowed to read this; it’s top-secret. If you have already read it, you must not tell anybody about it and you must forget it.
It would make headline news for another reason: The extreme rarity of white-on-black rape. Black-on-white rape occurs so often, it isn’t really big news. Except, of course, to those involved.
Anything that rare would capture headlines nationwide.
Jesus Christ Jay ! You’re gonna Take One For The Team !!! Awhhh !!..
No, wait… (thinking)… um.
Hmmmm. An interesting proposition.
Keep up the good work !
(Love this blog).
I’d probably agree with you if investigators hadn’t found Strauss-Kahn’s semen all over her shirt. That doesn’t necessarily mean he raped her. He could have paid her. But it got there somehow. And there have been a number of credible women who’ve come forward with similar allegations. As rich as he is, he could buy it anywhere. It makes one wonder if he doesn’t get off on forcing women.
“I’ve fallen on hard times financially – so I was thinking about offering the leftist powers that be a proposition: Give me ten million dollars and I’ll rape a black woman.”
Dude, I pissed my pants reading this!!! I’m gonna send it all over! Nice work sir.
” The mainstream media wants very much for a high-profile white on black rape to take place.”
Good luck with that. Even black men are not too terribly thrilled to rape black women. Contrary to feminist ideology that rape is only about power and NOTHING to do with sex, ugly women are not being raped in droves. (Though they are making accusations of it. “He walked by me! RAPE!” Sorry honey…my puppy is more attractive.)
” Give me ten million dollars and I’ll rape a black woman. ”
That’s just fucking gross man.
“It would make headline news for another reason: The extreme rarity of white-on-black rape.”
No shit Casey Jones. That’s the entire point of the article.
“I’d probably agree with you if investigators hadn’t found Strauss-Kahn’s semen all over her shirt.”
Having sex with a lying, coniving ugly woman IS a crime. I agree. It is NOT rape.
“And there have been a number of credible women who’ve come forward with similar allegations.”
14 years after the case is not credible. Credible means BACKED WITH EVIDENCE.
“As rich as he is, he could buy it anywhere. It makes one wonder if he doesn’t get off on forcing women.”
Seing that you are on the internet you can read porn anywhere. It makes me wonder if you don’t get off on forcing women.
WTF kind of womanly reasoning is that?
It’s one thing to be falsely accused but it’s another to have one’s semen sprayed all over a victim with torn shoulder ligaments and bruised vagina while a string of women make similar allegations. Attacking me personally doesn’t change that.
Having sex with a lying, coniving ugly woman IS a crime. I agree. It is NOT rape.
It is if he forced her. It’s one thing to be falsely accused but it’s another to have one’s semen sprayed all over a victim with torn shoulder ligaments and bruised vagina while a string of women make similar allegations. Or don’t you consider semen and injuries “credible”?
Attacking me personally doesn’t change a thing.
It’s one thing to be falsely accused but it’s another to have one’s semen sprayed all”
Semen proves orgasm, not rape.
“over a victim with torn shoulder ligaments and bruised vagina”
Bruised vagina has nothing to do with this case. She claimed he raped her orally. Now unless she’s got a giant fucking vagina (which just might be the case), a bruised vag is irrelevant. As to the torn shoulder ligaments, of course the ONLY way a person gets those is by being sexually assaulted…
“while a string of women make similar allegations.”
Correction: While a string of other women make allegations similar to those WIDELY PUBLICIZED in the news, YEARS AFTER the events are purported to have occured, with NO EVIDENCE.
This is EXACTLY why the ACCUSED’s identity and the circumstances of the case should not be made public knowledge until after a conviction.
“Attacking me personally doesn’t change that.”
I didn’t attack you personally. I demonstrated the faultiness of YOUR logic that that something unrelated to rape, somehow means a man should be suspected of rape.
“Having sex with a lying, coniving ugly woman IS a crime. I agree. It is NOT rape.
It is if he forced her.”
Perhaps you need an education in the difference between SEX and RAPE. When I say sex, I mean CONSENSUAL SEX. When I say RAPE, I mean NON-CONSENSUAL FORCED SEX. So when I say “having sex with…is not rape…” it doesn’t need the qualifier “it is if he forced her” because that’s THE ENTIRE POINT I AM MAKING. That if he DIDNT FORCE HER, he DIDNT RAPE HER.
“Or don’t you consider semen and injuries “credible”?”
No I don’t. I answered above about the semen and her injuries. In addition she proved herself to be a rotten to the core liar.
She lied about being gang raped (under Brehon Law that automatically disqualifies her from ever making another accusation again).
She lied about being aware who he was.
She lied about having AIDS so she could get free rent.
She lied about knowing drug dealers, even after they presented her with a recorded conversation of her speaking to a drug dealer friend in prison.
She lied about the large amounts of money she had in the bank.
She lied about knowing that he was incredibly wealthy.
Most importantly she lied on national television when she lifted her hand and tried to act most sincere and innocent and said “As god is my witness….I am telling the truth.” Well god might be your witness sugartits, but he sure aint verifyin’ what you claim. So how about sticking to the TRUTH. Something she has proven herself incapable of doing.
Now, is there a CHANCE he raped her. Sure. Pink elephants and yellow unicorns might also exist. But if he ACTUALLY raped her, too fucking bad. This is EXACTLY why persons must LIVE and ACT with honor, nobility, righteousness, justice and TRUTH. Because the minute you starting LYING about CRUCIAL things in your life and about CRUCIAL FACTS of the case AT THE INDICTMENT, you LOSE ALL of your CREDIBILITY.
But you know, let’s just start taking proven liars words over things when evidence is lacking. Oh hey, that’s precisely what we do in court ALREADY to men falsely accused of rape. It’s just what Obama commanded Universities to do when a college boy is accused of rape. Now they want us to go with a PREPONDERANCE of the evidence instead of ACTUAL FACT.
Sorry, you don’t get a drone in me to just believe a proven liar. Take it to the left.
Interesting. I really overlooked and forgot the race aspect. So does the entire press, and men’s rights.
One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky!
I was one of the first bloggers pointing out the inconsistencies in her statements, right from the first day.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Now it is funny: how would a small old man ORALLY rape a large woman? I would be scared to death putting my dick into an angry woman’s mouth. It is hard to teach a willing woman not to scrape you with her teeth, let alone an angry Amazon.
And that would cause vaginal bruising? Even if the DA said there was no vaginal bruising? And any other injuries? I believe she lied about them, too.
Human Stupidity, excellent comment and excellent article. EXCELLENT. Well written and you tackle the subject well.
I would say not 50% of accusations are false but the majority. Why? Because that which is NOT rape now is CALLED rape. So we have these situations:
1. She is drunk and he is sober, he “raped” her.
2. She is sober and he is drunk, he “raped” her.
3. She is drunk and he is drunk, he “raped” her.
We have situations where men are accused of rape when the woman admits to giving consent before hand, during and even after spoke about how wonderful it was, but then later decides it was rape (because she finds out he has another woman, or he wont relationship up with her, or won’t fulfill some other requirement of hers).
I have seen instances for instance of a woman stating plainly she was the aggressor. She sought a make out session, then she admits SHE said “let’s go somewhere private”, and SHE undressed herself and him. Then writes “Was I raped…?” And ALMOST ALL respondents said “if you FEEL you were raped, then you were raped….”
It’s disgusting.
So good job calling this out.
But you know, let’s just start taking proven liars words over things when evidence is lacking. Oh hey, that’s precisely what we do in court ALREADY to men falsely accused of rape.
Oh, yeah?
“Oh, yeah?”
Yeah. The number of false rape allegations untenable.
And just how many rapes have you been accused of?
You are committing a logical fallacy. Good job there.
Have any of you Nazis researched how many false accusations against Black men have been made by white women? You could start by interviewing Susan Smith.
I didn’t approve your other comment, Eliza, because it was just a string of insults and stereotypes.
You are right I AM Not Z. I am also NOT A and NOT B. I am Aoirthoir.
Before you flip out with ridiculous claims you might check to see that several of us have said that there are numerous false rape allegations. But why let the facts get in your way of making ridiculous childish assertions.
I am grateful for Eliza’s contribution to this thread; she provides you and destructure a common enemy whom you can both poke fun at.
Seriously, it pains me to see destructure and Aoirthoir, both of you kindred souls, going at each other’s throats with such venom. I wish you would love each other as much as I love all of you!
Jewamongyou, She’s a feminist so she’s not my enemy. Saying a feminist is an enemy is like saying a mosquito is an enemy.
As far as destructure, I’ve read his stuff and he says a lot of good things. I’m not going after him. I realize because I OLD, and FAT, and have POOR vision that my use of CAPS sometimes makes folks think I am angry. But I am not. Rather I am just responding factually to the statements he made. I don’t suppose he is angry either. I just presume he has a difference of opinion than me.
I can’t help that my opinion is always the right one :D.
The ridiculous assertion that black women are ugly and therefore seldom victims of rape has got to be the most inane statement since Barbara Bush said the Katrina victims were living better than they ever had before. You somehow approve of that comment though, right? And anyone who felt the need to respond to the word Nazi needs to subscribe to the age old adage, “If the shoe fits, wear it”
Aoirthoir your distaste for people who fight for the rights of the opressed is pathetic. Your arrogance in equating a strong woman with a mosquito is a demonstration of your intellectual deficiency. You know they say the dog with the loudest bark has the smallest dick.
“The ridiculous assertion that black women are ugly”
There is nothing ridiculous about this assertion. Beauty is subjective they say, it is in the eyes of the beholders. Alright so be it. Then in that case, since in study after study, questionnaire after questionnaire, people OVERWHELMINGLY rate black women not only as LESS ATTRACTIVE than ALL OTHER races of women, but as simply UNATTRACTIVE or even UGLY, then they are, as a group, ugly. The anectdotal abnormalities of either attractive black women or stupid people who claim they fine ugly black women attractive won’t change this fact.
“and therefore seldom victims of rape”
Of course no one made the assertion that they are SELDOM victims of rape. What I said was ” Even black men are not too terribly thrilled to rape black women.” This is demonstrated by the fact that, while black men mostly rape black women, the numbers of white women they rape is overrepresented for their population.
“has got to be the most inane statement since Barbara Bush said the Katrina victims were living better than they ever had before.”
Actually since living conditions in N’Orleans, a black run city at the time, were some of the worst conditions in the USA, and the city conditions of the places many of the Katrina “victims” moved to were much better than those conditions, yeah many were living better. But why let the facts interfere with your fantasy that everything was just hunky dunky dorey in N’Orleans.
“You somehow approve of that comment though, right?”
Sure I do. Nothing wrong with approving of the truth.
“And anyone who felt the need to respond to the word Nazi needs to subscribe to the age old adage, “If the shoe fits, wear it””
You’re practicing a logical fallacy there. Good job sparky.
“Aoirthoir your distaste for people who fight for the rights of the opressed is pathetic.”
If you can demonstrate where I have distaste for persons who are fighting for oppressed, rather than distaste for persons CLAIMED to be oppressed when they are not, I’ll agree with you.
“Your arrogance in equating a strong woman with a mosquito”
Feminists are not strong. They live in continual victimhood. That’s not strength.
“is a demonstration of your intellectual deficiency.”
No. The demonstration of my intellectual deficiency is the fact that I think 8 plus 3 is 19. I’ve argued this point with many a college professor and they still won’t agree with me. Even when I explain such nuances of physics to them like quantum mechanics.
“You know they say the dog with the loudest bark has the smallest dick.”
No. The Irish man has the smallest dick. This is actually a demonstrated fact that, as a group, Irish men, of which I am one, have the smallest dicks of all Eurpeans. CONSISTENTLY condoms don’t fit us and slide off. Now, anecdotal abnormalitie won’t change this fact.
Of course the only ones who think that a man’s dicksize should effect his skills at fact and rehtoric are feminists. You know, the same feminists who object to women being shamed for their lack of dicks entirely.
Now if you had REALLY wanted to insult me you’d have called me an Anglo. THAT would be an insult.
I think Eliza’s definition of oppressed is not enough welfare and affirmative action.
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Feminists are not strong. They live in continual victimhood. That’s not strength.
How long would female feminists last without male feminists propping them up and flattering their fatuities? Feminists have pushed through an entire agenda based on the assumption that they are weak and helpless and need big strong men to protect them: VAWA, White Ribbon, Slut Marches and the rest of the foot stamping-underwear wetting regime.
(If they wear underwear, not that anyone cares!)
Concur with almost everything except the idea that feminists pushed through these agendas. These agendas have been planned with all other agendas. The goal being stripping you and I of our freedom. Feminism wasn’t what made these laws, feminism was used to guilt the population into shutting up while these laws were passed. Feminism was, after all, invented by men in power to maintain their power.
heh! an im-modest proposal, eh jay? (~_^)
You could say that.