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Monthly Archives: April 2012
Call me a conspiracy theorist but…
It seems to me that the internet is getting slower, more buggy and more downright frustrating. It’s gotten to the point where it’s almost unusable. In my daily life, I use various computers, at home and at work. They’re all … Continue reading
Posted in freedom of speech issues
Roodharigen: A celebration of red hair
If you believe the idiot box, newspapers, schools, government and large corporations, it’s commendable to be proud of your black, Native American, Asian or Polynesian heritage – but to be proud of your white heritage is “hate”. We can take … Continue reading
Jewamongyou got himself a scooter
I’m all excited and happy that my “new” (used) scooter is up and running. It should save me a bundle on fuel expenses. I’d include a photo, but it’s not much to look at; minor body damage and paint scuffs. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The slippery slope on which we find ourselves
I recently posted about Britain’s lack of freedom of speech. But things are not much better in the U.S. Even though, in theory, our Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech, in practice we have de-facto laws against it whenever such … Continue reading
Posted in freedom of speech issues
Diversity: A lose-lose situation
Some London firefighters are being accused of racism, and their department sued, after a case of mistaken identity. According to Yahoo news: A black firefighter has said he was assaulted, shot with a stun gun and arrested as he tried … Continue reading
"Brilliant scientist" reveals simplistic views on I.Q.
Somebody figured I’d enjoy this talk by Neil deGrasse Tyson. As a matter of fact, I did rather enjoy it. He’s a good speaker and brings up some good points. But what he said at the end gave me pause. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
When the Left doesn't like diversity
Take a walk through a Target (but please don’t buy anything) and you’ll see more black faces on the walls than white. White faces are grossly underrepresented in television commercials, government brochures, billboards, magazines etc. But there is one scenario … Continue reading
Posted in examples of propaganda
A really good youtube animation about "racism"
I thank shaunantijihad for posting the following video on youtube, and linking to it on American Renaissance. [youtube] U.K. readers click here. Of course it’s not a perfect analogy. The “Indian government” didn’t invite Europeans to come and … Continue reading
An unusual map of the world
Via, where somebody had quoted one of my posts, I found the westhunt blog. West Hunter has an interesting article on the geographical distribution of new scientific papers, and this accompanying map: In this world we see another type … Continue reading
Two new black mob attacks in Portland
Black flash mob violence is not restricted to any single geographical area. It can happen wherever there are blacks. We don’t seem to have white/Asian mob attacks in America. Hat tip to Portland Realist for bringing these two recent incidents … Continue reading
Posted in crime and violence