Lately I’ve been thinking about an incident that occurred years ago. I was attending a college course and the professor, who we were told was very qualified for his position, was explaining the solid, liquid and gas states of various elements. At some point I raised my hand for a question regarding the transition, of silicon, from liquid to solid. I referred to this transition as “freezing.” The professor quickly corrected me, claiming that since the silicon was still very hot, it couldn’t “freeze.” I tried to tell him that any time a substance gets cold enough to solidify, regardless of our own preconceptions based on water, it is “freezing.” For some reason, he couldn’t wrap his head around this concept. I didn’t persist in arguing with him. It bothered me that a professor could hold such ignorant views.
Yesterday I walked into my living room and the sun was gloriously shining in. As I turned around and faced the interior of the house from the glass sliding door, I noticed hundreds of small cobwebs on the ceiling. How long had they been there? Why had I not noticed them? Standing next to the glass door, they were obvious. But as soon as I moved away from the door, they were all but invisible. I wondered how many other things would be obvious in my life if only I had the right perspective.
I also remembered the clueless professor. I realized that there are many others like him. People who live their lives away from the door. They never venture away from their mental comfort zone – and so they cannot see the things that are obvious to the rest of us. When I say “the rest of us,” I am referring to Aspergers people and our sympathizers. We tend to see things naked as they are, without the clothing of convention. To us, if something is wrong, it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s impolite to point it out, or if saying so can get you in trouble. The truth is the truth and it’s a treasure to be shared. Some of us learn, over the years, to refrain from blatantly insulting people. We learn to hold our tongues for the sake of our careers. But these are compromises. But even Asperger people develop mental comfort zones. We create our own conventions to clothe, and hide, the truth.
It’s been said that drugs such as LSD, which change our mental state, allow us to see deeper truths. To stand near the door so to speak. There’s probably some truth to this claim. This was certainly the case with me when I tried a special mushroom years ago. The mushroom moved me toward the door for a few hours and, at the time, the revelations seemed so obvious. If you can reach that sort of state through meditation, all the power to you I say. It’s important to move around in life, both physically and mentally. If you don’t, you’re missing out. If you’re of the ruling class, you’re imposing your own deficiencies upon the rest of us.
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*** They never venture away from their mental comfort zone – and so they cannot see the things that are obvious to the rest of us. ***
Very true. Reading dissident right blogs you come to see things that previously either never occurred to me, or at least barely noticed. These include demographic changes being made via immigration policies, and subtle propaganda film & advertising that tends to fit the universalist liberal narrative.
Of course if you point these things out to others it can be jarring for them. For example, after the London riots I mentioned on a UK lawyers board that they wouldn’t have happened if the UK hadn’t changed its immigration rules after WWII. A lot of posters couldn’t understand what I meant – after all the rioters were English weren’t they?
People are unable to distinguish between what is offensive and what is false; to them, the two are equivalent. It doesn’t occur to the average person that it’s possible for something to be both offensive and true at the same time — they cannot wrap their minds around this concept.
They will select the opinion that is most consistent with their identity and rationalise it afterwards. For example, if a person considers himself a decent, respectable and mature individual, he will automatically espouse the view that is safest and most socially appropriate. Then, if he happens to feel particularly strongly about the subject, he’ll read up on all the various arguments in support of what he’s already pre-decided is true.
This combined with primitive mob mentality is how the status quo is maintained. Humans have this peculiar tendency to collectively label something ‘offensive’, and then gang up and bully anyone who dares claim that the offensive thing might actually be true.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I believe this psychological phenomenon to be humanity’s greatest flaw; something that to any observing Martians would stand out conspicuously as a debilitating neurological defect — and which is responsible for so many of our problems and our inability to collaborate sensibly to find effective solutions our problems.
Well said.
Actually, it’s an evolutionary adaptation for strengthening group cohesion–10 wimpy guys can win easily against one bodybuilder. There’s strength in numbers.
Of course, as in cases like this, it can backfire, just like craving fat gets you in trouble nowadays.
I’ve expanded this into a full blog post if anyone’s interested:
I was hesitant at first, and thought perhaps it’d be best to publish it anonymously elsewhere, but decided in the end to be brave (or stupid) — though I cut out the most offensive parts.
Hi JAY, I’ve written a sequel to this titled ‘Social Bias Within the Academic and Political Establishment’ – more controversial than the last. It’d be good to hear your thoughts.
I liked it a lot. I tried to post a comment but got an exception error. Here’s what I wanted to post there:
“Well done my friend! Lots of great concepts and an easy read. The only thing I might have done differently is to use different examples at the beginning, saving HBD for the end – thus trapping the unwitting readers into acknowledging that anti-HBD bias is a problem. As it stands, most people, brainwashed as they are, will stop reading as soon as they see “racial differences”. Sad but true. A mentally ill patient must often be forced, or tricked, into taking his medication.”
Thanks. I’m not sure why you got an error… I guess it’s my buggy code. I’ve posted your comment there now anyway.
I see your point. I was actually going to have a paragraph describing a hypothetical discussion between old catholics about some historical controversy, in which their unreasonable and irrational behaviour would be completely obvious to any sane person today. I hoped that the reader would see the similarities between it and the HBD example. But I got bored of writing the article, and I ended up cutting a lot of unfinished bits out.
“… it’s possible for something to be both offensive and true at the same time …” Mohammed was a rapist and murderer. People are closely related to bonobos and chimpanzees. In statistical terms, Jews are smarter than Christians and Muslims. The list of offensive statements is long. In a way, the most deeply offensive statements invariably have a large element of truth. Very often, the truth hurts.
You are an Aspie? Are you sure?
People who know me say I have all the symptoms. Looking back at my life, it’s pretty obvious to me too.
“If you can reach that sort of state through meditation, all the power to you I say.”
Since Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in the US and poised to be the dominant one within 50 years, more people will be meditating.
Even within on the hbd comunity, majority of people ”debates” according with their interests than ideas. A lot of time even people more interest about cientific things tend to defend ideas based on their personal interests and convenience not only because it makes sense. Only makes sense when these ideas are interchangeable with their dogmatic ideas.