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Monthly Archives: December 2014
The blind side of jury duty
As required by law, I answered my jury summons today. They packed us into a large waiting room, equipped with a few magazines, a coffee machine – and several big-screen TVs strategically located for easy viewing. After explaining how to … Continue reading
Clear evidence of CNN's anti-white bias
If you read CNN’s account of the interview with Brazilian serial killer, Sailson Jose das Gracas, you’ll see no mention of any racial angle to his crimes. It’s never pointed out that his victims were white, nor that he specifically … Continue reading
Justice for Quattro
In an earlier post, I suggested that blacks, overall, show less mercy toward animals than do whites. The case of Quattro the cat, who was cruelly killed by three black kids, illustrates my point. It’s not so much that it was … Continue reading
Why the West Rules – For Now
A while back, a commenter wrote: Our cultures are all at various levels of development, for a variety of reasons, (none of them being genetic- read “why the west rules”, by head professor at Staford), and everyone has unique genetic … Continue reading