Israel is actually deporting Africans back to Africa.

Hurray! Alarabiya writes:

Israel said on Monday it had started rounding up African migrants in the first stage of a controversial “emergency plan” to intern and deport thousands deemed a threat to the Jewish character of the state.
Israel Radio reported that dozens of Africans, mainly from South Sudan, had already been detained in the Red Sea resort of Eilat, including mothers and children.
“This is only a small group of the infiltrators,” Interior Minister Eli Yishai said. “I’m not acting out of hatred of strangers but love of my people and to rescue the homeland.”
The goal is to repatriate all the estimated 60,000 African migrants, whose growing numbers are seen by many Israelis as a law and order issue and even a threat to the long-term viability of the Jewish state…
Israeli human rights and activist groups back the Africans. But rightwing and religious parties say that if they are not stopped today’s 60,000 will become 600,000 in a few years, in a population of 7.8 million.
Poor south Tel Aviv residents say affluent north Tel Aviv Jews can afford to be liberal, because the Africans are not in their back yard. An opinion poll last week showed 52 percent of Israelis agree that the Africans are “a cancer”.

This truly brings joy to my heart. If other countries take Israel’s example, then perhaps Africa will be forced to solve its own problems instead of pawning it’s refugees off on the rest of the world.
As for Alarabiya, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle hint that they do not support Israel in this endeavor. Look at the photo they inserted into the article:

An image of an anonymous little girl is media code for “innocent and harmless”. It would have been more accurate to show shiftless young men. If the hordes of African migrants were composed mainly of little girls, it would not be nearly as big a problem.
Africa is a very large place. The fact that these refugees bypassed the entire continent of Africa, and chose Israel as their new home, means that they have rejected Africa; they have made a clear statement, with their feet, that Africa is a failure. If some parts of Africa are not failures, then those are the places the refugees need to go. Africa should take care of her own. If she can’t, then something is wrong with her and we need to consider the source of the problem. Since it’s likely the problem has something to do African people themselves, non-African nations should prevent Africans from settling in their lands.
The article goes on to say that…

An opinion poll last week showed 52 percent of Israelis agree that the Africans are “a cancer”.

This is a harsh way of putting it, but I do wonder about the other 48%. Are they truly so dense that they do not grasp the danger of immigration from Africa? Most likely, they have adopted the “don’t know, don’t care” attitude of other liberals. They have no clue as to what large numbers of blacks do to a society, and they refuse to go to the trouble to find out. Either that or they wish for the destruction of their own homeland.
I wanted to point out that most, if not all, of the Israeli Jews who reject the Africanization of their country also reject the Africanization of the rest of the world. No, I did not do any surveys when I was there. But I know the mentality. Many Israeli Jews fled black crime in America and Europe. Contrary to what some people claim, there is no double-standard here; not all Jews are of one mind and the ones in Israel tend to have a better understanding of the concept of “nation” and how nations are lost.

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44 Responses to Israel is actually deporting Africans back to Africa.

  1. Alex says:

    There is no cause to accuse the Israelis and race-realist Jews of double-standards. It’s those on the other side who have turned out to be a disappointment. Eli Yishai’s remarks were strong enough to earn some really entertaining denunciations of ‘racism’, ‘bigotry’ and ‘hate speech’ but there was only silence. I for one feel cheated.

  2. rjp says:

    I thought they were paying them to leave.
    Regardless, how did the Africans even find Israel? It’s 1000 miles from south Sudan. And who put the idea in their head that Israel was the place they should go to?
    And for shits and giggles, I am willing to bet that 99% of african-americans can’t even find Israel on a map.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Yes, they are paying the ones who turn themselves in. A very bad idea in my opinion.
      Sadly, the vast majority of white Americans probably can’t find Israel on a map either. Hell, they can’t even find the U.S. on a map.

  3. SFG says:

    Yeah, Israelis and Russian Jews have conservative attitudes about race. The problem is the large contingent of already-assimilated American Jews who assimilated into the most liberal parts of America and, with their 110-mean IQs, do a better job of propounding liberal dogma than the original WASP liberals did.
    Still, when the main white resistance is buddy-buddy with Nazis, you can’t expect me to join up. And I don’t like what the NAMs are doing. Not one bit. An oven will kill you just as dead as a NAM’s Glock.

    • Monty says:

      There needs to be more dialogue between HBD-aware whites and HBD-aware Jews, and it needs to come from the goyim.
      Let’s assume that the anti-Semites are right, and Jews have been maliciously undermining white countries and societies since they first dispersed throughout Europe. The fact remains that in the generations long gentile-Jew struggle, you guys (Jews) got the worst of it by a long margin. The holocaust killed off one-third of you guys.
      Why so many HBD-aware whites refuse to bury the hatchet, I don’t know.

      • SFG says:

        The Nazis were the last big racialists, I think, so there’s a lot of inspiration from there. Also, Jews play a huge role in the modern anti-racist movement (see: Tim Wise). For every JAY, there are 100 Tim Wises.
        That said, Franco offed his political rather than racial enemies and, unlike Hitler, lived to a ripe old age…

  4. countenance says:

    Poor south Tel Aviv residents say affluent north Tel Aviv Jews can afford to be liberal, because the Africans are not in their back yard.
    Patterson’s First Axiom on parade. Everywhere.
    I remember the part in TAR where Katznelson talks about the Jewish homeland in Uganda proposal. Of course it would have been a clustefreak: If you think the Pallies have the hard on that they do, imagine what it would have been like surrounded by blacks.
    But…at least for now, it looks like the only Jewish state has its fair share of Ugandans anyway. I know, not literally Ugandans.

  5. And imagine how much more successful these efforts could be without the Israeli press. Every time this issue comes up, the main headlines on the website of the big Israeli newspapers are about how unfortunate these people are, how Israel is their home, interviewing children who don’t know any other other home, etc etc – and all in the guise of “objective” news articles. The “mainstream” Israeli press truly makes American press seem unbiased and without an agenda.

    • destructure says:

      about how unfortunate these people are, how Israel is their home, interviewing children who don’t know any other other home, etc etc
      If that’s true then why aren’t those same libs trying to prohibit illegal immigration on the same basis? After all, we don’t see them saying illegals should go back home because that’s their home and all the kids knew. F’ing libs.

  6. JI says:

    An opinion poll last week showed 52 percent of Israelis agree that the Africans are “a cancer”.
    This is a harsh way of putting it, but I do wonder about the other 48%.
    The other 48% view them as merely heart disease as opposed to cancer.

  7. I wanted to point out that most, if not all, of the Israeli Jews who reject the Africanization of their country also reject the Africanization of the rest of the world…. But I know the mentality.
    This makes me want to talk to an Israeli rightist one-on-one at some point. A real solid Likudnik or someone to his right. Not just to confirm your assertion (which I believe), but also to ask for advice. How do you talk to a J-school Political Kommissar in a way that prevents her/him from making you look like a Naughtcy?
    I’m so envious of the rare anti-immigration movement that I kind of have this “crying and scratching on the glass” mentality”.

    • “How do you talk to a J-school Political Kommissar in a way that prevents her/him from making you look like a Naughtcy? ”
      That’s all in the eye of the beholder – the leftist has already decided that I look like evil incarnate before I speak to him. There is nothing you can do against that, it’s the respect that the Left gets that grants such an image any legitimacy. Look at this idiocy, for example (, in which the author does not even mention the word “crime” once, despite the marked increase in violent crime in southern Tel Aviv, perpetuated by African “immigrants.”
      At least the language of the debate is different – the word used by sane people on this issue, including Members of Knesset, is “infiltrators.” Imagine the American Left’s response to that with regards to Mexicans – they already fight the accurate term “illegal immigrants” by calling them “undocumented.” At least there is a very large portion of Israeli society that refuse to even recognize these people as immigrants at all.
      An interesting question arises here with regards to the market – if so many Israelis’ views do not align with the mainstream media, why is there no profitable and successful newspaper?

      • There is nothing you can do against that, it’s the respect that the Left gets that grants such an image any legitimacy.
        A point with a razor-sharp edge.
        An interesting question arises here with regards to the market – if so many Israelis’ views do not align with the mainstream media, why is there no profitable and successful newspaper?
        Ugh, say it ain’t so. There’s no American Renaissance of Israel? Not that AmRen necessarily counts because it is a magazine, rather than a daily.
        Whoa whoa! What on earth does this mean? (from the link provided by Abu A.):
        “I am as afraid to live in the Israel of 2012 as any right-minded German should have been in 1938, or as any right-minded American should have been in the 1960s.”
        Wait a minute, what’s that last bit? I mean, as an alt-rightist I’m aware that the civil rights movement sowed the seeds of what has become a perilous situation for American Whites, but I don’t think that’s what that author is referring to.
        But what is it? Vietnam? Some cops being nasty to some protestors? Malcolm X, MLK, and RFK being assassinated? As much as I despise Hitler and Johnson, I really can’t make the leap between Hitler’s Germany and Johnson’s America.
        So anyway, yes, I am convinced that the Israeli J-school Commissars are as whacky as their American counterparts.

      • jewamongyou says:

        I’m already in a lousy mood due to other things in my life – so I’ll check out that link later on. Thanks!

      • Oh, J.A.Y., don’t check this one out unless you’re really prepared:
        Israel is the most naive and racist country in the West.
        “Racist, because in no other country can politicians make remarks about migrants as they do here and still remain in office another day….” The author presumably knows about closed-list proportional representation. Hmmm.
        In any case, I’m way too lazy to compare what the Likudniks have said about the local infiltrators to what Tom Tancredo, Geert Wilders, or Pia Kjærsgaard have said about infiltrators in their countries. My guess is that the author of that article is just playing the “I’ll prove I’m open-minded and tough enough to take criticism by making unfounded assertions that my VERY OWN country is the worst place in the world (my uplifting presence notwithstanding)” game that PC preachers love.
        (I also think it’s funny to assert that Israel is naïve when it comes to foreign threats to its national identity. Four wars is a lot for a half-century.)

  8. latteisland says:

    I’m so proud of the Israelis who made this brave decision. They’re not obligated to tolerate foreigners who not only have no connection to Israel, but also prey on Israelis who can no longer leave their clothes on the beach without some African gang going through the pockets. I hope the Israelis will have the strength to ignore all the catcalls from every anti-semite on the planet.

  9. Jehu says:

    I’ve had some contact with Israeli Jews both professionally and back in college (the dividing line for fuzzy cases was whether they’d done IDF service). They seem sigma or so more sane on most issues than do most of the elite and quasi-elite American Jews I’ve known.

    • I think it may be a small-country thing.
      I don’t have the statistics, but I’ll bet a bottle of California wine that Americans live, on average, further from a national boundary than any other people on earth. By a long shot. (Island nations and Australia don’t count.) The other big countries have almost all of their population concentrated near foreign countries: Russia’s mostly in Europe with some exceptions that reïnforce the rule like Vladivostok; Canada’s near America (lending us IQ points, thanks guys!), China’s along the cost not too far from Korea, Vietnam.
      Israeli is the extreme opposite example, but sanity on multikult issues also seems pretty evident in Hungary, Switzerland, etc. In a sense, the inclusion of Switzerland is a good sign, since Switzerland hasn’t had to learn about multikult through bloodshed and horror. They just know that their current level of intercultural exchange is enough of a pain in the neck–national identity though it may be!–that they see no need to multiply it.

      • countenance says:

        We may have an easy way to find the answer. Just find the distance from the American population center (currently near Plato, Missouri) from the nearest international border (in this case, the “bend” in the border within Lake Erie near Toledo, Ohio). I’m sure other countries also have calculated a population center, so figure the distance between that and the closest international border.
        Then again, do “borders” really matter anymore? There is an ocean between America and Africa, but just look around St. Louis.

      • SFG says:

        That’s actually a really good suggestion, as it’s Arizona where you see resistance to immigration coalescing–and that definitely is near a border.

      • countenance says:

        Olave, SFG:
        I don’t think this is any more complicated than Patterson’s First Axiom.
        Also, nationalism cannot exist with ingroup-outgroup conflict. It doesn’t matter whether there’s a border between the ingroup and outgroup.

  10. Gay State Girl says:

    Interesting. Many if not most of the anti immigration protesters were Sephardic or Mizrahi, yet the media is still attributing the anti African sentiment to the “ziofacist AshkeNAZIs.”

    • Bay Area Guy says:

      Many if not most of the anti immigration protesters were Sephardic or Mizrahi, yet the media is still attributing the anti African sentiment to the “ziofacist AshkeNAZIs.”
      Oh, but come on, GSG! We all know that the evil white Ashkenazi elites brainwashed those noble brown-skinned Mizrahi savages, corrupting them to the point where they actually became xenophobic! Absent European Ashkenazi racism, the likes of Michael Ben-Ari would be welcoming Africans with open arms.
      *sarcasm off*
      Sure, what I say is meant to be a parody, but I’ve heard such arguments made by radical post-colonialist/post-modernist types.

  11. Lonely Jew says:

    Interesting way to phrase a question (….cancer…). What kind of wiggle room is in a question like that, and does it sound as harsh in Hebrew? Clearly a yes-no question. However, do the other 48% think the illegals are a boon and an asset, or just something less than cancer. Perhaps the question was phrased in a harsh way that would purposely diminish the affirmatives?

  12. Bay Area Guy says:

    On a serious note though, as this recent controversy in Israel has demonstrated, immigration is not (as open borders advocates would claim) a “natural, inevitable process that will continue in an increasingly globalized world.”
    Where there is a political will to secure borders/deport immigrants, there is a way.
    One only has to look at the U.S. 1924 Immigration Act, as well as Australia’s “White Australia” policy prior to 1973. Or the immigration policies of East Asian countries such as Japan.
    The problem is that there is no will right now. Throughout the West, elites, both economic and political, support open borders. It increases their profits through the further acquisition of cheap labor and gives them a new army of government dependent voters who will support them.
    And, of course, there’s also liberal wimpiness.
    If white Westerners who want to put an end to immigration actually intend to make progress, then they’ll need to form a populist, politically active grassroots movement that challenges the elites responsible for the West’s current problems. While many white activists rail against the immigrants themselves, they themselves are not the problem, as crazy as it may sound. The white elites who facilitate their immigration and support their presence are the problem. The employers who hire them over a native born worker are the problem.
    They are the ones who must be held accountable.

    • Gay State Girl says:

      “and gives them a new army of government dependent voters who will support them.”
      Hardly. The only thing they can rely on Mexicans for is to remain politically apathetic and allow the elites to trod all over them.

  13. destructure says:

    I don’t watch television so I don’t know how much coverage this is getting in the news. Is it getting much coverage? And how does the coverage compare to the smack down the Arabs laid on the sub Saharans after the “Arab Spring” in Tunisia and Libya?

  14. One unfortunate truth has been left out here – this is a drop in the bucket. They’re deporting only a handful of people, despite the tens (hundreds?) of thousand of illegals that remain, in a country of nearly 8 million (fewer than 6 million of which are Jews). But the even more damning fact is that the stream of infiltrators has not stopped – far more people are still crossing the border into Israel illegally than are being deported. And deporting even only these few Sudanese is such an ordeal in Israel that, under current conditions with the current spineless “leaders,” I can’t imagine the gov’t undertaking an honest effort at solving the problem – that would require actually standing up to the media, to the Left. Both recent and not-so-recent experience suggest that there is not much room for optimism…

  15. Irish Savant says:

    Good on the Israelis! Now let’s hope that Jews elsewhere will be more understanding about why we object to their support for immigration into Europe.
    Keep up the good work Jay in bridging the gulf that I find it harder to manage every day. We’ve got this Jewish Minister in Ireland who has approved 14,000 new citizens in one year. Prior to that it had been about 100 per annum.

  16. Irish Savant says:

    “Africa should take care of her own. If she can’t, then something is wrong with her and we need to consider the source of the problem. Since it’s likely the problem has something to do African people themselves, non-African nations should prevent Africans from settling in their lands.”
    Absolutely masterful. I’ve copied it for future use! (With due acknowledgement of course!)

  17. EastAfrican says:

    I’m a Tanzanian,and I would like to know…Israel nation has strong laws on illegal immigration in place,right?All foreigners entering Israel illegally get tried in Israeli courts and get sentences,and be deported back to their countries,right?If your govt prove beyond doubt that these foreigners are truly refugees,then,internationally,everyone knows how “refugees” are dealt with….If i get you guys correct,there is no need to insult the whole of Africa..and everyone knows,not only Africans are illegal migrants to Israel or any other part of the world,I guess all should be dealt as per your laws regardless of colour….Can’t we say ” EVERY illegal immigrant is a cancer” and NOT only “Africans illegal immigrants are a cancer”…..For sure,you will get rid of Africans and you will come to find that Arabians are there making noise,Chinese are there growing,Italians are there holding it down,etc,etc,etc…

    • jewamongyou says:

      Actually you’ve got a good point. Many Russians were brought into Israel under the guise of them being Jewish – but they weren’t. Now they’re causing a lot of trouble there. I was very vocal about this when I was there; it was obvious to me what was going on.
      But Russians don’t breed like Africans, and because they don’t look much different than Ashkenazi Jews, they tend to assimilate better. Not to mention the genetic differences. Also, the article was about Africans, so that’s what I wrote about in this post.
      As for insulting the whole of Africa, don’t look at me! It’s the refugees who insulted the whole of Africa by leaving it behind for greener pastures elsewhere. Can you explain why they didn’t settle in Tanzania or Kenya – or Ghana? It was they who rejected the entire African continent, to travel thousands of miles in order to leave it.

      • Another point about the Soviets – a good deal of those who are not Jewish ultimately convert because they really want to be a part of society (there’s a somewhat expedited conversion process in the army).
        And to respond to EastAfrican – I want all illegal immigrants out, regardless of origin. All are unwanted and must go. The Africans, however, have contributed to increases in violent crimes, notably rape; and most of them infiltrate physically, crossing the border, necessitating more attention to the border, thus imposing heavier monetary costs on a society to which they do not contribute and from which they only take away.
        Oh, and read this – should open the eyes of anyone who believes these are just poor unfortunate people who deserve help. Anyone who isn’t willfully blind, that is.,7340,L-4239481,00.html

      • Gay State Girl says:

        “As for insulting the whole of Africa, don’t look at me! It’s the refugees who insulted the whole of Africa by leaving it behind for greener pastures elsewhere. Can you explain why they didn’t settle in Tanzania or Kenya – or Ghana? It was they who rejected the entire African continent, to travel thousands of miles in order to leave it.”
        LOVE IT. That’s the best statement you’ve made so far.

      • SFG says:

        Ah, the Russians. Who then formed a neo-Nazi movement in Israel.
        I mean, how stupid can you be?

  18. EW says:

    Whereas in France, there are organizations trying to unite Arabs and Jews on the basis that both ethnies are so much oppressed from the French (or maybe should i say Gaulois) majority?

  19. jewamongyou says:

    Re: Abu Arpachshad,
    That article is nauseating. They really are a cancer.

  20. Yew Among You says:

    These Africans are Jewish. If Israel is meant to be a “Jewish homeland” why are they sending these Jews away?
    And considering that Jews do well wherever they are born, why do they need to go to some faraway foreign homeland in the middle of the desert? I never understood that.

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  22. magicmonkey says:

    Gibs me dat!
    Send the monkeys back!

  23. bill says:

    Why don’t the major powers send their people into Africa claiming they are going back to their ancestral homes. Arm these people from the home country if the indigenous blacks complain. Continue to populate Africa with people from Europe and Asia until the African is a racial minority in Africa.

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