Amren 2016 kickoff

Well folks, I’ve made it to the Amren conference in Tennessee, and it’s off to an impressive start.

The first thing I noticed is the large number of attendees; this place is PACKED! The second thing I’ve noticed is the large number of young people in attendance. I’d say that the younger crowd is at least equal in number to the geezers (including yours truly).

Jared Taylor’s opening speech was, as can be expected, spectacular. He asked that everybody for whom this is their first Amren conference raise their hands. It looked like around 30 people raised their hands – and practically all of them were twenty-somethings. Many of them are women, though men still outnumber women by a large margin.

Red Ice had put together a humorous video contrasting the Alt-Right movement with cuckservatives/leftists. It had us roaring with laughter. Here it is:


It’s been nice to see old friends, and to make new ones. It’s a very friendly, and interesting, crowd. People are here from all over the country, and the world.

I’ll try to post updates tomorrow, after the speakers are done. But I may be too busy partying at one of the villas 🙂

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6 Responses to Amren 2016 kickoff

  1. Cannot Tell says:

    I wish I could be there! You’re not the only friend that I have who’s in attendance. I’m so happy to hear that the place is packed and that a lot of young people and women are there.

  2. Jack Ryan says:

    Great to meet you here at Amren

    It was the best ever Amren conference

    Jack Ryan
    Occidental Dissent

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