Unlike myself, Unamusement Park (who calls himself “Richard Smith” for this interview), actually does have a good radio-voice. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and I’m sure many of y’all will too:
Click here to listen to the interview.
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JAY, how common is it for Muslims and Jews to date or marry in Israel/Palestine? Could there be some kind of push for Jews to marry Muslims and convert them to Judaism or at least live syncretically with a mix of Judaism and Islam and that way the Islam gets watered down?
There is a problem with Arab/Muslim men taking Jewish wives. The household is then always Muslim and the kids are raised as Muslim. Sometimes a Jewish man will take a Muslim wife, but this is far more unusual. At least this is how things were when I was there. Maybe the situation has changed.
Unamusement Park may have a great voice for radio, but you have a great face for radio!
I’m still trying to determine if he’s cute or not. JAY, more pics?
LOL @ both of you. Matt, where have you been?
He was more handsome when I saw him the first time. I don’t know what compelled him to ditch his superb mustache.
Career and personal matters have distracted me for a spell from my revolutionary shenanigans.
Jew, can you link me to that youtube video of your’s I first commented on?
I have a face for radio and a voice for silent movies.
OK just found it. Raw material is ok. You have potential but need some work. Longer hair, a beard and moustache, not messy, groomed well, would bring out your M.E. features better.
Yew, are you a woman?
And David Yeagley has been exposed as a fraud.
I never heard of this but after some Googling, I found a site and other discussions of what you are talking about. Since this information about Yeagley has been out there for quite some time, why do you think Jared Taylor and AmRen continue to have anything to do with him and to take him at face value? I would think Taylor would quietly but decisively disassociate himself and AmRen from Yeagley. Any other info or thoughts you have on this?
I thought I was pretty good at googling. Guess not. Anybody wanna give me a hint?
See the following link. Pretty weird to create a website devoted to destroying (and slandering?) an individual who isn’t even very well known. You have to dig around in the archives a bit to get to the specific evidence they cite.
He’s not well-known in the non-native mainstream, but Native Americans are really pissed at people claiming to be them who are not and also the misapproriation of their culture by people like motivational speaker James Ray, which resulted in death and Ray in jail.
He is suing for libel the people who “exposed” him.
and i’m hot, too!
Pix or GTFO 😉
“There is a problem with Arab/Muslim men taking Jewish wives. The household is then always Muslim and the kids are raised as Muslim.”
So it’s basically the same as Black-White intermarriage? I actually find that surprising, since I was under the impression that most Israeli Jews have a healthy measure of ethnic pride, and would probably eschew such marriages (just as white women did in relation to blacks when whites in the US had more racial pride).
I would say it’s similar dynamics – except that the Israeli media doesn’t promote Arab male/ Jewish female coupling and the practice is not nearly as widespread.
I was glad that he had a good radio voice. No offense Reuben, you’re still a cool guy.
Do you consider that network to be anti-semitic?
It’s affiliated with Vanguard Network, which is known to be anti-Jewish. But this doesn’t mean that every individual there hates all Jews no matter what. The term “anti-semite” can mean many things, even with the same individual at different times.