Having just arrived back home from vacation, it’s time to finally document the goings on at our latest American Renaissance conference. Earlier, I wrote that one of the protesters had claimed that the Kansas City shooter was affiliated with American Renaissance. Here’s the video to prove it. Listen to the guy with the beard toward the end:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3DQQx21TZg&w=560&h=315]
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All of those protesters (probably paid to protest by the SPLC) are fat, ugly and unhappy looking. Interesting.
Thanks for the video. I did a satirical article on these protestors for anyone who is interested. JAY gave me the idea about the sacrificial chicken, thanks for that!
You’re welcome. Actually, I was planning on reblogging that post of yours in the very near future. It’s funny.
Thank you, I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Please feel free to reblog it, or any other articles.
Curious to know what the general sentiment of Am Ren is towards Jews. I know that most white power groups consider them evil, but Am Ren does not appear to be in that same model.
the protesters name is preston gilmore