An inside look at workplace racial discrimination

Things are not always as simple as they seem. We all like to think, “If I were discriminated against for being white, I would make a huge fuss over it and sue the bastards.” But real life has a tendency to make your decision a bit more complicated.

A coworker recently told me about an incident where he and another white employee were treated unfairly, by their black supervisor, in favor of a black employee. I told him that he must speak up, and that his silence only encourages more abuse. He made it very clear that what he told me was to remain between the two of us. The other employee told me nothing – though I did try to coax it out of him by way of innocent conversation. Where do each of us stand regarding this matter, and what are our choices?

If I were to inform our human resources department, or my own supervisor, about the incident, this is what would happen: There would be no action taken against said supervisor – but I would have lost my friendship with the victim for having betrayed his trust. I know this from past experience; employees live under the thumb of their supervisors. Their careers are subject to the supervisor’s whims. The supervisors are trusted completely by their bosses, to the point where each one is like a lord in his own fiefdom. Any such complaint against a supervisor would cause enmity between the employee and his boss. Thereafter, it would not be difficult for the supervisor to sabotage the employee’s career. In today’s economic climate, finding another job is much easier said than done. Therefore, employees do everything in their power to remain in the good graces of their bosses. Because of these dynamics, if I were to complain about what I heard, the victims themselves would probably not back me up; they’re too afraid of their supervisor. I would end up looking like the trouble-maker, and my own job would be in jeopardy.

I asked the man if he could even imagine a black person experiencing the same sort of discrimination and remaining silent about it. He could not, or would not, answer this question. Decades of mistreatment against whites have taught them to accept their lot as second-class citizens. They know their place in B.R.A. (black-run America).

One can hope, at least, that the two victims – both racial egalitarians – will begin to realize that today’s racial hierarchy does not work in their favor.

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16 Responses to An inside look at workplace racial discrimination

  1. Steve from Florida says:

    Any white employee who is under the thumb of a black supervisor is in a most unfortunate position. My sympathies to those who find themselves in this untenable situation. Frankly, it would drive me bonkers!

  2. rjp says:

    We all know favoritism is played more often than the Race Card® …..
    The way I look at this as a White male is:
    You only have one shot. Opening your mouth and making such a claim is career distruction whether you win or not. So you better make sure you can win and walk with the cash.

  3. Anon says:

    They pretty much have special dispensation to do this, and excuses would be made for black tribalism if it came up. Likewise it would damage the social standing of said white to complain about it publically, and that is probably the biggest part of the problem.
    Eventually the pain gets bad enough that the excuses go away, and the leftist status preening gets no traction, but we aren’t there even at this date.

  4. Oh, good post. I’d add stuff but I’d just be echoing what others have said, unless I told about my personal experiences, which would be (a) predictable to the point of boring and (b) liable to reveal my true identity.

  5. The fourth Morman of the apocalypse says:

    I am sure that there is a way to sabotage the supervisor … after all, lots of members of the CBC have been investigated for ethical violations …

  6. White people got to speak when they are discriminated against. And other people got to speak up too if the are discriminated against. But this White guy is being overly-cautious, he should confront his boss and talk to him about it one on one. Man to man. He should let his boss know he doesn’t appreciate being treated like a second class citizen.

  7. Anonymous 1493 says:

    There is another aspect here that I don’t think people are seeing and that is Black (for lack of a better word) “tribalism” in the workplace. This employee is in the right to complain. However, if he does, he doesn’t just make his Black supervisor angry for being (justifiably) called out for misconduct, but he will anger every other Black in the workplace because he dared to “disrespect” a Black person, especially one in an exalted supervisory position. The other Blacks won’t just get mad; they will get even. I have seen this happen far too many times in the workplace. One is NEVER to point out that a Black employee has done anything wrong…unless they want risk their jobs. Management is usually too scared of trumped up EEO complaints to do anything about it.
    I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced this.

  8. destructure says:

    If it happens once and he doesn’t have any evidence he should let it go. But I would probably keep a notebook and document the time and date of every single incident including quotes. Believe me, when you walk into a meeting with documentation and the other guy doesn’t then it makes a difference. And that’s true even if it’s just your word against theirs’. Better yet, carry a small tape recorder so that you can get it on tape. Does he have a cell phone capable of recording? If not then he could get a digital voice recorder for 20 bucks. Livescribe makes one disguised as a pen for about $65. You can take the pen out and fiddle with it and no one would even suspect.

  9. EWCZ says:

    And these unfortunate co-workers of you – are they Whites or Jews? 😉

  10. Judy says:

    My black safety director uses ridicule and intimidation (she is female.)
    Yesterday she criticized the coat I had on, saying it was from a few centuries
    ago. Actually, I got the coat about six months ago.

  11. I feel that the “F” word should not be used by those in supervisor positions.

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