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Monthly Archives: April 2014
Airport coincidence
While waiting for my plane at Nashville airport, I happened to see one of the Amren speakers, John Morgan, wandering about. When I greeted him, he said he was confused as to which gate his departure flight was going to … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Followup on the Amren conference
We just concluded the 2014 American Renaissance conference and, in my opinion, it was a smashing success. It was a success for me because I had a lot of fun, met a lot of wonderful people, made new friends learned … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Initial report from the American Renaissance conference
I’ve just wrapped up my first evening of the conference. From the moment I entered the door, a couple of hours before the official commencement at 5:00, warm greetings and familiar faces abounded. Circulating through the growing crowd, it quickly … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Who done it?
My friends, whom I’m visiting prior to the Amren conference, have dogs. When I arrived (a couple of days ago), somehow my glasses fell or got misplaced. The following morning I couldn’t find them. We looked and looked. Finally, I … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The downside of being racially conscious
Most people can watch television or movies for hours on end, and never even suspect they’re being indoctrinated. They mindlessly stare at commercials, sitcoms and talk-shows in the belief that all they’re absorbing is the surface message each program is … Continue reading
Shooting in Kansas City
Some people are just crazy; it doesn’t take much to provoke them into committing acts of violence. Most of us need a lot of provocation before we resort to bloodshed; everybody has his snapping point. I don’t claim to know … Continue reading
What can we be offended about today?
I remember, back in high school, being upset that a quiz question asked what date Christmas falls on. I didn’t know, and this hurt my score. As an adult, I view things differently; scoring a bit lower on a quiz … Continue reading