Muslim teaching his son paranoia

While in downtown Portland today, a man walked up to me and gave me a small flyer. This is what is says:

We are American citizens. The government is trying to kill us. We are being tortured, insulted, humiliated (e.g. physical injuries, death threats, property damage/ vandalism, government harassment including police stalking/ privacy invasion, traveling detention (airport interrogation, missed flight, denial of food service), verbal abuse (religious epithets, taunting, etc.). At work: monetary hardship, hostile work environment/harassment from management, co-workers, scare tactics and intimidation. For more info:
We are a Muslim family. Muslims are being attacked because of their beliefs. Muslims believe in obedience to the Creator. The Creator wants people to choose freedom (freedom from slavery to man (government, job, each other)), peace, security, human rights, justice and happiness in this life and in the hereafter (heaven). The Creator wants to protect us from His wrath (punishment in this life, hell). For more info:

I followed the youtube link and found several videos on Hussein’s channel, including this one:
Personally, I found it sickening and hard to watch. This man is teaching his child to be paranoid. To see bigotry and ominous threats in everyday incidents that all of us experience. I had a man cut me off today in traffic. It never occurred to me to suspect him of having done so deliberately because I look different than him.  Rather, I assumed he simply failed to see me. People are rude to me now and then. I assume they’re having a bad day, not that they have it in for me because I’m Jewish. I’ve been treated unfairly at work numerous times (who hasn’t?). I attribute it to bad management. Not to some sort of conspiracy against me. I shudder to think what sort of man this little boy will grow into. It wouldn’t surprise me if the rage inside him (planted there by his father) causes him to be a terrorist.
Jews, and other groups, are sometimes guilty of similar behavior, but since it was a Muslim who gave me the flyer, it’s Muslims I’m writing about today.

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15 Responses to Muslim teaching his son paranoia

  1. ion of lionosphere says:

    It has sometimes occured to me, when getting bad service or dealing with an asshole, that if I weren’t white I might think I was being picked on because of my race.

  2. Nationalist says:

    Actually the boy seems quite resistant to the message and just wants everyone to live together in peace. Maybe he will be strong enough to throw off the brainwashing when he grows up. Still, it is sickening as you say.

  3. Extropico says:

    Were I to see the young man on the street, I’d not view him as a Muslim ethnic. And neither would the vast majority of people. Unstated is the likelihood that they attracted attention by the mother’s sartorial demeanor. When I see a woman in a burka or a niqab, I’m wont to disparage them myself. I view the clothing as a symbol of female oppression with a probability that they don’t like Whites very much at all. Notice that the kid stated they don’t talk to Americans… That is half the issue right there; it is an implied statement of ethnic or religious supremacism and an assiduous determination they we are to assimilate to the immigrants rather than vice versa.

  4. Arturo says:

    “There’s too many hate out there.”
    Eff this Muhhamedan who can’t even speak English properly.
    Non-white reek of envy, hatred, and desire for revenge.
    The white man is universally vilified and this has been going on for a long time. EVen though of the world’s 6.5 BILLION non-whites, it can be safely estimated that 98% of them would not even be here were it not for white innovation and technology, such as : agriculture, communications, the internal combustion engine not to mention the discovery and exploitation of fossil fuels, all things medical, and most damningly: food aid to the turd world.
    For this last item (food aid), I am reminded oh so sinisterally, of the large family of rat pups that were nesting under a piece of plywood on one of my properties here in New Orleans: the rodents has been gorging on copious amounts of cat food left out by my (negro) cat caretaker.
    None of those rats would have been born were it not for their white sustenance.
    – Arturo

  5. If the USA is so full of horrible White ‘racists’, then why, oh why, do these immigrants keep coming here? It is surely a mystery….

  6. Pingback: Links and news for Aug 23 2013 – 4 | Vlad Tepes

  7. Mohammed Wazir Ahkspaidar says:

    “…..We are being tortured, insulted, humiliated (e.g. physical injuries, death threats, property damage/ vandalism, government harassment including police stalking/ privacy invasion, traveling detention (airport interrogation, missed flight, denial of food service), verbal abuse (religious epithets, taunting, etc.). At work: monetary hardship, hostile work environment/harassment from management, co-workers, scare tactics and intimidation…..”
    hmmmm, sounds exactly like Christian minorities in Egypt or Pakistan under the thumb of muslims. Except that in those countries – the muslims REALLY ARE out to get them – torture, murder and all forms of abuse are common.
    This is another example of a pig squealing . When they’re in a minority – they’re the perennial ‘victim’.
    But when the numbers increase – their tune changes. see Dearborn, Michigan.

  8. Georgia Resident says:

    “We are American citizens. The government is trying to kill us. We are being tortured, insulted, humiliated (e.g. physical injuries, death threats, property damage/ vandalism, government harassment including police stalking/ privacy invasion, traveling detention (airport interrogation, missed flight, denial of food service), verbal abuse (religious epithets, taunting, etc.). At work: monetary hardship, hostile work environment/harassment from management, co-workers, scare tactics and intimidation.”
    A succinct summary of the position of white people in the US today.

  9. Mia Carla says:

    When I was 7 a muslim man pulled me up a flight of stairs in front of his home. I kicked and screamed and cried. What this new implant did not know is he moved into Bensonhurst a infamous neighborhood for the Italian ethnic community. Everyone saw him and a lady on her own front patio adjacent to his home came to help. She told him to let me go in which he replied to her mind your own business this is my daughter. She called him a liar and said do you really want to deal with her family (meaning Italians at times tend to be created to other things). He let me go and had a moment of clarity when she told me go home. He went into his home and locked the door. He pretended like no one was home. That incident was it my fault??? That seemed the age that everything changed for me. Muslim men speaking under their breath if I was alone walking. Shopping or trying to get to school. Telling me about their genitals. It got worse as I hit puberty. Grown men saying such inappropriate things to me. I did not deserve this. I was a girl and a woman… I was never naked but wearing giant winter coats. Even if I was naked (which I never was) they still had no right. The majority when I deal with someone Islamic… they are abusers to children and women, perverts, true bigots when it comes to religion and feel they are entitled to harm others. they use excuses to manipulate others and molest children. They are warped. I love diversity.. every day my home is like the UN. I appreciate good things in all culture pop, ethnic, or religious. But the truth is Islamic culture is backwards, savage, vile and mysogynistic… and until moderate and american islamics stop playing victim and start fighting what is wrong within their belief set they only deserve our suspicion. I have other things I went through seeing my albanian muslim friend be targeted by her own father, seeing the muslim girls I went to school with in Dyker heights be on constant alert and fear. Until I hear out of every Islamics mouth that the molestation of a child is wrong, honor killing is wrong, rape of a child is wrong, physical abuse is wrong, hijabs nigabs and burkas are wrong, segregated sex praying is wrong, killing of apostates is wrong, the massacres in the 1400 years are all wrong.. I will not associate myself or support them as human beings… for supporting that and other atrocities is truly what is inhumane.

    • Cyrus says:

      Wow…Stupid story, Mia. Did you make it up all by your little self? I am guessing you are “Italian American”. How come every “Italian American” is so damn stupid and backwards? How come they are the least educated European immigrants this county has ever seen? How come you (edited for profanity by JAY) have spent the last century filling up our prisons?
      Yet, you are just so proud of being “Italian” all the time. 😀
      Well, in good news, Bensonhurst is no longer Italian. It’s mostly Asian now. Hard working, crime free high I.Q Asians. Chinese, Koreans, Indians…And even Pakistanis. They have fixed the place up. I like what I see. They chased the working class worthless gang-ridden Italian filth out. There is hope for the future.

      • Xera says:

        Italians are still Europeans though, and they produced the roman empire , early classical music, opera, music and great food and innovation in the U.S anyway. Infact they helped build American culture, American cuisine and lots of other stuff like technology and science. The Iron man character is of Italian descent even if that means jack squat.

    • Cyrus says:

      Hey Jew Among You, you post one response because you agree with it, and not the other?
      I won’t be wasting my time here again, freak!

      • jewamongyou says:

        There’s a more innocent explanation hulaku. I was working on limited time, from my smart phone, when I approved the other comment. The longer one needed editing (because of my comment guidelines) and I didn’t have the time to do so on my smart phone – so I left it for later.

  10. Cyrus says:

    Personally, I can’t stand these “Muslims” whining about racism…It’s pathetic. In this world, you reap what you sow. Stop wearing your damn religion on your sleeve all the time, and this won’t be an issue.
    Of course, I am referring to mainstream Orthodox Sunni Muslims when I say this, since in my experience, this is a real issue with them.

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