Salem News is having a temper tantrum because the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act is about to be passed into law, barring a veto from Obama. While I agree that such laws are dangerous to whatever liberties we have left, the article is misleading in a couple of key issues.
In observing all this, you might ask WHY is this happening right now? Why would the U.S. Senate deliberately nullify theBill of Rights and seek the authorize military action on the streets of U.S. cities?
The answer, my friends, will not comfort you: A global economic collapse is coming, and once started, it will likely unleash a wave of social unrest and rioting that could burn many U.S. cities to the ground. The U.S. Senate is probably trying to rush authorization of the military to operate in American cities before the economic collapse arrives, thereby placing troops deep within the roughest U.S. cities where they stand a chance at halting the runaway riots that are sure to materialize when peoples’ life savings vanish as the banks collapse.
Are we really to believe that hordes of disgruntled A.A.R.P. members (old whites) are going to riot in the streets? Of course they won’t; they’ll sit home and brood, waiting for a sympathetic reporter to come and interview them so they can tell their tales of woe. Other bloggers have already pointed out the obvious: That it is the non-Asian minorities who will riot when their EBT cards stop working. Whites have forgotten how to riot in this country, while blacks and Hispanics will riot at the drop of a hat.
Another deception is the use of the terms “American” or “American citizen” as if there is something sacred, or unique, about those who possess an official blessing from the Federal Government to be here.
This bill, passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a “battleground” upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.
It’s being called the most traitorous act ever witnessed in the Senate, and the language of the bill is cleverly designed to make you think it doesn’t apply to Americans, but toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans “if we want it to.”
Anwar al-Awlaki was a so-called “American”. According to the powers that be, and (apparently) the Salem News, there was no fundamental difference between Awlaki and an Iowa farmer whose ancestors arrived with the Mayflower. Furthermore, there is no official distinction between anchor babies and members of the founding stock that made America great in the first place. They all have exactly the same rights and exactly the same protections. Officially, there is no distinction between slum slime and a winner of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. The ongoing mantras of “diversity” and “equality” have led us down a path where true, red-blooded Americans must be treated the same as Islamic terrorists or “aspiring rap artists”.
By refusing to acknowledge important distinctions between humans, the Left has brought about a situation where we must all be treated as dangerous potential criminals – “for our own protection”.
Good call on the “American” label. That’s a major irritant of mine. It takes a lot more than a greencard to be an American.
Repealing Posse Comitatus is bad stuff. 93-7? Really??? You know what that means. It’s time to buy a shotgun. You won’t need it next week but it’s coming.
Awlaki is no ameican by my standard but this law gives the government the power to persecute Iowa farmers with lineages going back to the mayflower just as much as muslim jihadists masquerading as americans. These are fruits of diversity the end of the republic of a self conscious nation and the beginning of an empire whose elites see that formerly great nation as just another obstacle to hurdled in their grab for power.
Finally, someone else other than yours truly is calling out the white elephant in the room in this Rand Paul vs John McCain dispute. I’m mostly on Paul’s side, but I fully recognize that almost all of the “citizens” the Feds are concerned about here aren’t named Joe Smith or Jane Edwards.
Likewise, Alex Jones, who is halfway reliable halfway not, had a big “expose” yesterday that Halliburton/KBR has been contracted out to do work on FEMA camps. Reading between the lines, (or, Jones makes it more obvious), someone with enough power and check-writing ability is worried that we’ll have to march boots into Mexico, thereby creating a wave of “war refugees” headed north, and/or the EBT cards will be cut off, and the Feds will have to do something with all those raucous blacks and Hispanics.
My reaction was this: The Feds might have to put blacks and Hispanics into concentration camps, and I’m supposed to lose sleep over this? Hell, ironically, that might be the very thing that sets us free.
Yeah right? How about those Black slaves who built the railroads and roads in the U.S for free while getting no credit for it, and how about those black inventors and innovators that history has forgotten about. They can’t be real Americans right? Some of those black people are Muslims!!!!! Without them their would never have been a “great” America but of course they get no credit because they are not white and have been in a state of depression enforced by the U.S government run by a majority white people, who also have been feeding them drugs through South American cartels. Who was responsible for the recession? White people were, who was responsible for the Iraq war? White people were, who was responsible for creating the Taliban, al Qaeda, & other assorted groups while promoting chaos in the Middle East? White people did. Which group produces the most serial killers, animal sadists, pedophiles, and financial criminals in the country? The white people group. Which government bailed out the banks? The American white government did. Which race do the Rockefellers and Rotschilds, the most criminal family in the history of humanity who have pretty much financed human misery on a scale unimaginable and every single thing that is wrong with the U.S to the current moment? The white race
Oh and don’t forget about the blacks who fought in WWII and faced equal to greater action then the whites, on several occasions demonstrated more bravery then them, yet they were denied the same military loans & benefits that led to America’s great Middle class because they were black. I mean imagine being socially ostracized, shunned, denied the exact same rights & basic benefits while being seen as a lesser being in a land filled with people whom you & your ancestors built the land for with their bear hands, blood, tears, soil, & misery, Holy shit!!!! I mean without the whites, without colonialism, without NATO & the U.S arming and setting up puppet third world governments to hinder social development and technology, the U.S would never be facing an “immigration problem”. Without the whites colonizing & blatantly stealing without giving any credit, the rest of the world through sheer luck alone, all the rest of those third world countries wouldn’t even be third world countries and would have developed their own advanced societies, cultures, technology, complex self-sufficient civilizations. You people are such a fucking joke that it boggles the mind that you guys have the audacity to utter write these things.
Re: Railroads. Blacks built railroads the same way mules plowed fields. And don’t give me this “free labor” crap. Blacks have sucked up trillions of dollars in welfare over the last few decades. There’s nothing “free” about that.
Re: Drugs. 30 years ago blacks demanded stiffer sentences for drugs. Today blacks whine they’re being targeted by the same laws they once demanded. On the one hand, blacks demand that drugs be legalized. While on the other, blacks blame whites for the drugs destroying their communities. If you don’t like drugs then don’t use them.
Re: Recession. Actually, blacks bear a large responsibility for the recession. They whined and bitched that more blacks should own their own homes. Congress passed legislation forcing mortgage lenders to make risky “sub prime” loans. In other words, affirmative action loans. When the blacks couldn’t pay them off they lost their houses and the banks were stuck with the debts.
Re: Iraq war. I seem to recall Colin Powell playing a pretty big role in that. Besides, I don’t see your boy, Obama, getting us out of Iraq like he promised. He’s actually gotten us into more wars. Or maybe you didn’t realize he’s responsible for getting us into Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.
Re: Which group produces the most serial killers, animal sadists, pedophiles, and financial criminals in the country?
Well, yeah. In absolute numbers because whites are the majority. But blacks actually commit all of those crimes at a higher rate. Yes, even serial killers.
Re. Which government bailed out the banks?
Actually, your boy, Obama was one of the main ones pushing those bailouts. He signed the bill, you know. But let’s put it into context. White taxpayers bailed out banks for loans blacks couldn’t pay back.
Re: the Rockefellers and Rotschilds, the most criminal family in the history of humanity who have pretty much financed human misery on a scale unimaginable and every single thing that is wrong with the U.S to the current moment.
Yes. They’re evil. You can tell by the horns and pointy tail.
Re: Blacks who fought in WWII and faced equal to greater action then the whites. Units were segregated until after WW2 and there were only a handful of black units. Only a tiny percentage of blacks even saw combat.
Re: yet they were denied the same military loans & benefits that led to America’s great Middle class because they were black
That’s not true. Blacks were eligible for VA loans. And some blacks got VA loans. But you run into the same situation as with “sub prime” loans. They were a poor risk. Look what happened when banks were forced to make affirmative action loans — recession. I believe you were bitching about that earlier.
Re: without NATO & the U.S arming and setting up puppet third world governments to hinder social development and technology, the U.S would never be facing an “immigration problem”.
Most immigrants are from Mexico. I wasn’t aware that Nato and the US were hindering “social development” in Mexico.
Re: Without the whites colonizing & blatantly stealing without giving any credit, the rest of the world through sheer luck alone, all the rest of those third world countries wouldn’t even be third world countries and would have developed their own advanced societies, cultures, technology, complex self-sufficient civilizations.
I think they were probably third world countries long before whites ever showed up.
I think your sarcasm detector is not sensitive enough.
It sounded to me like a brilliant parody of the usual Leftist bullshit.
Quite well done, actually.
@The Other Eugenicist
I’m a pretty good judge of this sort of thing. Xera is authentic. In fact, I just googled her nick along with a few other carefully chosen terms to filter out the non-relevant results and she shows up on a number of threads discussing racial issues. She’s over at Lindsay’s blog mouthing off at Bay Area Guy right now. I suppose there could be more than one Xera but based on some of the results I got it looks like she’s an Indian (dots not feathers) with an anti colonial chip on her shoulder.
Keep in mind that Isreal and jewish groups pay people to post online as a full time job. There is even a ytube vid of a class for them to edit wikipedia.
Black invention myths:
The myth of the Tuskegee Airmen:
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid ……
All those black inventors. LOL
While such plans are obviously aimed at those in society who are unproductive and always want handouts, which includes a reasonable number of leftist whites, I fear that they will come to naught.
People underestimate the fragility of our modern technology driven civilization. When the power stops being delivered, things are going to go to hell in a hand-basket very quickly. Be prepared.
That the Elites think they can maintain control of the military after all the affirmative action hires they have put in there is so cute. What faith they have.
Speaking of the term “American,” I think that a post dealing with the way in which open borders zealots play the Native American card is in order.
Whenever white people denounce illegal immigrants, a common response is “your ancestors aren’t Native Americans. You’re an illegal immigrant!”
None of these people actually give a crap about American Indians. They just use them as a rhetorical tool to push open borders.
None of these people actually give a crap about American Indians. They just use them as a rhetorical tool to push open borders.
You’ve got that right. They don’t give a damn. They’ll use it to attack whites one minute. Then turn around and use it for an excuse to do the same thing they just said was “evil”. A black guy tried to do that on my blog a couple of months ago. This is the relevant portion of my response.:
As for the rest, the average life expectancy before the arrival of “western european man” was only about 30 years. So I’d say indigenous people have received some benefits as well. But if you really feel so strongly that America was “stolen” then you should give your house to an Indian and leave. Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite for living on “stolen” land.
Story on Drudge right now:
“Homegrown Terror” is another piece of linguistic linguine that bothers me. Most of this “homegrown terror” to which they refer isn’t Joe and Jane Smith.
It always annoys me when the mainstream media announces that “an American” has been arrested in some foreign country for breaking the law.
Then when you see a picture of the guy, or an interview with his family, it turns out he’s a recent immigrant who happened to be back in his real home when ran afoul of the law.
Like this “American” who was recently jailed for insulting the King of Thailand:,0,607185.story