The greatest steak ever

I just had the most delicious steak I’ve ever eaten, though I’m not a big steak-eater.

They bring it to you on a very hot stone. When you get it, it’s only cooked on the outside. You need to cut it up and let it finish cooking right there on the hot stone.You can hear it sizzling. It came with four different sauces and a spicy mashed potato/pepper mix. It was ultra-delicious.
That, folks, is the latest hint as to my whereabouts. I can’t tell you what kind of steak it was because it would be a dead giveaway.
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29 Responses to The greatest steak ever

  1. Iforgot says:

    Argentina — Grass-fed beef.

  2. Wolf says:

    What kind of stone? Is is rectangular and flat or the kind found on the ground?

  3. Arturo says:

    Argentina ! I think so too !
    Jay: the New York Times published two articles today – one in the Magazine, the other in the Book review – on a new book by “rogue” anthropologist Napoleon Chagnan, entitled “Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes — the Yanomamö and the Anthropologists”.
    The Derrida-ian elites hate just hate HATE it when a white man like Chagnan attempts to derail their equalist worldviews, wherein all humans are exactly exactly equal not just before the law, but in ability.
    As I type this incomplete post that barely scratched the surface of a way bigger controversy, there on the flat screen tv (made with tiny hands by cheap Chinese child labor) is Sydney Poitier pursuing the beautiful young white girl in “Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner”, on TCM.
    Hope you’re having a great trip.
    If I had your intellectual stamina, I would pursue these discussions and put forth a logical conclusion.
    Or in French:
    Si je possédais votre vigueur intellectuelle, j’irais jusqu-au bout de mes propos.
    Have a great trip Jay, and looking forward to the blog and its Commentarium being once again a fountain of daily inspiration soon.

  4. DiverCity Jones says:

    Spain on the Camino de Santiago!

  5. Ed says:

    You are in Argentina.

  6. BF says:

    Bariloche, Argentina. I did some amazing fly-fishing there.

  7. joetexx says:

    In Italy they build a fire on a stone surface, brush the coals aside, spread oil amd cook the steak on the hot stone. But the stone isnt portable and the diner eats it pff a regular platter. I believe this is either in Bologna or Lombardy.

  8. joetexx says:

    Rubber? Spanish? Sounds like S America to me.
    I’ll guess Colombia, the rubber industry is fairly new but lucrative there.
    Brazil was the original major source of American rubber, but hey, Portuguese.

  9. DiverCity Jones says:


  10. Oz says:

    The meat was llama; the country, Peru.

  11. The Mighty Tig says:

    I wouldn’t hazard a guess as to your location. I’ll just say you should NEVER cut a steak before it’s done! That causes a lot of the juices to run off. A steak should only be cut several minutes after it’s taken off the heat.
    OK, I’ll take a stab and say Texas.

  12. The Mighty Tig says:

    My second guess is Australia.

  13. jewamongyou says:

    Re: sestamibi,
    I’m pretty sure the Quechua rabbi blessed it…

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