I haven’t been posting much, partly due to the fact that it’s summer here, and there are few places on Earth as good to be as Oregon during the summer. But also because I’ve been busy with social stuff, such as friends and family.
One such individual, who counts as both friend and family, is Aryeh. I promised him I’d dedicate a post to him.
Firstly, I’d like to congratulate the UK for their effort in turning the tide against imperialism, and voting to secede from the abomination called the “European Union.” I hope they don’t give in to pressure from the Establishment Left and have another referendum. I also hope they follow up and do what is absolutely necessary to save their countries: Expel as many foreigners as possible and curtail their birthrates. Demographics is destiny, and a people cannot control its own destiny (cannot have self-determination) if it’s dominated by foreigners. Find a place in Africa, or Asia, that will take them and relocate the foreign masses. If that doesn’t work, then mandatory sterilization should be implemented. Is this cruel and inhumane? Perhaps, but the blame should be laid at the feet of the Establishment Left, which brought about this sad state of affairs to begin with.
Secondly, I’d like to ridicule that same Establishment Left for allowing thousands of potentially violent Muslims into the US, doing everything they could to disarm law-abiding Americans – and then having the audacity to blame gun-rights people for the massacre in Orlando, which was perpetrated by a gay-hating Muslim, a product of their own insane immigration policies.
On the topic of Muslims, I found some very well-done (if somewhat vulgar) animations on Youtube about Islam:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQBgrUObbHw&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJAL6xgViqg&w=560&h=315]
The normal response to such accusations against Islam involves citing their behavior in the West, and quoting Qur’anic verses that contradict such accusations. But I say let’s ignore all that; let’s judge Muslims (and other religions/demographics) by what they do when they’re in charge. Let’s judge them by actions that are sanctioned by Islamic organizations (within majority Muslim countries) and authorities.
Most Westerners don’t know the first thing about Islam, and the apolgists for Islam
are counting on that. You see the only thing the Democrats want is to increase their
voting rolls. They could care less about the survival of this country. They are
destroying this country in the name of “equality” and “fairness.” They are using the
satanic rulebook.
Unfortunately, the RINO Republicans were no different.
In the aftermath of September 11th, then President Bush said that the “Highjackers,
highjacked Islam, and that Islam means peace.” On the contrary, Islam means
submission. Submission to God.
If in someone’s distrorted mind submission to God means committing atrocities, they
will be more then happy to do it.
I also hope they follow up and do what is absolutely necessary to save their countries: Expel as many foreigners as possible and curtail their birthrates. Demographics is destiny, and a people cannot control its own destiny (cannot have self-determination) if it’s dominated by foreigners. Find a place in Africa, or Asia, that will take them and relocate the foreign masses. If that doesn’t work, then mandatory sterilization should be implemented. Is this cruel and inhumane? Perhaps, but the blame should be laid at the feet of the Establishment Left, which brought about this sad state of affairs to begin with.
I agree with you, but would add that Britain has to, in addition to this, clearly recognize that Britain exists for the British people, White European people of several ethnic groups, and nobody else has a claim to it. As long as nonsense of multi-racialism is payed lip service to while praying that outgroup doesn’t out-bread your own people you don’t have a serious country.
Revoke citizenship for everyone, make them reapply, approve those whose ancestors generations back were British and deport everyone else.
“If that doesn’t work, then mandatory sterilization should be implemented.”
You were joking, weren’t you?
I’ll be mad at Israel for the next 500 years for they sterilized Ethiopian 70-IQ Jews, but I’d be mad all the same if anybody in the West came up with this idea.
Come on.
Expelling them? Good. Closing borders? Very good. Sterilization? I’m trying to believe you were joking (or in a fit of anger).
If the invaders choose to stay, and don’t avail themselves of the other options put in front of them, then their birthrates MUST be curtailed. Otherwise, the white man will be doomed in his own native lands. What’s the alternative? Stand by and watch while non-whites destroy us by outbreeding us?