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Monthly Archives: August 2016
What to do with fragments?
It’s a question I’ve grappled with for years. I’ve got a few more-or-less complete manuscript Hebrew books, but also a bundle of manuscript fragments, or severely damaged manuscript books. Their monetary value is minimal, but they’re still interesting to look … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
Tagged Hebrew manuscripts, Judeo-Arabic, Yemenite manuscripts
Is mental illness a “social construct?”
If I wrote about every example of leftist stupidity I encountered, I’d have to spend all my time publishing new posts to this blog. I do have better things to do, but once in a while, I see one that’s … Continue reading
Even OMSI is Afrocentric now
My daughter and grandson have been in town visiting, and I found myself taking care of the little one so that my daughter could have a break from him. We ended up at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). … Continue reading
Update on Michael Strickland
When I took my concealed carry class recently, I also became a member of the Oregon Firearms Federation. Hence, I receive regular news articles from them. One of them concerns a matter I’ve already written about: The plight of Michael Strickland. … Continue reading
Posted in activism, guns and gun-control