University of Washington to require diversity course for graduation

The Seattle Times recently reported:

Saying it has an obligation to prepare students for a more global society, the University of Washington will require undergrads to complete a course in some area of diversity — economic, cultural or political — before they can graduate.
The new policy, initiated by a group of mostly minority students, followed three failed attempts over the past 22 years to introduce changes meant to ensure that all graduating students know a little more about other cultures and people who differ from them than they did when they first arrived.

It’s sad when an official cult spreads its tentacles around the globe, eating up precious resources and ruining lives in the process. But it’s even more sad when young people buy into the propaganda and become pawns for the rich and powerful.
Not that I feel sorry for the “mostly minority students” who spearheaded the drive to require diversity training for graduation at their university. It’s a feather in their hats that they’re sure to profit from for decades. Call me naive, but I can’t help feeling that some of them, maybe most, actually believe they’re doing a good turn for the world. But within their lifetimes, “diversity training” will mean little more than an official cry of “Can’t we all just get along?” This cry will likely fall on deaf ears as a multitude of interest groups, ethnic, racial and religious, vie for their share of an ever-shrinking pie.
If we all were to suddenly get along, it would not bode well for the top diversicrats who pull the strings. It would be bad news for organizations such as the SPLC or the ADL. Their livelihoods depend on manufactured “hate.” They thrive on fear and their witch hunts for “racists”, “homophobes” or “Islamophobes” never cease. “Diversity” is an industry and, just like big tobacco (allegedly) or McDonalds, it feeds on our impressionable young.
When a young person first gets tangled up in the lies of the diversity cult, he is a victim. But as he grows older, in ever darker shades of an evil continuum, he becomes a perpetrator. As in the movie The Body Snatchers, innocent people are transformed into soulless aliens.
I love children. I take great pleasure in their innocent laughter and play. It pains me to ponder them being reduced to little more than units of production to be fed into the insatiable maw of the diversity industry.

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18 Responses to University of Washington to require diversity course for graduation

  1. Reblogged this on murderbymedia and commented:

  2. Anonymous2 says:
    “Recently, 556 seniors were surveyed in 55 of the nation’s top colleges. Only 60 percent placed the American Civil War in the second half of the 19th century. Only 34 percent identified George Washington as the American general at the battle of Yorktown; 34 percent thought it was U.S. Grant. Seventy-eight percent of the institutions polled, no history whatsoever was required in the undergraduate program.”
    College is worse than worthless. Dullard whites should go straight into trade school after 10th grade, and bright whites should go straight into the trades, straight into the work force.
    I suspect most people who say “unconstitutional” really just mean “I don’t like it”. Like the British constitution, unwritten and irrelevant. King George III is smiling somewhere.

    • Jan Smuts says:

      And I with 99th percentile scores on the old SAT, ACT, CBATs, etc., all higher than the mean for admitteds at MIT, Yale, Harvard, Cal-Tech, etc. was denied admission.
      jewamongyou should read Ron Unz on elite college discrimination against Euro gentiles. If it’s true I’d like to hear his explanation.

      • Anonymous2 says:

        Here’s mine, if you care for my conspiracy-fu. College education is extremely negative for fertility, perhaps the most negatively correlated variable there is, and the real elites have engineered higher education to cleanse the Jewish community of its obnoxious, non-Orthodox heathens. Any “pro-Jew” discrimination going on in the Ivy League is designed to send the leftist wing of the faith into an even deeper demographic death spiral. High scoring gentiles are more valuable outside of academia, and are discouraged from wasting time there.
        The educational system smells funny. It smells like reptiles, chemtrails, tungsten loaded “gold” bars, smallpox vaccines, and of course a rat. The more serious religious communities avoid the conspiracy.

  3. Annoyed says:

    The university I go to has something like that also. It will without a doubt be filled with propaganda.

  4. A New, Happy America says:

    “Dullard whites should go straight into trade school after 10th grade, and bright whites should go straight into the trades, straight into the work force.”
    Nobody can go “straight into the trades” – they must be trained first.
    JAY, what do you think of Christian Hegemony?
    I fear this nation may to it if too many Christian immigrants (and that’s what Hispanics are), are let it.
    We have finally as a nation come out from under the yoke of anti-religious liberty Christian hegemony. Now, if Christians again become a majority?
    Could we see a return to witch burnings or Buddhist burnings?
    Something to think about.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Most so-called “Catholic” Mexicans are Catholic in name only or just for the holidays. I recently read an article about decreased enrollment in Christian schools. The article pointed out that even though most Mexican immigrants are Catholic, they don’t usually enroll their kids in religious schools. So no, I don’t think we will have a major resurgence of Christian power in this country.

      • A New, Happy America says:

        That’s good to hear!
        For the first time in US history Protestant Christianity is a minority religion and Buddhism is the fastest growing one.
        I certainly don’t want to see this progress set back by Papists.

      • Jan Smuts says:

        Really? I saw a vid recently for the local Benedictine abbey. Of the four most recent postulants only one was Latino and he appeared to be mostly Hispanic. The other three were NW European Americans. All of them appeared to be straight btw.

      • A New, Happy America says:

        Hi Jan!
        “The other three were NW European Americans.” That may be but Catholicism is still minority religion in the US right now, as is Protestantism. Let’s keep it that way!
        Christianity needs to be kept from regaining its previous hegemony over our culture.

  5. Jan Smuts says:

    The U of Oregon had a diversity requirement in the early 1990s when I graduated.
    The requirement was balls but the courses were fine. I did mine in anthropology, linguistics, and Japanese literature

    • Annoyed says:

      “but the courses were fine”
      This is wrong.
      I thought about going to UoO and the course list is quite bad. OSU is even worse with their “identity, power and discrimination” requirement. Not that I couldn’t bullshit my way through it but the fact is that it’s institutional, government backed propaganda.

      • A New, Happy America says:

        “but the courses were fine”
        “This is wrong.”
        No its not wrong. Jan said the courses s/he took were anthropology, linguistics and Japanese literature.
        “I thought about going to UoO and the course list is quite bad. ”
        There is nothing “quite bad” about the courses Jan listed.

  6. dcanaday says:

    I attended diversity training once when I was working at a Fortune 500. It was two hours of bashing whitey.

  7. Jan Smuts says:

    Of course any sufficiently paranoid, or wisely circumspect, Nazi sympathizer would wonder if “jay” is sincere.
    It would take quite a feat (for a Jew) to admit that people who hate Jews are very often right (in their other points of view).

  8. ion of lionosphere says:

    They had the same requirement at the University of Kansas in the ’90s. I’m surprised Washington didn’t institute the same requirement 20 or 30 years ago. I took a course by a feminist professor in which we learned terms like “patriarchy” and “the other.”

    • A New, Happy America says:

      “They had the same requirement at the University of Kansas in the ’90s. I’m surprised Washington didn’t institute the same requirement 20 or 30 years ago. I took a course by a feminist professor in which we learned terms like “patriarchy”
      Your first time hearing the word “patriarchy” was when you were an adult in the ’90s? Seriously?
      Your parents didn’t buy you a dictionary when you were 7?

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