How much more obvious does it need to be?

Sometimes the pro-miscegenation/anti-white propaganda is so obvious that it is tempting to point at it, in front of passers-by, and scream “Can’t you see what’s before your very eyes!?”  Not long ago I visited downtown Portland to take care of some matters.  I happened to have my camera with me.  Here are two blatantly obvious racial messages aimed at the white population of Portland.  They could not be more obvious:

The images speak for themselves; it is not even necessary to elaborate.

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14 Responses to How much more obvious does it need to be?

  1. ryan says:

    Why do blacks always fiddle with their genitalia? It looks like he’s groping her ass and playing with his balls.

  2. anti-racist says:

    1. People of Color have many children
    2. white people do not children
    3. white women are increaisngly having the children of Men of Color (espicailly Black)

  3. china says:

    Portland is guilty of being majority white, so multiculturalist’s…. UNLEASH HELL

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