What to do with fragments?

It’s a question I’ve grappled with for years. I’ve got a few more-or-less complete manuscript Hebrew books, but also a bundle of manuscript fragments, or severely damaged manuscript books. Their monetary value is minimal, but they’re still interesting to look at. Especially the older ones.

I’ve been thinking that some people might be willing to buy individual pages. They can have them framed and hang them on their wall. It would make a unique piece of art, or conversation piece. I would charge from maybe $2 – $5 a page plus shipping (which would be essentially the price of a postage stamp and a suitable envelope in the US.

It’s not so much that I need the money; it’s disrespectful to throw them away, and other people might value them more than I.

Here are a few samples. Please tell me what you think.

This one’s probably from Morocco. It looks like some prayers for Yom Kippur, and I’d guess it was written some time in the 19th century.



From Yemen. A page from the laws of oaths and vows.


From Yemen. A page from the “Taj:” The Arabic translation of the Torah by R. Sa’adyah Ga’on.


Confessions to be recited on Yom Kippur. Probably from North Africa. Maybe 100 years old.


The poetic conclusion of a (unknown) book. From Yemen.


A fairly recent Yemenite prayer for Yom Kippur.


The final page of a book on the laws of Priestly gifts. Yemen.


From Yemen. Opening page from a volume on the laws of ritual slaughter, with the commentary “Zebhah Todah.”


A random page from the Laws of Ritual Slaughter. Yemen.


Yemen. Another couple of pages from the Laws of Ritual Slaughter.


Yemen. Prayers for the night of Yom Kippur.



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6 Responses to What to do with fragments?

  1. Lon Spector says:

    It’s ALL excess baggage-NOW.
    We are in the “Times of the Gentiles.” Gentile nations have world domination.
    Jesus Christ brought “The Law” to conclusion. He became the “sacraficial lamb.”
    There is no need to follow these onerous and impossible-to-keep-laws.
    True enough, the Bible does say that when the Messiah comes THE WHOLE WORLD will
    be compelled to follow these Laws, but it is not time yet. We’ve got (at least) 200 years of
    history to go.
    The world map has to change. The Temple has to be rebuilt. And we have to go through the
    7 year build up leading to Christ’s (The Messiah’s) return.
    We are in the age of grace now. Just BELIEVE. Salvation through GRACE and a changed heart.
    Yes, burn the manuscripts. They take up unnessasary space.

  2. sestamibi says:

    (rolls eyes).

    If I recall correctly, any scrap of paper with God’s name on it can never be destroyed under Jewish law. If that’s the case and you can bear to part with them, then it makes great sense to sell them to those who would appreciate them for their intrinsic value. Try it on eBay and see what happens.

  3. SFG says:

    Seriously, dude, some banker in Scarsdale or Newton who wants to ‘get in touch with his roots’ might pay $$$ for those scraps of paper if properly laminated and authenticated.

    You might also see if some Jewish museum in your area might be willing to negotiate; some of them might be rare, or might have some unusual Hebrew script, or something similar.

  4. Sol R says:

    Not sure how to reach out to you, but i live in israel and might be able to help you sell them.

  5. Peter Johnson says:

    You are doing the right thing, in my opinion. I am not Jewish or would be purchasing one, I imagine. Each of these precious artifacts belongs with someone who appreciates it. You did a service in collecting them. Are you certain that they are all genuine?

    • jewamongyou says:

      I’m sure they’re genuine. Nobody would go through the trouble of putting worm holes into individual pages of manuscripts that have little monetary value. Thanks for your support; I’ve already had a couple of people interested in purchasing some.

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