I've been thinking about suicide

… but that post didn’t work out, so I’m writing about homosexuals instead.
It seems an athlete named Steward Butler has been accused of attacking two men who were kissing each other. Butler is being charged with a hate-crime.
This got me thinking. We sometimes read about attacks on homosexuals, by heterosexuals, but rarely do we read about instances where homosexuals attack heterosexuals – and I’m beginning to appreciate why people use the terms “gay” and “straight”; “homosexual” and “heterosexual” are long words, and they’re cumbersome. So “gay” and “straight” it will be!
For the record, I’m very much straight – but I sometimes wish I were gay; life would be so much easier. Companionship would come easy. For most of my adult life, until I started getting visibly old, gay men have found me very attractive. This attraction sometimes manifested itself in weird and scary ways.
I was once attacked by a gay kid, who was a bit older than me, in school. I didn’t understand his motivations at the time, and there was no nudity or obvious molestation. But thinking back, it’s now obvious what was driving him.
Then there was the time, in my earlier childhood, when a couple of gay neighbor kids tried to get myself, and my brothers, naked for them. If anything is “creepy,” that was it.
I almost hit a guy on a beach in Israel, when he ogled me, and stalked me, a bit too aggressively. He actually followed me around in the water, staring at me with those wide, sickening, eyes. Disgusting.
A few years ago, I was showering at a gym (in one of those private stalls that have textured glass dividing it from the other stalls), when the guy in the neighboring stall, stuck his face right up against the glass, at a “strategic height,” and wouldn’t take his eyes off me as I showered. Then one of his friends actually opened the door to my stall and entered it with me still in it! I was out of there in a flash. I complained to management, but there was nothing they could do about it.
A lot of guys, had they had the same experiences I did, would definitely have violent impulses toward gays. It makes me wonder how many perpetrators of anti-gay attacks, instead of being “closet gays,” as the Left would have us believe, are actually experiencing some sort of post traumatic stress syndrome, whereby gay activity reminds them of abuses they had suffered (from gays) in the past.
Why don’t we read about such attacks in the press? I’m sure that part of it is media bias in favor of gays. But another factor may be the hesitation most straight men have about telling others how they were victimized by gays. It’s a humiliating experience, and it’s hard to talk about. Perhaps even harder to write about it on a blog for all the world to see.
So here’s my message to the Press: Don’t be so quick to use the term “homophobic.” A “phobia” is an unreasonable fear, and there’s nothing unreasonable about not wanting to be a target of gay aggressiveness.

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34 Responses to I've been thinking about suicide

  1. Satis says:

    Written in your usual polite manner, but to the point.
    These days if you refuse to perform oral sex on a gay guy you are considered to be homophobic.
    It is all just plain stupid.

    • art says:

      Seems that way just like if a gang of feral negro yoofs (savages) attack an kill your family and you fight back or better yet ill the beasts you have committed the highest of hate crimes. But if you look the other way and sigh “oh well we deserve it because of white privilege you are a good citizen and supportive of our multicult future in hell

  2. mikegre2014 says:

    Good post. It took a lot of balls to write that. 😉

  3. Peter says:

    Committing suicide or writing about it?

  4. In my view, there is a difference between being homosexual and being “gay”. Gay is a uniform that “gay leadership” (Dan Savage among other repulsive excuses for humanity) expect us to vote a certain way, think a certain way, flounce about wearing our homosexuality on our sleeve, and to be aggressively “out”.
    I am homosexual. Plain and simple. I don’t follow the leaders. I do not vote leftist. I do not ogle others in the gym showers or locker room; that’s just plain good manners. 18th and Castro is not my style, nor are drag shows. (I fully admit to liking early Broadway tunes, though!).
    What you experienced is way out of line, and even though I play for the other team I’d have complained to management as well, or taken even further, more direct action.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Maybe you can come up with a shorter word for “homosexual” that doesn’t have the same connotations as “gay.”

      • -shrug- It never occurred to me to try. I’m just me.

      • Peter says:

        Queer is good, already existing and wasted anyway. Gay is much too decent a word for them. Pity they contaminated it so much that it became unusable. Can’t let another good, new word go down the toilet because of them.

      • CS says:

        For homosexuals with an attitude, why not “bugger”, originally denoting a heretic, specifically an Albigensian, .according to the Oxford Dictionary [from Middle Dutch, from Old French bougre ‘heretic’, from medieval Latin Bulgarus ‘Bulgarian’, particularly one belonging to the Orthodox Church and therefore regarded as a heretic by the Roman Church. The sense ‘sodomite’ (16th century) arose from an association of heresy with forbidden sexual practices.]
        The sexual libertinism, views about marriage, and feminism of our time resemble the Albigensian heresy, according to Stephen Krason:
        “While the Albigensians considered sex an “inherent evil,” it seems as if it was not so much sex per se that they rejected but the proper context for it. They utterly rejected marriage, mostly because it meant bringing children into the world. Pregnancy for them was diabolical. Their confusion about sexual matters made them believe that marriage was worse than fornication and adultery. In our time, people don’t quite make this claim, but marriage has become irrelevant as the condition for engaging in sexual activity and no judgment is made about the morality of almost any sexual practices.”
        There is a significant rate of sex chromosome abnormality in the human population — several percent, which strongly suggests a genetic component rather than an inherent decadence in the unconventional sexual preference of at least a significant minority of the population. To those people, should surely be extended the right to live their lives as they choose, provided they do so discreetly and without harm to others.

  5. Lon Spector says:

    Homosexuals generally have a “feel” about the presence of other
    Homosexuals or whether a person has engaged in Homosexual
    activity, willingly or unwillingly. They call it “Gaydor.”
    I knew an abused boy who was frequently accosted by queers, and
    he sad it happened more often then Heteroxsexual passes.

  6. The title of this post got my attention! I think you made an excellent point. The media wants us to believe that anyone who doesn’t approve of homosexuality is a closeted homosexual who hates himself and others like him. For the most part I think this argument is contrived. Nothing will stop people from condemning homosexuality like accusing the one doing the condemning of being homosexual himself! I don’t doubt that there are some homosexuals who do hate themselves, but I think they are increasingly rare in the Western world.
    My own position on homosexuality is this. Homosexuality is unnatural and unhealthy. Sometimes it is caused by a biological defect, other times it is psychological in nature or even political. For example, there are female feminists who openly state that they chose to become Lesbians. There are also male victims of homosexual abuse, who imagine that that abuse may make them homosexual themselves. Acts and lifestyles commonly associated with male homosexuality are unhealthy and even deadly. Homosexuality should be stigmatized as wrong and unhealthy, and homosexual acts should be illegal.
    Do I hate homosexuals? My position is much more nuanced than the Left would like. I definitely dislike the kind of homosexuals who march in parades or demand that I consider their lifestyle equal with a heterosexual marriage, or who claim a right to adopt children. I also despise homosexuals who are promiscuous, vulgar, and demand tolerance and respect loudly and obnoxiously. I think homosexuals who would sexually abuse others should be put to death in an ideal world, but I think the same for heterosexuals as well. I don’t hate homosexuals who simply have the misfortune of being homosexual by birth or individuals who think they are homosexual, because a homosexual abused them in the past. I actually have genuine compassion and pity for them. Because I feel sorry for them, I think they should be warned about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle.
    I do oppose homosexuality, but to say that means that I hate all homosexuals is dishonestly simplistic. The popular culture does the same thing with race. If you dislike many members of a particular racial group, they will insist you hate “ALL” of them. If you say you hate “lower class” blacks or blacks who are part of the criminal ghetto culture, they will insist you believe that each and every black person is bad, and that you have ill will toward all of them. I think that smarter liberals know perfectly well that not everyone who disapproves of homosexual hates all homosexuals. They make this claim to set up a straw man to attack. On the other hand, I also think that many liberals are simply too stupid to understand nuances of opinion in these matters. Perhaps they are so black and white in their own views that they really imagine that no one else could have a nuanced view.

    • Stan d Mute says:

      Yes! In more succinct terms, I hate them for the content of their character whether thuggish stupid ghetto negroes or militant homo advocates. The homos insist we embrace them despite the outrageous public health consequences of their sodomy. They insist we allow them unfettered access to young boys (ie Boy Scouts) despite millennia of evidence of homo pederasty.
      If you’re gay, keep it to yourself. Deal with the fact that your behavior is repugnant to many and you endanger the health of yourself and everyone around you. Your desire for sodomy doesn’t entitle you to endanger me or my family. And when you do endanger us, you have forfeited your right to life and liberty.
      The dull witted negro is no different. If he stumbles through life content with whatever he can honestly earn and refrains from violent behavior then I hold no malice toward him. When he demands my labor to support him and threatens me with violence or disease then his right to life and liberty is vacated.
      Unfortunately, with both negroes and homos, groupthink and solidarity appear to ensure that tolerance is a failed strategy. Such a small fraction of each group is able to live without anti-social behavior and to actively oppose anti-social behavior that we must deal with them as a group. Exile seems like the only rational strategy.

  7. missattempts says:

    A sickening abomination.

  8. Erik Sieven says:

    I think the most violent person I have ever seen in real life was a young lesbian woman. It was in the subway, she was provoking people with extremely aggressive sexual statements. One guy was silly enough to answer in a indignant way. Then a companion of the lesbian women attacked him, when the guy was controlled by the companion the lesbian women beat him from behind with a heavy beer bottle on the head

  9. icareviews says:

    “rarely do we read about instances where homosexuals attack heterosexuals”
    No, they just become priests and rabbis and molest heterosexuals’ children. The gay assault on straights is panoramic and non-conventional, though, and not a matter of overtly brutish behavior. It’s principally a psychological war, which is why so many straights are slow to perceive the threat that gays represent to their society. The attack is arguably physical and biological, too, in the biohazard it represents. AIDS is a danger to any number of people who never engage in promiscuous sex or needle abuse. The cost their sickening presence represents to the world is incalculable.

  10. missattempts says:

    What’s your opinion about Catilan Jenner? That’s one thing I can’t
    tie the Jews to.

  11. missattempts says:

    There’s not even 6 degrees of seperation between murderous
    O.J., the Kardashian whores, and “Brucine.”
    The objective is to destroy western civilization. Who’s that Speaker of
    the House who announced for President today, who said he’d welcome
    this freak into the Republican party?
    A society as depraved as this is beyond redemption.

  12. ryu238 says:

    “I was once attacked by a gay kid, who was a bit older than me, in school. I didn’t understand his motivations at the time, and there was no nudity or obvious molestation. But thinking back, it’s now obvious what was driving him.
    Then there was the time, in my earlier childhood, when a couple of gay neighbor kids tried to get myself, and my brothers, naked for them. If anything is “creepy,” that was it.
    I almost hit a guy on a beach in Israel, when he ogled me, and stalked me, a bit too aggressively. He actually followed me around in the water, staring at me with those wide, sickening, eyes. Disgusting.
    A few years ago, I was showering at a gym (in one of those private stalls that have textured glass dividing it from the other stalls), when the guy in the neighboring stall, stuck his face right up against the glass, at a “strategic height,” and wouldn’t take his eyes off me as I showered. Then one of his friends actually opened the door to my stall and entered it with me still in it! I was out of there in a flash. I complained to management, but there was nothing they could do about it.” OK…now provide doumentary evidence of this happening please.

  13. Pingback: Should Homosexuality be Considered "Normal?" - JewamongyouJewamongyou

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