I know some of y’all have been wondering about me. Yes, I’m still alive – but it’s SUMMER! In any event, here’s what happens when white people get together for a flash mob.
- 4racism.org
- Alternative Hypothesis
- American Renaissance
- Amerika.org
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- CanSpeccy
- Countenance
- Counter Currents
- Dan from Squirrel Hill
- Diversity Chronicle
- Europa Unitas
- fleuchtling (refugees)
- Government and Corporate Anti-White Discrimination
- Hail to You
- HBD Chick
- Human stupidity
- It's Okay to be White
- John Derbyshire
- La Griffe du Lion
- Lion of the Blogosphere
- Luke Ford
- Madspace
- Muunyayo
- Nimshal
- Nodhimmitude
- Occidental Dissent
- Reluctant Apostate
- Sincerity
- Soviet Men
- Steve Sailer's blog
- Taki's Magazine
- The Atheist Jew
- The Last Ditch
- The Mad Jewess
- The National Conservative
- The Politically Incorrect Australian
- The slitty eye
- The Unz Review (Steve Sailer)
- Those who can see
- Thuletide
- Utter Contempt
- VDare
Buy Your Coffee From These Patriots
On one side, you have Mahogany Mobs.
On the other side, you have Mendelssohn Mobs.
I have been there.
This is particularly amusing as Tchaikovsky was apparently antisemitic, although he didn’t make it as much of an ideology as Wagner (and of course, if not for Hitler, we’d probably remember Wagner’s antisemitism as more of a distasteful eccentricity than anything else).
Touching and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.