The Portland Mercury has provided two new examples of murky leftist thinking for our entertainment.
In this example, it claims that whites are more crime-prone than other races:
THE PROBLEM is familiar. According to the latest batch of traffic data released by the Portland Police Bureau, covering all stops in 2010, cops continue to pull over and search African Americans and Latinos about twice as often as white Portlanders.
Also familiar, if equally troubling, is the idea that cops are targeting blacks and Latinos in what accountability advocates see as “fishing expeditions.” According to a review of the data by Portland Copwatch and the Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA), whites are way more likely to have contraband like weapons or drugs, even though they’re searched far less often.
The problem is, indeed, familiar: Leftist race-denialists continuing to recycle their own regurgitated vomitus over and over again, lapping it up each time as if it’s the word of God. I commented that if the writers and editors of the Mercury truly believe this absurdity, then they must surely be living in predominantly black/Hispanic neighborhoods themselves. I predict that, if there is any response at all, it will be one or two of them claiming that they do actually live in such neighborhoods. I call them out as liars in advance.
Speaking of liars, here’s another doozy from the Mercury that seems to be only in the print edition for now (“Love Notes” June 21-27 pg. 3):
Some people out there just want to spew their hate on you. I am white. I dyed my hair black. Idiots in pickup trucks screaming “Fuck you, you fucking Spic bitch! Fucking Spic!” following me several times. I was refused seating in a restaurant on two occasions. Racists can be too stupid to distinguish between races. So, they don’t care about you or your behavior or whatever. They just want to hate a color. They don’t represent most people, I think, but they are everywhere, scattered in with everyone else, so it FEELS like they are everyone. I am lucky, I can choose to make my hair be red again and suddenly I’m white and my white privilege comes back and everyone mostly treats me better.
Clearly we are not being told the whole story here. Do they really expect us to believe that black-haired people are regularly subject to the abuse she describes? I have black hair (okay, some of it is now grey) and I’ve never had such experiences, at least not from whites. If anything, people put up with me more when they consider me “non-white”. At least this is the impression I get. I couldn’t help but notice that there was no mention, in the Mercury, of the latest black-on-white attacks in the Portland area. Perhaps I missed it.
From the stats given and the ethnic population of Portland, racism seem to be a valid even if there is an equally valid reason for disproportionally searching Africans and mestizos. However, this is dependent only on the information given i.e. the no. of contraband, no. of ethnic searches and how ethnicity is defined as most of the Africans and mestizos are ethnically European.
According to the latest batch of traffic data released by the Portland Police Bureau, covering all stops in 2010, cops continue to pull over and search African Americans and Latinos about twice as often as white Portlanders.
If other cities’ data are a clue, then blacks and Hispanics are more than twice as likely to commit a violent crime than whites in Portland. This means that the cops are pulling over more whites than they should.
According to a review of the data by Portland Copwatch and the Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA), whites are way more likely to have contraband like weapons or drugs, even though they’re searched far less often.
“Copwatch,” probably meaning far left anarchists, and “Ministerial Alliance,” which means either white Unitarian dorks and/or the Big Chief preachers of the local Bellcurvius community. Do you trust their interpretation of the datas? “Whites…more likely to have contraband like weapons…” Not contraband if the white has a carry permit.
Well the webpage did not provide absolute numbers so it is hard to say. However, using the population distribution of Portland from Wikipedia, only 4.3% of the combined Africans and mestizo groups were carrying contraband while it was 36.2% for the Europeans (assuming that the cops searched people equally). This is times 8.4 for the non-Euros which would indicate that the Portland cops were going excessively out of their way to stop Euros which I doubt would be pragmatic. In other words, there does not seem to be a case for racism on the part of the cops nor tendency to crime on the part of Africans and mestizos from the data given IMO.
We have no information on what this contraband is. If Whites in Portland dominate that crack and heroin trades in that city, that would be a rarity. From my experiences with Pacific Northwesterners, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that Whites dominate marijuana usage.
It’s not clear what prompts these stops. It’s easy to imagine the groups that are being targeted–young Whites hang around laughing at things that aren’t funny, wearing George Washington “I grew hemp” t-shirts, are a pretty obvious target. Young NAMs hanging around in gang clothing are another. The latter have a network of lookouts designed to keep the peddlers and their wares separate until a deal has been closed; the former don’t.
According to a review of the data by Portland Copwatch and the Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA), whites are way more likely to have contraband like weapons or drugs, even though they’re searched far less often.
Data not presented. “Way more” is not defined. Why weapons would be “contraband” is not explained. Why “Copwatch” would know something the cops don’t is not explained. And, most importantly, why a bunch of liberals have suddenly decided that simple possession of drugs is more important than, say, gang rape is not confessed.
And, you’re exactly write: your second quoted paragraph is a flat lie. I’ve been in a lot of social circles in this country and I almost never hear the term “spic”. It’s generally being used by leftists as an example of “things conservative corporate Christian capitalists say” (because, you know, corporations and Christians are so anti-immigration…?)
When are people going to learn? The young woman who dyed her hair is obviously a liar looking for attention. She fits the description perfectly. I know plenty of white people with jet black hair, and none of them have ever complained about being called “beaner” or “wetback” and have certainly never been denied service at any business because of it.
People who tell you they don’t care what others think are usually the ones who care MOST about what other people think. Along those same lines, people who use the term “white privilege” are usually dishonest, and a good portion of them likely have emotional problems.
I’ve heard Tim Wise say that white people are three or four times more likely than blacks or Mexicans to have drugs in their vehicle when stopped and searched. This is either true or just a leftist canard. Whatever the case, it isn’t white people murdering all of those vibrants in Chicago.
Drug abuse rates seem about the same for whites or higher, and I’ve seen counterintuitive stats about stop and frisk before. Also surprising: in the USA, even whites are incarcerated at extremely high rates compared to other nations. Seems like it would be useful for some race realist bloggers to meet some of these irregular facts head on, or debunk them as needed.
agreed. my hunch, however,
is that whites are less likely to be violent offenders.
They went through this same thing in New Jersey back in the 90’s. The anti racism baloney got so bad that the Jersey troopers asked the New Jersey attorney general to study the speeding. It turned out that Blacks are pulled over more because backs speed more. Moreover, blacks were actually pulled over LESS than they should have been based on their rate of speeding. Heather MacDonald wrote about this over 10 years ago.
As for the letter from the woman claiming she died her hair black — it’s kind of hard to verify an anonymous letter eh? She sounds like a fanatical “anti racist” who would say anything to promote her brand of crazy.