Do-gooders set dangerous precedent

Some friends shared this video with me. It’s a fairly long video so I’ll save you the trouble, if you don’t want to watch it, by providing a summary: It argues that we should make Joseph Kony “famous” by plastering his name all over the world so that influential people will force the U.S. government to take action and enable his arrest.
This Kony character appears to be a very evil man. He kidnaps children for use as soldiers and sex slaves. He forces them to murder their own parents and mutilate their peers. The video presents shocking images depicting the damage caused by this one individual.
I told my friends that, although it seemed like a worthy cause, the activists were playing with fire by making pacts with the devil. Assuming that there is, indeed, an ongoing campaign of atrocities being committed by Kony and his henchmen, I wholeheartedly agree that the man should be stopped and brought to justice. No child should have to endure the pain shown on this video and no child should have to see his brother murdered or live in fear. I agree that people should work to eradicate such crimes against humanity.
But there are serious problems with this proposed campaign. First of all, getting the U.S. government involved in overseas affairs is a risky proposition at best. Obama just sent some military advisers to Uganda. Didn’t Vietnam begin, for the U.S., as merely a deployment of military advisors? I do not trust the Federal government to solve such crises. Only a fool would believe that the U.S. government would get involved in such an enterprise without unforeseen consequences. The best solution would be for non-governmental agencies to pool resources and either support the government of Uganda in apprehending this man, or capture him using volunteer forces. Our government has no jurisdiction in Uganda.
Secondly, by creating a network of international do-gooders, who wield the power of armed force, we have the makings of a one-world government – or more accurately, “international mob rule”. In this case, the target is clearly a criminal, but nobody can guarantee that future targets will be just as clearly evil. Once a “Facebook world government” is formed, it will seek new justifications for its existence. It will target more dubious “criminals” – such as those who deal in recreational drugs, purvayors of pornography, money-launderers and “racists”. This is a slippery slope. It does not take an expert in history to see what it can lead to; we should be wary.
Unfortunately, many people believe that one possible solution to the problem is to bring these “invisible children” to the U.S. They don’t understand that people can be victims of brutality but, at the same time, carriers of the same cultural flaws that allowed it in the first place. The abduction of children is not an isolated incident of brutality in Africa. There is much evil in Africa, as the constant flow of emigrants attests to. To bring the “invisible children” here is to import the potential for such atrocities in our own neighborhoods. By all means help them if you wish – but help them in their home countries. This cause has the potential of being just another excuse for massive immigration from Africa (under the guise of “refugee resettlement”) and just another excuse to spread Africa all over the world.
I am not an expert on Uganda, but at least one Ugandan is challenging the version of events depicted in said video. My gut feeling is that, if Ugandans have so much time to worry about such causes as punishing homosexuals with death, they’re probably not living in a state of trauma from child kidnappings. Perhaps the AIDS business is running out of steam and somebody needs another source of wealth, as the young Ugandan lady in the above video implies.

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12 Responses to Do-gooders set dangerous precedent

  1. countenance says:

    Kony is north of 50 years old, his street gang on steroids (that’s all the LRA is) has been on the wane for years. Yet, all these “give peace a chance” and “instead of war” libtard celebutards are demanding we go to war with Uganda/South Sudan/Congo. What’s the scam here? Cui bono?

  2. Nyk says:

    As long as the Putinist and ChiCom regimes survive as independent from the “International Community”, I wouldn’t worry about One World Government. China and Russia will be the future bastions of freedom from authoritarian (or even totalitarian) liberalism. It certainly helps that at least one of them is majority White, but I have a feeling that even China will grudgingly welcome the most competent Whites in the future, like they already do today.

  3. CanSpeccy says:

    It is claimed that the Kony movie was created with USAID funds, i.e., that it is a US propaganda device.

  4. destructure says:

    Forget Kony. Let’s go get General Butt Naked! hehe
    If you can’t see through this baloney then you need a new baloney detection kit. I guarantee that at some point, years down the road, it will all come out that this was part of some scam.

    • countenance says:

      It’s ironic you mention that clown.
      He wants to be tried at the ICC, does Mr. Naked. Why?
      Several years ago, there was an HBO movie about Rwanda, called Sometimes in April. Much better than Hotel Rwanda, IMHO. Anyway, in one of the scenes in Sometimes, the main Tutsi protagonist is complaining that the captured Hutu maniacs are living a better life in a Dutch prison than they were when they were free tribal dictators.
      That’s why Mr. Naked wants an ICC trial, because life in a Dutch prison is better than life as a free man in Liberia.
      People keep talking about this Kony. If he’s ever captured, he too will see an upgrade in his standard of living.

  5. Daniel in China says:

    About General Butt-Naked.
    Anyone finds slightly amusing that Liberia, a country founded by former American slaves, turned in one the worst of the Sub-Saharan African countries?

    • Amusing, now. When I was a kid I used to love encyclopedia and news, looking at how nations developed. I simply could not figure out why Liberia wasn’t practically a paradise. American know-how, founders who “understood” the awfulness of slavery, sunny weather.
      Oh well, if I had understood HBD at that age it would have been impossible for me to sit through those lying history classes without arguing.

  6. latte island says:

    Would it be too paranoid to ask, since some Luo (Obama’s tribe) live in Uganda, and if the US gets really involved, why shouldn’t Obama’s friends and family get some of those lucrative contracts?

  7. Kony’s method of warfare is sadly typical of Africa–grab up a bunch of local children, horribly abuse them, introduce them to bizarre African tribal magics–and create highly credulous, soulless killing machines who hide in the African bush.

  8. The chick in that Kony 2012 retort vid has a very disturbing nose. Almost, practically satanic traits, I’m afraid.
    – Arturo

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