This is in response to a recent comment made by “Yew Among You“, who I’m guessing also uses other names for himself. Here’s the text of the comment with my responses in bold:
Jew Among You! Are you the guy who posted a video at YOUTUBE putting 3 different types of ice cream in a blender and saying that’s what “liberals” want to do to all the various entho-cultures, amalgamate them in the name of “multi-culturalism”? And that you prefer enjoying each ice cream separate in its own unique flavor?
Yes, that was me.
Actually its the opposite, at least here in USA (don’t know where you are writing from). Here the “conservatives” want people to “assimilate” into one homogenous mass and even convert to Christianity! The liberals and multi-culturalists on the other hand like freedom and diversity of religions and cultures.
The “conservatives” you speak of are not conservatives; they’re slow liberals. Their racial/cultural attitudes are indistinguishable from those of other liberals, except that they are a bit slower to adopt them. John Derbishire has already explained this on various occasions. It’s true that there are Christian fundamentalists who call themselves “conservative”, and who do want the entire world to convert to Christianity, but when it comes to racial matters (and my ice cream video was targeted mainly at advocates of race-mixing), most of them are entirely within the leftist camp. It was the Left that agitated for school integration, the Left that pushed massive third-world immigration on the West and the Left that forbade neighborhood associations, landlords and real-estate agents to discriminate on the basis of race. All the above inevitably lead to race-mixing (ice cream in the blender). All of the above were, in turn, adopted by so-called “conservatives”. Any “conservative” who favors any of the above is not a true conservative; he is a slow liberal. While the Left claims to be in favor of “diversity”, what they are really working toward is destruction of diversity.
As far as Asians emulating “European culture” some do. However a very large % want to avoid all your divorce, promiscuous sex, disrespect for elders, obnoxious teenage rebellion, single parenting, single parent dating, etc. For the most part Asians take pride in their various ethno-cultural traditions, philosophies, religions and family values.
This could be the case; I don’t claim to know what percentage of Asians answer a higher moral calling. From what I’ve read, the Indian sub-continent leaves much to be desired in the way of morality and respect. Of course, Yew could be referring specifically to East Asians.
As for the West being morally bankrupt, the disappearance of Church authority and, to a large extent, Christianity, left a vast void. As a result, many whites were left with no moral compass when it came to the matters you describe. Societies change. Cultures evolve and one religion fades into another. I don’t think there has been a time, prior to the modern era, when a religion disappeared and was not replaced with another. Leftism has sought to replace Christianity, but it lacks the history, ritual and spirituality of other religions. This is why many Europeans are embracing Islam instead. It’s a pity that the spiritual needs of the masses cannot be met without lying to them. It’s a shame the so many must fear the hand of heaven to abstain from sin.
Yes, it’s probably healthier for Asian societies to continue their ancestral traditions, flaws and all, rather than embrace the empty pop culture that now passes for “Western” culture. As for the West, I hope it can find its way without destroying itself.
Those Indians may get off the plane and start littering and talking loud once in India but they will not date, have promiscuous sex, smartass back talk their parents, divorce, talk trash about their families, religion or traditions once in India because “sssshhhh, the Indians are watching”.
I don’t think I’m qualified to speak to this; I’ll leave it to Indian readers. But it certainly does appear that many more Indians would rather live in Europe and America than in India. You imply that it’s not just the trashy Indians who move abroad. So, if India is so great, why do so many Indians leave?
While Germans may come down hard on people who throw candy wrappers out the window, they are perfectly comfortable with promiscious sex, divorce, obnoxious teenage disrespect of elders, single parenting, single parent dating, and all manner of other uncivilized behaviour that is rampant (and indeed the universal hallmark of) Western so-called “civilization”.
Not to mention the fact that they have so little respect for their own German heritage that they tolerate their daughters marrying Africans and Muslims. It would be nice if Europe could re-learn some things from the Asians, over whom they ruled not so long ago.
Ask an Indian (as in dot, not feathers) where he or she would rather live: India or Germany?
So, you’re getting hit by the Indian trolls, too?
It’s the “You’re a racist blah blah blah…” comments that are a waste of ones and zeros. This one is alright.
“Ask an Indian (as in dot, not feathers) where he or she would rather live: India or Germany?”
Depends on the Indian. Many Indians, after studying, working, some even after living in a foreign land for decades, happily return to India. Indians love their country, cultures and religions. They leave for money, not to adopt atheism or Christianity or the single parent lifestyle. As far as Germany, I found it a cold and miserable place. I prefer Southern Europe a thousandfold more.
How does India rate between Germany and Southern Europe?
You’re asking for my personal opinion?
For culture and cuisine, India rates higher than Southern Europe.
For weather and relaxed chilled backness, Southern Europe rates the highest, on par with the Caribbean.
Not that Germany is a “bad” place. I appreciate its clean, organized feel. But the weather and food sucks. The people come off cold and distant but I’m sure they’re sweet at heart. The language is harsh sounding. Its history and “culture” does not move me or spur any curiosity for further research.
I did enjoy the countryside, the forests. Every place has its good and bad. Its just not on my list of “must return to” places.
Three flavors in a blender is the wrong metaphore.
The correct metaphore is ice cream, vinegar, and brie in a blender.
Note that each of those foods are perfectly good foods by themselves; it is their combination that is ruinous.
By the way, even adding a tiny amount of feces can utterly destroy perfectly good ice cream, while not improving the feces one bit. Neither feces nor ice cream are improved by mixing.
OT: Alice Walker and some other leftist writers won’t allow their books to be translated into Hebrew! Sultan Knish has the story:
The modern west is not European culture, because the modern west has not only shunned, but disparaged and trashed true European culture. True European culture was built on the philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome and mixed with Judeo-Christian texts. The modern west is far more based on the Frankfurt School, multiculturalism and secularism.
As for Asians, Asian woman are far more likely to have STDs than white women, and there has been a sharp increase in single mothers of Asian descent over the past couple of decades, though they are less likely to end up that way than white women. One need not to embrace a degenerative lifestyle, they can just know that the welfare state will reward them for degenerative behavior.
As for Asians, Asian woman are far more likely to have STDs than white women….
I hadn’t heard this before. I will try to look it up.
Here’s a link to a blog(that I am unfamiliar with) that talks about the study I got the info from.
From the link TWTS gave:
For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%).
This makes me a little bit sad.
If they are South Asian they get the STDs from their husbands who are banging, or have banged in the past, white women.
If they are East Asian then they might get it from being promiscuous. East Asians are less family oriented, and hence don’t listen to their parents and date outside their culture, than South Asians.
South Asians still do the arranged by parents marriage thing.
Read the comments. The data is old. Newer data shows Asian women have lower STD rates. Of course which particular demograph of “Asians” is not specified. Asia stretches all the way from Turkey to the Far East like Japan and beyond.
“The modern west is not European culture, because the modern west has not only shunned, but disparaged and trashed true European culture. True European culture was built on the philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome and mixed with Judeo-Christian texts.”
From my studies I gather that Christianity was the beginning of the end of authentic European cultures. I know there’s a resurgence of interest in pre-Christian European wisdom traditions, and that’s a move in the right direction, but so much has been lost since people failed to pass on those traditions to the younger generations and replaced them with a mythology based around a man from the Middle East.
Quite odd.
It could be argued that the origins of advanced Western civilization begin with the Catholic church, despite how fashionable and and safe it currently is to bash. It is easy to see how the Catholic church in Europe laid the foundation for civilized society while recognizing the allegorical, not literal, significance the Bible had in that happening.
Sure, that could be argued, but who’s arguing that? The Pope?
“Sure, that could be argued, but who’s arguing that?”
College textbooks, History Channel.
History Channel? I don’t own or normally watch TV but was waiting in an office the other day that had that channel on. They were talking about HAARP and government patents for mass mind control devices.
College textbooks are insufferably politically correct aren’t they? Not that they can’t be somewhat informative as well, just not entirely accurate and unbiased.
The Catholic Church has a very bleak history and its presence, well, we all know about that. As for its future, I wish it the best.
Maybe Italy should become like Israel – a place of refuge for all Catholics to immigrate to. A Catholic Homeland. That might be the best for them and the rest of us. Italy has a beautiful natural environment, its easy to grow food there, the pope is there. Its a win/win.
I have no religious dog in this fight. I’m not Catholic, nor am I a practicing Protestant. The bottom line is what I say is simply prima facie truth. You simply don’t have Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, or even Newton w/o Christian civilization. Sorry.
“I have no religious dog in this fight. I’m not Catholic, nor am I a practicing Protestant. The bottom line is what I say is simply prima facie truth. You simply don’t have Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, or even Newton w/o Christian civilization. Sorry.”
Sorry? For what?
I have no religious cow in this fight either.
Anyway, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart and Newton excelled because of Christianity or IN SPITE of it?
Genius knows no religion. All of the unparalleled Hindu temple architects would have been unparalled architects had they been building Jain temples instead of Hindu ones.
Bose, Ramanujan, etc would have genius minds even had they been born to Christian families.
“The bottom line is what I say is simply prima facie truth. You simply don’t have Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, or even Newton w/o Christian civilization.”
Those men excelled in spite of Christianity not because of it. The reason is that genius knows no religion. The unparalleled talent of Hindu temple architects would have been there even had they built Jain temples or shrines to Charvak instead.
Bose, Ramanujan, etc would still have been geniuses had they been born to Abrahamic faith based parents instead of Hindus.
For what?
(Blog master: due to you limit on comments per ip I’m posting under another one)
Their accomplishments had nothing to do with Christianity itself but was able to flourish in a Christian society.
“Their accomplishments had nothing to do with Christianity itself but was able to flourish in a Christian society.”
So what? Brilliant minds have flourished in a wide variety of societies, and still do. Again, IN SPITE OF whatever religious beliefs were held by the majority of the people.
And you are conveniently ignoring the brilliant minds and intellectual (what to speak of spiritual) freedom that was surpressed by the Catholic church in a systematic way, of which there is plenty of history written as well.
If you have no personal investment in this particular religious organization then why is that?
I’m not speaking of arbitrary brilliant minds, I’m speaking of the emergence of Western society.
Hmmm, trying to follow your point. I get that the depth and profundity of South Asian philosophers were obviously a result of ancient Hindu civilization, as well as the cause of its further advancement. But that’s an example of a wholistic localized, environmental entho-culture, not an institution that transplanted a religion onto a soil it didn’t spring from, hence creating a fragmentation and identity crisis. (hello globalization!)
Were Leo da Vinci and Newton believing Catholics?
I read that Leo was incredibly critical of the CC, hated it in fact.
That’s a symptom of fragmentation — in spite of, not because of. Whereas the examples of Panini, Pantanjali, Kapila, etc, it would be “because of”.
Has nothing to do whether or not da Vinci or anyone else was a practicing Catholic. I’m referring to the role of the Catholic church in Europe as a catalyst for advancement, not necessarily the role of Catholicism –although that was influential as well.
Even the Protestant reformation and the Catholic counter reformation are certainly instrumental in the advancement of Western society.
German heritage? Wow Jay, you are forgiving…
Based on the guy calling himself “Yew” I’d say he was probably Chinese. Not exactly sure what crawled up his arse though. Sounds like he has some issues. But its best not to let his issues drag us into a tit for tat with Asians. The problem is neither you nor Asians. The problem was him.
“Sounds like he has some issues. But its best not to let his issues drag us into a tit for tat with Asians. The problem is neither you nor Asians. The problem was him.”
Problem? Issue? Like what?
Thanks for replying, Jew.
With regards to “slow liberals” are you implying that American non-fundamental Christian conservatives are respectful to religions other than their own? That’s not been my personal experience.
“This could be the case; I don’t claim to know what percentage of Asians answer a higher moral calling. From what I’ve read, the Indian sub-continent leaves much to be desired in the way of morality and respect.”
India has a miniscule divorce rate and practically no OOWL births. Teen births are there because there is still a high % of arranged teen marriage in rural villages. People respect their traditions, cultures and religions as handed down for thousands of year. The morality issues are mainly bearurcratic as far as I’m aware. Due to government corruption and over population which results in a lack of civic sense and job oppurtunities, some Indians travel or immigrate abroad. Most of the time they do not want to emulate Western promiscuity, OOW births, divorce, single parenting, single parent dating and the rest of it. They continue to respect their culture and traditions while becoming model citizens in whatever countries they study or work in.
“Sounds like he has some issues. But its best not to let his issues drag us into a tit for tat with Asians. The problem is neither you nor Asians. The problem was him.”
No problem, no issues. Just curious. Jew’s explanation of “slow liberals” still doesn’t jive with me because I have yet to meet an American Christian conservative who extends the same respect to my religion that he expects me to extend to his. And I’m not talking about just the “fundamentalists” either!
Or is Jew’s point that *all* Christian conservatives are fundamentalist and only non-Christian conservatives can be normal, moderate and respectful?
Jew, could you address this? I’m new here. Thanks.
PS: do you have a comment limit? I posted a few other comments just now that did not get posted for some reason.
I wasn’t aware of one but WordPress did send some of your latest comments to the Spam Folder. I have reinstated them. Your copious posting, which I do appreciate, must have triggered the spam filter.
Jewamongyou, have you read this?
Your take?
I have now. It’s a pretty good article. I’m afraid the answer to “Who is a Jew” is never going to be an easy one.
Jewamongyou, in your opinion should it be a requirement that the international Jews who immigrate to Israel to live permanantly be religiously observant? If so, why? If not, why not?
Re; Yew’s last question,
That’s an issue that really strikes home with me. When I lived there I was religious, and I believed that only religious Jews had the right to be there since the Torah is the basis for Jews’ rights to the land. Now I’m no longer religious and I don’t consider it a requirement. Of course, since I no longer live there at least I’m consistent with my old views as well. Currently I think that true Jewish ethnicity should be the main determining factor. But Jews who feel no connection to their Jewish roots have no business being there; they create a liability by weakening the ethnic cohesion of the nation. But it’s a good thing I’m not in charge, because my standards are so strict that, were it up to me, the place would be an empty wasteland!