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Monthly Archives: November 2013
Social Bias Within The Academic and Political Establishment
Why do we refuse to recognize the obvious and how do popularity and gender fit into this? Robert Jinman does a great job tying it all together. Highly recommended: Social Bias Within The Academic and Political Establishment
Afros and transport, today and yesterday
Today and tomorrow I’ll be reblogging a couple of recent articles that impressed me. Tonight’s reblog is from “Those Who Can See”. She never disappoints and her research is top-notch. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this post as much as I … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence
Happy "Thanksgivukkah"
For the first time in history, and likely the last, the first day of Hannukah falls on Thanksgiving. According to Livescience: By Tia Ghose, Staff Writer It’s a once in more than 70,000-year event: The first day of Hanukkah this … Continue reading
Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class
Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class.
Posted in parody/satire
The far-reaching effects of climate-change
A recent Examiner article describes the urgency of global action regarding climate change: On the eve of international climate negotiations in Warsaw, Poland, Typhoon Haiyan became the second extreme weather event to devastate the Philippines in 12 months. Filipino delegate … Continue reading
Posted in parody/satire
A couple more MAX racial indoctrination examples
A while ago I published an example of racial indoctrination from the Portland MAX. I wanted to follow up with a couple more examples. All told, there were only a few signs posted in the train, and the ONLY people … Continue reading
"White Supremacist Exposed as Part African on Talk Show"
Some of y’all may remember a story, published in American Renaissance last month, about a small group of people trying to establish an all-white town in North Dakota. Black supremacists can take over Jackson, Mississippi and the corporate-owned media is … Continue reading
Was he his own worst enema?
Most of y’all have probably already read about the recent horrific case in New Mexico. To summarize: The incident began on Jan. 2 as David Eckert was leaving the local Walmart in Deming, N.M. He reportedly failed to make a … Continue reading
The insidious advance of "hate-speech" laws in the U.S.
Two recent incidents illustrate how the enemies of liberty on the left work to deny us our freedom of speech. In the first incident, a woman was fired from her (presumably private sector) job due to leftist/black activism against an … Continue reading
What would be the reaction in France?
I found this on alarabiya: Ad depicting U.S. soldier and Muslim wife met with mixed reactions Paul Crompton, Al Arabiya An advertisement picturing a U.S. solider and a fully-veiled Muslim woman in an embrace has provoked mixed reactions on the … Continue reading