An unusual map of the world

Via, where somebody had quoted one of my posts, I found the westhunt blog. West Hunter has an interesting article on the geographical distribution of new scientific papers, and this accompanying map:

In this world we see another type of “American obesity”, but it’s not one we should be overly worried about. Europe, and to a lesser extent, East Asia, dominate the rest of the world. South America is an emaciated afterthought and Africa is a shriveled appendage dangling from Europe, the only noticeable part being South Africa.

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16 Responses to An unusual map of the world

  1. Georgia Resident says:

    “the only noticeable part being South Africa”
    If Malema and co. have their way, it will soon be as insignificant as the rest of Africa.

  2. Georgia Resident says:

    I actually find it rather surprising that the island countries between SE Asia and Australia do as well as they do. Is this due to overseas Chinese, or are the Austronesians more prolific in science than I thought?

  3. WMarkW says:

    Note how the Muslim world acts like a funnel, turning Eurasia into an hourglass shape.

  4. Georgia Resident says:

    Quick question: are countries represented by the absolute number of scientific papers they produce, or per-capita scientific papers? It’s probably not terribly relevant for comparisons like South Africa versus the rest of Africa, but it might be relevant for Canada versus the US, maybe. Canada gets badly squeezed in this map, leading me to believe this is based on the absolute number of scientific papers, which would penalize not-so-densely populated countries like Canada and Australia, which are both mostly white countries with relatively less dysfunctional nonwhite populations (aboriginals the exception) than the US.

  5. Myrmecodon says:

    Nice to see that my budding Internet hate career has brought more noteworthy intellects and ideas together.
    (SWPL vocce) But I thought EVERYone whose ANYone on the alt-right read West Hunter.

    • jewamongyou says:

      I become a little less ignorant every day because of this blog – and, in this case, your link over there. Thanks Myrmecodon!
      BTW, “Shtetl-y Jew”?

      • Janon says:

        Did you see that repulsive and viciously exaggerated anti-Jewish post at the “mypostingcareer” link by someone who goes by the handle “obergruppengeneral”? The claim that Jews make up 78% of the UK parliament and 83% of the U.S. Senate is laughably loony. And 97% of artists in the Metropolitan Museum? That kind of Jew-hater is either a liar or nuts.

      • Myrmecodon says:

        Named for our “Shtetl of Mettle” thread, or “any Jew who doesn’t toe the party line on Israel/liberalism/attitude toward the gentiles.”
        MPC is very much its chat description: “A trailer park some days, the lyceum others.” Older threads by our more academic types go off on fewer hate tangents, but you’ll find no freer forum for discussion of various HBD issues (and no more heated challenges by the big egos.)
        Also it has some of the best.emoticons.ever.

  6. An even cooler map on this topic is this one from Oliver H. Beauchesne, which shows the volume of research collaborations geographically through connections between cities. The countries that stand out as scientific hubs are much the same, but you get a better sense of the actual cities involved.

  7. Gay State Girl says:

    What are the bubble on the top of South America and the Island off the
    Southern coast supposed to symbolize?

  8. Inquirer says:

    – What did the Falklands and Corsica/Sardinia really produce ?
    – Do Alaskans generate as much as Japanese?
    – Is Russia that anemic?
    – Is Madagascar’s output as important as *Central* Africa’s?

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