Monthly Archives: October 2013

Jury nullification

For many white advocates, the term “jury nullification” has negative connotations. It brings to mind black murderers and rapists who are set free for want of a jury of their peers that will convict them. It reminds us of horrific … Continue reading

Posted in activism, libertarian thought | 3 Comments

The reasonable silent black majority?

An intelligent, well-spoken, black person can make a living simply by being a conservative. Whites who oppose “affirmative action” are among the quickest to practice it themselves when they see an opportunity to attach themselves to a “person of color” … Continue reading

Posted in Africa and blacks, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | 19 Comments

The Perils of an Ideological Approach

Men’s rights spokesman Karen Straughan has a mastery of the English language that few can rival. Her powers of analysis are also impressive. Here we see this astute woman exposing the flawed mindset of the feminist movement. Watch the video … Continue reading

Posted in feminism and men's issues | 2 Comments

Jewish domination of the slave trade

I just watched the following Youtube video by David Duke: [youtube=] I couldn’t find part two, but I had a few quick thoughts on the matter I wanted to share with y’all. First of all, nobody alive today should be … Continue reading

Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel, politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements | 25 Comments

How did I know it was a black man?

When I saw this headline earlier today, but was not able to read the details, I assumed the culprit was a ghetto black (a nigger). The story appeared on Opposing Views: Video: Blind Man Beaten in Broad Daylight While No … Continue reading

Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence | 10 Comments

Vicarious submissiveness

Human Stupidity (he sends me a lot of stuff) recently sent me an article that deals with the frequent incompatibility between feminism, which asserts equality between the sexes, and human sexuality, which often favors inequality between the sexes. The Psychology … Continue reading

Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, feminism and men's issues, immigration/ Hispanics, Muslims, politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | 29 Comments

Exploring the Morristown yeshiva

As a teenager, I spent a couple of years at the Lubavitcher yeshiva in Morristown, New Jersey. I have cherished memories of this place. From today’s perspective, the world seemed so young back in the 70s. So uncomplicated. But to … Continue reading

Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel | 6 Comments