Some of the other tourists I spoke to in Ethiopia described Lalibela as the highlight of their trip. I’m not sure this currently applies to me, but I may have second thoughts.
I think what impressed the other tourists most about Lalibela is the architecture; the fact that its 11 famous churches were all carved out of solid rock. Whenever I travel, I find myself drawn to architecture. I end up taking numerous photos of both primitive traditional huts, and of grandiose cathedrals. Both of these, and everything in between, fascinate me.
And yet it wasn’t the churches themselves that most drew my attention; it was the worshipers who populated them. Their presence, and their devotion, overshadowed the structures themselves. I had the good fortune of visiting during one of the Ethiopian Orthodox holidays, so there were throngs of people.
They reminded me of Orthodox Jews in Israel, of whom I was one. (post edited/shortened on 03/31/15). In any event, I thought it was a beautiful thing, so I took many photos.
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So are you saying you were once Orthodox and now you’re not?
Yes, when I lived in Israel I was observant. Over the years, I’ve drifted away from that lifestyle.
A lot of interesting things are in store of Israel, and the region in
general. Look for Egypt to take over all of North Africa. Look
for Iran to turn nice. The Israel/Iran relationship is NOT as bad as it
seems. Bibi ” protestive too much.”
Prophecy takes a long time to come into affect, but IT does.
“A day with God is a thousand years.”
“…. Look for Egypt to take over all of North Africa. Look
for Iran to turn nice…..”
If only. But how do you know this?
Egypt will take over North Africa to quell Islamic extremism.
ISIS is far more spread out then people know. They will even attack
Southern Europe.
Egypt will be as powerful as the U.S. or Russia is.
The U.S. is finished. The goal is to genocide the white male and to
sexually enslave the white female. A steady supply of white females can
be supplied through artifical insemination. The current cultural climate
with it’s fantasies and false accusations is laying the framework:
Exterminate the white male but “perserve” the white female. In the
void, other countries will rise up. People will engage in vile sexual activites
23 hours out of 24.
Iran is the “secret” friend of Israel. The relationship between Iran and Israel,is simular to a scene from “Viva Las Vegas. Israel is Elvis. He is
smitten with Ann Margert(Iran.) He tries to woo her. She wants no part of him.
He sings, “The lady loves me, she just doesn’t know it yet. ”
She screws up her face and says, “Not in this lifetime, Buster!”
He persists and she ultimately pushes him in the pool.
The DO end up together. That’s how it will be between Israel and Iran.
How do I know it? Because the Bible tells me so.