Here’s an excellent video, by girlwriteswhat, about female privilege and the relationship between rights and duties when it comes to gender:
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This is an odd coincidence. I just watched this video a few days ago. I’m a very reluctant “men’s rights” supporter because I don’t like gender conflict / chauvinism whether its coming from feminists or misogynists. Men should be on the same side as their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters just as women should be on the same side as their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. For families to break down along gender lines is one of the most self destructive things I can think of. I think marxists push feminism, gender conflict, etc. because they want to tear down the family and replace it with the state. And so I’m a reluctant “men’s rights” supporter because I don’t want the conflict but I realize the necessity of keeping feminist abuses in check as well as preserving the family against marxism. Most men and women do NOT want what marxists are selling.