Advocates for multiculturalism are quick to tout the wonderful virtues of diversity – without actually listing any. Pro-whites are quick to point out that racial displacement is only taking place in historically white homelands. This is, of course, mostly true. But cultural displacement appears to flow mainly from white societies to non-white ones. Jeans and t-shirts, McDonald’s and English (if we use the term loosely) have taken over large swaths of the globe.
I don’t believe the numbers of African returnees will ever come close to the numbers of emigres, but it doesn’t take many to have a huge cultural impact on their homelands when they return.
An alarabiya article reports:
Two years ago, fashion designer Ayan Hussein left the high-end stores of Britain’s capital for a stab at promoting fashion that was in line with Muslim tradition in her Somali homeland.
But she and her family, along with thousands of other Somalis who have returned in the hope of drumming up business or out of nostalgia, often find themselves facing culture shock.
“It is not the same as in London… not the slightest,” says Hussein’s 18-year-old son Guled, who does not speak a word of Somali.
“There is dust everywhere. You can’t skate here,” he says in impeccable English.
It is Somaliland, an autonomous territory of around four million people in the north of Somalia along the Gulf of Aden, which has played host to many returnees in recent years.
The region, which declared self-rule in 1991, has provided a haven of relative peace and stability in a land otherwise known for decades of brutal war.
Ayan Hussein was only a young woman when she left Mogadishu in 1997. Now in her late thirties, she decided to return to the land of her birth in 2010 to look after her ailing mother as well as to venture into business…
“We have to convince our clients that they are not obligated to be in all black,” she explains to AFP recently, her hair neatly tucked under a flaming red head scarf.
Not surprisingly, returnees to Africa bring some of the West back with them. Though the article doesn’t say so, it’s a fair bet that some returnees consider themselves superior to natives who have never known life outside Africa. It’s also a fair bet that many young Africans will mimic the newcomers’ ways in a crude effort to be just like them.
This cultural clash is sure to have repercussions, not all of them pleasant. As the article goes on to say:
“It is like we have two different societies here,” explains one returnee from Britain, who came back to work at a recently opened soft drinks plant.
“Because we are Somali, they expect us to be like them,” adds another young woman on condition of anonymity. “This poses some difficulties.”
But the above returnee is not terribly concerned. Why?
“Of course there is always a bit of a clash, the locals fear they (diaspora members) are taking over… they feel threatened,” says Ayan Rabi, who is in charge of the program, backed by the International Organization for Migration.
“But they are all Somalis and after a while, all this goes away,” Rabi adds (emphasis mine).
What would the prognosis be if they were not all Somalis? If they practiced multi-racialism as they do in the Western world? Perhaps then, it would not “all go away.” How many of the European elite even consider the fact that, as long as there are distinct populations, cultural/ethnic rivalries can never go away? The Somalis understand this. Why is it so difficult for Western whites, who have consistently voted for political parties whose platforms call for their own extinction?
You see, Africa is getting rid of multiculturalism by expelling and ethnically cleansing whites. Without feeling guilt, but also without noticing that this is detrimental for their societies.
While Europe is feeling guilty for colonialism and slavery and thus letting all black refugees in. Actually, the whole idea of political asylum is problematic: everyone who is persecuted, because he lives in a crazy country has the right to stay in Europe.
This is another of the terrible side effects of Hitler. The Jews were denied entry into Switzerland. Now human rights require to allow every refugee to enter your country and settle there.
Unfortunately, they are not as intelligent and well behaved as the Jews.
Well, there are definitely gains to be had from cross-cultural interaction. There’s just a difference between inviting company over for a spell and gaining from your fellowship…and inviting them to permanently settle into your master bedroom.
American popular music has been enriched by Black influences. Black comedians and other creative professionals enrich the American cultural landscape. You even have a funny thing where cultural influences come full circle, as has happened in corporate culture where Henry Ford’s productivity and automation ideals were forgotten over here and later returned in the form of Japanese influences like Taicchi Ohno whose original inspirations were Henry Ford and other bygone industrialists.
I think a distinction must be made between “White culture” and cosmopolitan capitalist culture. English is the language of the global economy and information revolution. It’s not like Calvinism, appreciation of our folk and country music, or wearing cowboy hats are coming to the streets of Nigeria.
What are coming to Nigeria are smart phones, fast food franchises, and rap music. The only actual *culture* they’re willingly ingesting is Black American culture.
It’s a law of nature that people who are fluent in multiple cultures will constantly browbeat the culture they’re communicating with about the superiority of the other culture. Immigrants go to lunch with Whites and rave about their glorious immigrant work ethic, then go home and rave to their parents about the more open, fair, and progressive ways of Americans.
It’s not that much of a mystery to me. If you look at how rapidly White Supremacism disappeared in the 20th century, it’s obvious that something that deeply ingrained couldn’t actually disappear so quickly. It was merely sublimated and is now masquerading as its antithesis: multiculturalism. White Americans don’t feel threatened by ethnic conflict in the same way you don’t feel threatened by children and retarded people. They see everybody who’s not White as racially handicapped and they see discussing the issues discussed in our circles as shameful in the same way that it’s shameful to discuss the virtue and value of going on a walk while among paraplegics.
Yes, I do agree with you. My question was actually rhetorical. How are things with you my friend?
Hectic and frazzled, but in good spirits and with some modest progress here and there. Thanks for asking.
Best wishes to you and yours.
Matt Parrot above makes a really profound point. Yes, “British” Somalis are going back to Somalia and “infecting” Somalia with “western” values, but they’re taking back a dumbed down superficial kiddie pool version of “western” values.
It’s like all this business about “assimilation” you’re hearing in talk radio in the last few weeks: Assimilate into what? What is “American” culture anymore but drones lined up three days in advance in front of Wal-Martinez to buy cheap China made crap that’s broken by this time next year?