Fortunately, you can say almost anything in a blog. The challenge is in speaking the truth, speaking it well and in getting people to read it. But public figures face dire consequences for breaking the rules of political correctness. Syndicated columnists, talk-show hosts and politicians will lose their jobs – after being made to grovel and to publicly humiliate themselves.
But one public figure:
… recounts various recent instances of black racist crime, which have been the subjects of articles on this blogsite as well as others not covered here, including serious incidents at Skidmore College, in Denver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and on Chicago’s beaches. All involved black gangs committing patently-obvious racist hate crimes against both whites and Asians, although the more punitive hate crime charge is rarely applied by either the police or by the media to the miscreants. In a scathing and verified indictment of the MSM, (he) audaciously and perspicaciously writes, “In many of these brutal attacks, the news media make no mention of the race of the perpetrators. If it were white racist gangs randomly attacking blacks, the mainstream media would have no hesitation reporting the race of the perps.”
It’s hard to believe that the above refers to anything but a pro-white blogger. But it’s actually referring to economist Walter Williams, pictured below.
Williams also recounts the following, in a recent column:
During a reception, one of the Marxist professors asked me what I thought about the relationship between capitalism and slavery. My response was that slavery has existed everywhere in the world, under every political and economic system, and was by no means unique to capitalism or the United States. Perturbed by my response, he asked me what my feelings were about the enslavement of my ancestors. I answered that slavery is a despicable violation of human rights but that the enslavement of my ancestors is history, and one of the immutable facts of history is that nothing can be done to change it.
The matter could have been left there, but I volunteered that today’s American blacks have benefited enormously from the horrible suffering of our ancestors. Why? I said the standard of living and personal liberty of black Americans are better than what blacks living anywhere in Africa have. I then asked the professor what it was that explained how tens of millions of blacks came to be born in the U.S. instead of Africa. He wouldn’t answer, but an answer other than slavery would have been sheer idiocy. I attempted to assuage the professor’s and his colleagues’ shock by explaining to them that to morally condemn a practice such as slavery does not require one to also deny its effects.
Neither point is an original one for readers of this blog, or any other pro-white blog. We’ve been declaring these truths over and over again for years. But there is zero chance of any pro-white blogger being allowed to voice his opinions on national T.V. No major newspaper will print our columns. Our opinions will not grace the pages of Newsweek or USA Today. But regarding Walter Williams, Wikipedia says:
His syndicated column is published weekly in approximately 140 newspapers across the United States, as well as on several web sites by Creators Syndicate. He also wrote and hosted documentaries for PBS in 1985. The “Good Intentions” documentary was based on his book The State Against Blacks.
I’m happy for him; I’m glad that he is able to advance positions that I happen to agree with. But the fact remains that, had he been white, it’s doubtful he would be allowed to say half the things he says without being forced into ignominy and poverty. Though he takes a lot of heat for his opinions, he’s still allowed to state them without dire repercussions. For better or for worse, Williams can say what whites, in similar positions, cannot say. I’m certain that he would be the first to agree.
Williams has been writing honestly about the double standard on hate crimes in the US for a significant period (one article in Front Page Magazine cites the Color of Crime report). He must deeply frustrate the likes of the Marxist professor her referred to.
One of your readers brought Walter to my attention a few weeks ago, and I’m glad to see you post about him as well JAY. I want to give the guy a hug and buy him a beer for getting these ideas out into the public. Make no mistake, it takes a brave man to speak these thoughts in today’s world, irrespective of who he is.
I would rather not see this as an instance of “He can only say this because he’s black” but rather “More people will listen because he’s black.” These are things we should all be thinking about and taking on board, and with Walter, people are less likely to close off and just assume the person giving the message is a heartless racist.
Yes, but there’s a fine line between recognizing the value of honest blacks and excessively praising them because they’re black. I’ll give him credit and I’m happy that more people will listen to him because he’s black – but I won’t give him more credit than all the whites who stand up for the same causes.
He is only permitted to say this because he’s black and, in effect, this is a very rare example of Affirmative Action working in our favour. Unfortunately because he is (almost) a lone voice he will be dismissed as an Uncle Tom or a white man in a black skin. There will be calls for him to give back his blackness..!
Funnily enough, he claims to have threatened to walk out of job interviews and quit jobs if he found out Affirmative Action played any part in his employment. Is that something employers are generally open about? (sorry, not American)
I doubt employers are open about this. If they told a black job applicant that he was being considered for the job due to his race, the applicant would probably cause all sorts of trouble – even after taking the job.
No, it’s not something they’re open about. However, people are people and will talk among themselves, so if you were hired because of your race, or because you are the bosses’ nephew, or whatever, it won’t be long before this sort of thing gets back to you via the grapevine. It takes honor and integrity to quit, or turn down, a job because you were hired by favoritism or Affirmative Action, and I like to think Walt Williams is such a man.
Great post.
Well, you know what they say, “An honest man is the noblest work of God.”
If a white tries to make these arguments in academia, he simply gets shouted down with “white privilege”, which is nothing more than an ad hominem attack designed to keep whites from saying certain things. So, I think I’ll compile a “Greatest Hits of Black Conservatism” so that I can just read the words of blacks who make the same arguments. No longer can my interlocutors invoke privilege to avoid answering. I’ll say, “A black said it, not me.” We’ll see if they respond or just walk away, muttering, “We have always been at war with Eastasia.”
I agree 100% with your assessment of this sad state of affairs, Jew. The only thing I’d add at the end is, God bless Walter Williams.